handwritten letter postmarked January 17, 1937
128 Pierce St.
Coalinga Calif.
Jan. 16, 1937
(two months from today I'll be 20-just in case you've forgotten)
Dear Lee----
I was very glad to get your letter today but worried because I didn't get one from the folks. I guess I'm even with them now (on the worrying question, I mean)
Between committee meetings to plan our SS class party (It's to be a Taffy Pull) and BY Rally's and classes and taking car of ornery little boys my time seems to be pretty well filled.
The weather here is just grand again. Sunshine all day long and the hills are just beginning to turn green (sort of a cool breeze blowing though)
Who has the apartments you are figuring on? Hope you get the job. Congrats! on the getting the Scroggins Markee.
The way you go to sleep at your work makes me wonder if you really have been going to bed early nites. Come on, 'fess up! I'll tell you right now that I get to bed before midnight about two or three times a week. Oh! No, I guess it's generally oftener than that & I never get up before 8 so that's not so bad, huh?
Didn't I tell you California was a good place to get work? Willard is another example.
The Rally last night in Selma was grand! Rev. Pearson gave the main address on "Flaming Youth" and Boy! did he say a thing or two. He's one of these guys that doesn't think the younger generation's going to the Bow-wow's. One of his illustrations was that of a young lover who wrote a letter to his beloved telling her how wonderful she was. He said, "I'd go through fire & water for you. Yes, truly I would!" and then later "P.S I'll see you Sunday if it doesn't rain." Rev. Pearson said that's the way we are. We say, "I'll do whatever you want me to do, Lord, anything." then we add a P.S. He held the audience spell-bound for 45 minutes and it only seemed like 10. In other words, we all enjoyed him immensely and felt decidedly inspired after hearing him. Well, my sheet is nearly gone and it is nearly 11 o'clock so I guess I"ll hop into bed and dream sweet dreams.
P.S. Have you heard the song--"Every time it rains, it rain pennies from heaven"? I wish some would fall in my direction.
Letters sent to and from my parents, Sarah Elizabeth "Betty" McClain and Lowell Lee Scott, beginning in 1936. Lee, 22 years old, was beginning a plumbing business in Lebanon, Oregon. Betty, 19, was off to live with a family friend in California and attend community college. These are transcribed from their actual letters,
Handwritten letter postmarked January 18, 1937
Sunday 9:30 PM
Dear Bet,
Sunday night and all is well. I hope you are over your illness. You mother said she was afraid it might be appendicitis. I have a pain in my stomach this evening but the CE had their business meeting and potluck dinner after church this morning and I think I ate too much. It might be possible--not probable.
Dad and I went to Sweet Home this afternoon and collected from Myrle McCready but failed to get any money from Johnson for his furnace and eave trough jobs. Stopped at Peter Whitakers but he was broke too. I may always have something coming.
Gee, I'll tell you a joke on me. Last night I took my bath and came to bed soon after nine o'clock. I planned to write a line to you. I started to read your letter. I think I finished it but at 2 o'clock I woke up with a start and the light was burning. Please don't get the idea from this that your letters are uninteresting for I read them several times.
Friday right after dinner I planned to go to Portland to take in a Banquet and Lead wiping contest. Well, the Mt. States Salesman sold the Hospital girls a dishwasher but fortunately they let me off if I would get it in Saturday afternoon. About three twenty Marvin and I finally left town. We stopped at Orins and made arrangements for our beds and then on out to the banquet at Inverness Golf Club Grill Room out on 117th Ave and Sandy Blvd. $1.50 a plate. A very nice meal--roast pork, spuds & gravy, green peas, lettuce and tomatoe salad, pickles, olives and celery and coffee and pie. After we had eaten awhile they emptied our glasses and filled them with beer. We refused the first waitress and when the second one pestered us Marvin said let her fill our glasses and then maybe they will let us alone, which they did. There was plenty of bottled liquor there, too.
After everyone had eaten (I imagine there were about three hundred there) they took out most of the tables and gave us a floor show. Oh yes before this they introduced the main figures, inspector, etc. and a Mr. Fletcher told of some of his experiences in Africa and Ethiopia which were very interesting. He killed a crocodile that weighed about two tons and the natives dressed it. After they had it cut up one suggested that they look in its stomach which they did and found twenty pieces of women's jewelry so they threw the meat into the Congo because they did not want to have the spirits of the women in them.
The floor show consisted of two no. by the 4 Portland Rose Buds (Dancing) two no. by a couple of dancers and a tumbling act by a trio of boys which was excellent, a trio from under the big tent put on an act in which they performed on a large Ball--juggling, skipping rope and even balancing the ball and rolling it up on a plank and down some steps. The champion fiddler of the US gave us a couple of numbers. After this they had the lead wiping contest three master Plumbers and three journeyman plumbers.
Marvin and I took in the Oregonian Building. Saw how pictures are made for the paper. Got to bed about 3:30. Had breakfast at six and then went to the Electrical foundry and saw a blast furnace in operation and saw them pour the molten iron. All in all a very interesting trip. Here's hoping you have the best of luck with your exams.
Sunday 9:30 PM
Dear Bet,
Sunday night and all is well. I hope you are over your illness. You mother said she was afraid it might be appendicitis. I have a pain in my stomach this evening but the CE had their business meeting and potluck dinner after church this morning and I think I ate too much. It might be possible--not probable.
Dad and I went to Sweet Home this afternoon and collected from Myrle McCready but failed to get any money from Johnson for his furnace and eave trough jobs. Stopped at Peter Whitakers but he was broke too. I may always have something coming.
Gee, I'll tell you a joke on me. Last night I took my bath and came to bed soon after nine o'clock. I planned to write a line to you. I started to read your letter. I think I finished it but at 2 o'clock I woke up with a start and the light was burning. Please don't get the idea from this that your letters are uninteresting for I read them several times.
Friday right after dinner I planned to go to Portland to take in a Banquet and Lead wiping contest. Well, the Mt. States Salesman sold the Hospital girls a dishwasher but fortunately they let me off if I would get it in Saturday afternoon. About three twenty Marvin and I finally left town. We stopped at Orins and made arrangements for our beds and then on out to the banquet at Inverness Golf Club Grill Room out on 117th Ave and Sandy Blvd. $1.50 a plate. A very nice meal--roast pork, spuds & gravy, green peas, lettuce and tomatoe salad, pickles, olives and celery and coffee and pie. After we had eaten awhile they emptied our glasses and filled them with beer. We refused the first waitress and when the second one pestered us Marvin said let her fill our glasses and then maybe they will let us alone, which they did. There was plenty of bottled liquor there, too.
After everyone had eaten (I imagine there were about three hundred there) they took out most of the tables and gave us a floor show. Oh yes before this they introduced the main figures, inspector, etc. and a Mr. Fletcher told of some of his experiences in Africa and Ethiopia which were very interesting. He killed a crocodile that weighed about two tons and the natives dressed it. After they had it cut up one suggested that they look in its stomach which they did and found twenty pieces of women's jewelry so they threw the meat into the Congo because they did not want to have the spirits of the women in them.
The floor show consisted of two no. by the 4 Portland Rose Buds (Dancing) two no. by a couple of dancers and a tumbling act by a trio of boys which was excellent, a trio from under the big tent put on an act in which they performed on a large Ball--juggling, skipping rope and even balancing the ball and rolling it up on a plank and down some steps. The champion fiddler of the US gave us a couple of numbers. After this they had the lead wiping contest three master Plumbers and three journeyman plumbers.
Marvin and I took in the Oregonian Building. Saw how pictures are made for the paper. Got to bed about 3:30. Had breakfast at six and then went to the Electrical foundry and saw a blast furnace in operation and saw them pour the molten iron. All in all a very interesting trip. Here's hoping you have the best of luck with your exams.
handwritten letter postmarked January 20, 1937
Dear Bet,
One of those pictures you were telling me about will be just the thing for up here at the office. Yes, I have been spending a little time up here this evening. It is now twenty till ten and I soon shall head for home. This cold weather has made lots of work, Bills, etc. but not much money. I surely need a collector. The weather has been so bad that Dad does not venture out and the bills are adding up. Gee, there is by far the largest number I have ever had.
I haven't asked the folks but I am sure they would be delighted with one of your pictures.
I was over and visited with Ray -Bades hired man this evening and got some pointers on how to run my business. Very interesting and of course I believe everything that he says.
Oh, yes and we laid the sewer today for the house that Bade is supposed to move into. I don't think that Bade will ever move only out of town. At present he is supposed to be very sick with a cold. He has been for better than a week. I sorta doubt whether he ever shows up around the shop much more. They have the theater pretty well along. Carl Jenkins was supposed to go to work for them today and Al Gepford is trying to buy the sheet metal part of the shop.
Geo Skinner and his helpers started the frame for the marque on Ralph Scroggins Building today.
Good night
9:06 PM
Dear Bet
Just returned from the city council meeting. After I started the marquee they notified me that I had to have a permit to do the work. Well, now I have it!!!!!
Answers to questions --Ashton or something like that is the name of the man figuring on the apartments. Just across the street from Bakers Furniture exchange. The Build is built, it used to be a blacksmith shop. No, I haven't heard that song but would like to see it at reality!!
Oh yes these are from your letter which I received today. Glad to hear you enjoyed a good talk.
Joe Mayers was in this evening and said to figure what the material for his building (the roof on the Express Building) and get it painted and ready to put on the first good spell of weather we have. Maybe we will get to the measuring of it. It will be made up of sheets of metal 14X20 or 20X26" square and each one folded on all four sides and soldered all the way around. Each sheet will receive two coats of paint on the underside before it is laid. That will be a job for Dad. We'll have something to work at during stormy weather, etc.
Saw Eldon Sunday --things seem to be quite alright with him. It takes him a long time to see the lady friend home. The folks were waiting for him. My! My! He says Kate is keeping him busy now as George is away taking treatments for his side and that leaves him all the work to do!
When did you say your birthday was? P.S. Don't tell me!!
I guess I have run down or out or something. Good night,
P.S. Visited with your father Sunday. He surely seems congenial. Told me the coils worked better since the freeze.
Dear Bet,
One of those pictures you were telling me about will be just the thing for up here at the office. Yes, I have been spending a little time up here this evening. It is now twenty till ten and I soon shall head for home. This cold weather has made lots of work, Bills, etc. but not much money. I surely need a collector. The weather has been so bad that Dad does not venture out and the bills are adding up. Gee, there is by far the largest number I have ever had.
I haven't asked the folks but I am sure they would be delighted with one of your pictures.
I was over and visited with Ray -Bades hired man this evening and got some pointers on how to run my business. Very interesting and of course I believe everything that he says.
Oh, yes and we laid the sewer today for the house that Bade is supposed to move into. I don't think that Bade will ever move only out of town. At present he is supposed to be very sick with a cold. He has been for better than a week. I sorta doubt whether he ever shows up around the shop much more. They have the theater pretty well along. Carl Jenkins was supposed to go to work for them today and Al Gepford is trying to buy the sheet metal part of the shop.
Geo Skinner and his helpers started the frame for the marque on Ralph Scroggins Building today.
Good night
9:06 PM
Dear Bet
Just returned from the city council meeting. After I started the marquee they notified me that I had to have a permit to do the work. Well, now I have it!!!!!
Answers to questions --Ashton or something like that is the name of the man figuring on the apartments. Just across the street from Bakers Furniture exchange. The Build is built, it used to be a blacksmith shop. No, I haven't heard that song but would like to see it at reality!!
Oh yes these are from your letter which I received today. Glad to hear you enjoyed a good talk.
Joe Mayers was in this evening and said to figure what the material for his building (the roof on the Express Building) and get it painted and ready to put on the first good spell of weather we have. Maybe we will get to the measuring of it. It will be made up of sheets of metal 14X20 or 20X26" square and each one folded on all four sides and soldered all the way around. Each sheet will receive two coats of paint on the underside before it is laid. That will be a job for Dad. We'll have something to work at during stormy weather, etc.
Saw Eldon Sunday --things seem to be quite alright with him. It takes him a long time to see the lady friend home. The folks were waiting for him. My! My! He says Kate is keeping him busy now as George is away taking treatments for his side and that leaves him all the work to do!
When did you say your birthday was? P.S. Don't tell me!!
I guess I have run down or out or something. Good night,
P.S. Visited with your father Sunday. He surely seems congenial. Told me the coils worked better since the freeze.
typed and handwritten letter postmarked January 20, 1937
Tuesday nite
Dearly (dear Lee)--
Yes, I 'm still alive after taking the Math. final. Oh, Boy! Writing problems for three hours and then not doing all of the them makes one feel as though they had done something. The worst is yet to come though. Friday I take my finals in physics and if I live through that I'll be going some.
Mom was saying that there is some Scarlet Fever up your way. Don't you go and get it I'd hate to have to come up there and take care of you.
I was talking to Mr. Frasier today about my classes and he says he doesn't think that I can take enough things next semester to get my Associate of Arts degree and transfer to Fresno State. If I can't I'm going to drop the subjects I'm taking this semester and take all (or as much as I can) commerce. I don't feel like my Physics, etc. are going to do my much good when I set out to earn a living and I think Commerce might.
Has it warmed up yet? The weather is just about right here now. Warm enough to keep you from freezing to death and cool enough to make you feel brisk.
I really haven't anything to say but I had my typewriter out so I thought I'd better start that letter that I'm supposed to write tomorrow. Incidentally, did I compliment you on the way you've been writing lately? I appreciately it gently. Well, the folks are trying to listen to the news so I guess I'd better stop rattling and let them listen.
Wednesday PM
I received your descriptive letter today but it sounded like it stopped before you ended. Did you go to sleep? It surely made me laugh to think of your going to sleep reading my letters. Was it that hard to figure out?
No, I don't have appendicitis. Just the flu or something I et, no doubt. Mom just likes to worry I guess. I can easily see what caused the pain in your stomach. Your Portland trip sounded interesting. Did you drink the beer? I'm jealous of Marvin. You never took me to a $1.50 per plate banquet. I'll bet you enjoyed the beautiful dancing girls.
Two years ago this next Saturday I went to a skating party. Do you know who with?
Lee, I think I'd better tell you something for if I don't someone else will and stretch it in the telling. I have been sort of going with Rowland. I saw him almost every day last week & went to Selma with him Friday night. I haven't seen him this week but probably will. Believe me when I say, I behave myself. I am too much of a lover of good times to stay at home and think only of you all the time and I know your broad-minded enough to see my point. But don't feel badly for it is just a passing fancy. I know you don't appreciate it for I wouldn't if I were in your shoes but ------well, I'm only 19 and I guess you can remember being young once yourself. In fact, I believe your not too "grown up" yet. Just don't forget that I meant all that I said while I was home.
Tuesday nite
Dearly (dear Lee)--
Yes, I 'm still alive after taking the Math. final. Oh, Boy! Writing problems for three hours and then not doing all of the them makes one feel as though they had done something. The worst is yet to come though. Friday I take my finals in physics and if I live through that I'll be going some.
Mom was saying that there is some Scarlet Fever up your way. Don't you go and get it I'd hate to have to come up there and take care of you.
I was talking to Mr. Frasier today about my classes and he says he doesn't think that I can take enough things next semester to get my Associate of Arts degree and transfer to Fresno State. If I can't I'm going to drop the subjects I'm taking this semester and take all (or as much as I can) commerce. I don't feel like my Physics, etc. are going to do my much good when I set out to earn a living and I think Commerce might.
Has it warmed up yet? The weather is just about right here now. Warm enough to keep you from freezing to death and cool enough to make you feel brisk.
I really haven't anything to say but I had my typewriter out so I thought I'd better start that letter that I'm supposed to write tomorrow. Incidentally, did I compliment you on the way you've been writing lately? I appreciately it gently. Well, the folks are trying to listen to the news so I guess I'd better stop rattling and let them listen.
Wednesday PM
I received your descriptive letter today but it sounded like it stopped before you ended. Did you go to sleep? It surely made me laugh to think of your going to sleep reading my letters. Was it that hard to figure out?
No, I don't have appendicitis. Just the flu or something I et, no doubt. Mom just likes to worry I guess. I can easily see what caused the pain in your stomach. Your Portland trip sounded interesting. Did you drink the beer? I'm jealous of Marvin. You never took me to a $1.50 per plate banquet. I'll bet you enjoyed the beautiful dancing girls.
Two years ago this next Saturday I went to a skating party. Do you know who with?
Lee, I think I'd better tell you something for if I don't someone else will and stretch it in the telling. I have been sort of going with Rowland. I saw him almost every day last week & went to Selma with him Friday night. I haven't seen him this week but probably will. Believe me when I say, I behave myself. I am too much of a lover of good times to stay at home and think only of you all the time and I know your broad-minded enough to see my point. But don't feel badly for it is just a passing fancy. I know you don't appreciate it for I wouldn't if I were in your shoes but ------well, I'm only 19 and I guess you can remember being young once yourself. In fact, I believe your not too "grown up" yet. Just don't forget that I meant all that I said while I was home.
handwritten letter postmarked January 23, 1937
Friday afternoon
Dear Lee ----
I don't know whether to laugh or cry! I'm through with my finals! In Math I got 58% which was the 4th highest in the class. I just finished Physics & I'm afraid I flunked it but if I did I believe most of the rest of the class did too. Plans are progressing for the party. The house is clean and the groceries bought. I am to make the taffy so I suppose it will be a flop but maybe it'll taste good anyway.
I had my picture taken all right but the proofs were terrible! So I'm having them retaken next week.
I wish I were there to do some collecting for you but maybe a meek little thing like I am couldn't get any money. (not enough intestinal fortitude)
Boy! was I burned up this morning. I had just vacuumed the rug when here came Paul and scattered this Easter egg greenery (do you know what I mean?) all over the rug. I tried to control myself and took the cleaner & did it all over again but I could have paddled him gladly. With so much excitement going on I'm about a nervous wreck. You can be glad you're not here for if you were I'd say something mean, I suppose. I guess I might just as well calm down tho'! Fifty years from now I'll not be able to remember there was a Physics final or a S.S. Party.
I started the pillow cases Mom gave me last night. I think they're going to be pretty. The one I started is going to be lavender, green & yellow.
I guess I won't have time to get this off tonight so I'll wait and finish it tomorrow when my thought are more collected.
Saturday PM
You old dear! What's the big idea? My birthday is two months off yet. I was very surprised and needless to say pleased to get the stationery in the beautiful box yesterday. I very proudly displayed it last night. Incidentally, our party was quit successful last night. The taffy was a success. In fact I"m sucking on a piece right now. Don't you wish you had some? I think everyone had a good time. They said they did at least. All afternoon I've been taking care of ours' & a neighbors' kids and I'm supposed to earn a quarter out of the deal. Not bad, huh?
How do you like my new stationery? My favorite kind is plain white so I'm glad you always get it. That really wasn't fair tho' giving me my birthday present so early.
I surely had a nice messy house this morning. Sticky floors! Oh Boy! I'm so tired I can hardly stand up. No, it really isn't that bad, but I'm glad the semester & the entertaining is over.
Well, it's about time for mail to go so I'll end this crazy letter. "Thanks a million" for the stationery & beautiful box.
Friday afternoon
Dear Lee ----
I don't know whether to laugh or cry! I'm through with my finals! In Math I got 58% which was the 4th highest in the class. I just finished Physics & I'm afraid I flunked it but if I did I believe most of the rest of the class did too. Plans are progressing for the party. The house is clean and the groceries bought. I am to make the taffy so I suppose it will be a flop but maybe it'll taste good anyway.
I had my picture taken all right but the proofs were terrible! So I'm having them retaken next week.
I wish I were there to do some collecting for you but maybe a meek little thing like I am couldn't get any money. (not enough intestinal fortitude)
Boy! was I burned up this morning. I had just vacuumed the rug when here came Paul and scattered this Easter egg greenery (do you know what I mean?) all over the rug. I tried to control myself and took the cleaner & did it all over again but I could have paddled him gladly. With so much excitement going on I'm about a nervous wreck. You can be glad you're not here for if you were I'd say something mean, I suppose. I guess I might just as well calm down tho'! Fifty years from now I'll not be able to remember there was a Physics final or a S.S. Party.
I started the pillow cases Mom gave me last night. I think they're going to be pretty. The one I started is going to be lavender, green & yellow.
I guess I won't have time to get this off tonight so I'll wait and finish it tomorrow when my thought are more collected.
Saturday PM
You old dear! What's the big idea? My birthday is two months off yet. I was very surprised and needless to say pleased to get the stationery in the beautiful box yesterday. I very proudly displayed it last night. Incidentally, our party was quit successful last night. The taffy was a success. In fact I"m sucking on a piece right now. Don't you wish you had some? I think everyone had a good time. They said they did at least. All afternoon I've been taking care of ours' & a neighbors' kids and I'm supposed to earn a quarter out of the deal. Not bad, huh?
How do you like my new stationery? My favorite kind is plain white so I'm glad you always get it. That really wasn't fair tho' giving me my birthday present so early.
I surely had a nice messy house this morning. Sticky floors! Oh Boy! I'm so tired I can hardly stand up. No, it really isn't that bad, but I'm glad the semester & the entertaining is over.
Well, it's about time for mail to go so I'll end this crazy letter. "Thanks a million" for the stationery & beautiful box.
handwritten letter postmarked January 26, 1937
9:20 PM
Dear Bet,
Monday night finds me listening to the rain beat down while I lay cozily here in bed. After all the flattery I received on being so good to write I never should have neglected writing but I have. I am certain you have been enjoying yourself, which I want you to do.
You ask if I drank the beer-- what do you think? When do you wish me to take you to a $1.50 plate banquet? Just because you know my weakness you don't have to rub it in about the dancing girls. Maybe there will be some banquets there that Ro or some one will take you to. Thanks for the information. So much for your letter of Tues and Wednesday.
Your letter started on a Friday was received today. Glad to hear you came out of the finals in flying colors in Math. I am sure you did the best in Physics you could. Nice to have boys around isn't it? Glad to hear your party was a success but how many were there, etc.? It is nice of you to ask me if I would like some taffy???
Thank you for the expression of kindness toward the little gift. The mirror didn't get broken in shipping??? March is quite aways away and oh well you needed some stationery before you came home, didn't you?
It seems as tho I have done nothing the last week. We got caught up on our odd jobs. The first time in a long time. Your mother said Sunday that she was putting the pieces together--worrying had ceased I suppose. I spent my evenings last week at the shop. Except Friday night I went to Sweet Home to collect some money. Got the money from Johnson for the eave trough but not the furnace. Then went to Tallman and used your parents phone. Albert Grugett and I (after the program which was very short) went to the BasketBall game. It was very one sided in Corvallis favor. Saturday night I tried my luck at collecting but did not land much. Got a haircut but paid for it.
Sunday afternoon I left for Portland. I went via Scio, Stayton and Sublimity to Silverton. Told Eastman that he could not have his money yet. Paul, Edna, Cyler (Edna's boy friend) and a friend of Pauls -he works with Paul in the mill - had been up to Silver Creek Falls and the Elderly Planks were gone. So the boys had Edna baking a pie. I stayed and visited and ate! Cyler is not a bad looking person as far as Norwegians go is what I told Edna. Paul is working again so the trail is hot to Eugene. Jane was up for a couple days las week and he is going down there next weekend. I got back from Portland about three. Had about 2600# freight this time. The metal for the roof and paint, etc.
9:20 PM
Dear Bet,
Monday night finds me listening to the rain beat down while I lay cozily here in bed. After all the flattery I received on being so good to write I never should have neglected writing but I have. I am certain you have been enjoying yourself, which I want you to do.
You ask if I drank the beer-- what do you think? When do you wish me to take you to a $1.50 plate banquet? Just because you know my weakness you don't have to rub it in about the dancing girls. Maybe there will be some banquets there that Ro or some one will take you to. Thanks for the information. So much for your letter of Tues and Wednesday.
Your letter started on a Friday was received today. Glad to hear you came out of the finals in flying colors in Math. I am sure you did the best in Physics you could. Nice to have boys around isn't it? Glad to hear your party was a success but how many were there, etc.? It is nice of you to ask me if I would like some taffy???
Thank you for the expression of kindness toward the little gift. The mirror didn't get broken in shipping??? March is quite aways away and oh well you needed some stationery before you came home, didn't you?
It seems as tho I have done nothing the last week. We got caught up on our odd jobs. The first time in a long time. Your mother said Sunday that she was putting the pieces together--worrying had ceased I suppose. I spent my evenings last week at the shop. Except Friday night I went to Sweet Home to collect some money. Got the money from Johnson for the eave trough but not the furnace. Then went to Tallman and used your parents phone. Albert Grugett and I (after the program which was very short) went to the BasketBall game. It was very one sided in Corvallis favor. Saturday night I tried my luck at collecting but did not land much. Got a haircut but paid for it.
Sunday afternoon I left for Portland. I went via Scio, Stayton and Sublimity to Silverton. Told Eastman that he could not have his money yet. Paul, Edna, Cyler (Edna's boy friend) and a friend of Pauls -he works with Paul in the mill - had been up to Silver Creek Falls and the Elderly Planks were gone. So the boys had Edna baking a pie. I stayed and visited and ate! Cyler is not a bad looking person as far as Norwegians go is what I told Edna. Paul is working again so the trail is hot to Eugene. Jane was up for a couple days las week and he is going down there next weekend. I got back from Portland about three. Had about 2600# freight this time. The metal for the roof and paint, etc.
handwritten letter postmarked January 28, 1937
Monday night
Dear Lee---
Have you ever had that feeling of "God's in His heaven, and all's right with the world?" or something? Well, that's the way I feel tonight. Maybe it's because first semester and its' "finals" are all over and I'm all registered for second semester. It took me three hours today to get registered but this is the results:
Monday, Wednesday & Friday - 8:45-9:40 History
Monday, Wednesday & Friday 11:30-12:22 American Institutions
Monday, Wednesday & Friday 1:15-2:10 Eng 461 (Hist. of Eng. Lit.)
Tuesday & Thursday 8:45-11:30 Geology
Monday night- Eng 33 (Drama)
Mon. & Wed. 4-5 Gym
This will give me an Associate of Arts degree in June with majors in Social Science and English. Do you note I have a class at 8:45 every morning? That means getting up at 7 or before. Oh, me! I am taking Geology rather than Physics not only because it will be easier (I hope) but it will fit into my program better. I am really very well pleased with the way things have worked out.
I went to bed with a sick headache last night and I guess that accounts for the crazy dream I had this morning. I dreamt that someone (I don't remember who) & you & I were riding in the Dodge and we went sailing out in space across a river. It was lots of fun so we tried it again and this time the Dodge fell in and went all to pieces and you were driving to get the parts. It was surely crazy. Let that be a lesson to you, young man. Never try to cross a river unless there is a bridge. You might make it the first time, but you're sure to fail the second.
I spoke "Spittin" for a Women's Club today. I intended to learn another but didn't get time. They seemed to enjoy "Spittin" tho!
I surely do enjoy the Walnut box (Darwin said it was walnut). I keep my sewing in it. I guess it's my "Despair Barrel". "Good-night"
Very joyfully received your letter and card today. I was rather worried when I didn't get anything yesterday but I knew you'd gone to Portland so I excused you.
There were 16 at our S.S. Class Party. If you're real good maybe Santa will bring you some taffy.
No, the mirror didn't break. It came through absolutely OK & every time I write a letter or start to sew I think of you (that's the only times, of course).
I'd surely like to have seen Cyler. Did you come back from Portland Monday afternoon?
I see by the Lebanon Express that there is a vacant apartment at 1038 Grove Street. Have Dawson's left? Maybe I should have looked it over Christmas Day? What do you think? (or what does your Dad think?)
I talked to my Physics teacher this morning and he said I got a D in Physics. I was very tickled for I was afraid it would be an F. I think I'm going to like my new subjects this semester very much. But there will plenty of work ahead.
The H.S. & J.C. bought a sound outfit for the school so this morning we saw "Don Quixote" as a talkie for only 10 cents. My scotch instinct told me to go.
Don't worry about Rowland I haven't talked to him for almost a week. I guess you know who is "tops" with me anyway.
I told you that Marjorie wrote inquiring about conditions down here, didn't I? If they decide to come maybe you can't get a job bringing them & part of their baggage. You might have Leland on your neck though.
Well, dinner is almost ready so I will end this epistle.
Monday night
Dear Lee---
Have you ever had that feeling of "God's in His heaven, and all's right with the world?" or something? Well, that's the way I feel tonight. Maybe it's because first semester and its' "finals" are all over and I'm all registered for second semester. It took me three hours today to get registered but this is the results:
Monday, Wednesday & Friday - 8:45-9:40 History
Monday, Wednesday & Friday 11:30-12:22 American Institutions
Monday, Wednesday & Friday 1:15-2:10 Eng 461 (Hist. of Eng. Lit.)
Tuesday & Thursday 8:45-11:30 Geology
Monday night- Eng 33 (Drama)
Mon. & Wed. 4-5 Gym
This will give me an Associate of Arts degree in June with majors in Social Science and English. Do you note I have a class at 8:45 every morning? That means getting up at 7 or before. Oh, me! I am taking Geology rather than Physics not only because it will be easier (I hope) but it will fit into my program better. I am really very well pleased with the way things have worked out.
I went to bed with a sick headache last night and I guess that accounts for the crazy dream I had this morning. I dreamt that someone (I don't remember who) & you & I were riding in the Dodge and we went sailing out in space across a river. It was lots of fun so we tried it again and this time the Dodge fell in and went all to pieces and you were driving to get the parts. It was surely crazy. Let that be a lesson to you, young man. Never try to cross a river unless there is a bridge. You might make it the first time, but you're sure to fail the second.
I spoke "Spittin" for a Women's Club today. I intended to learn another but didn't get time. They seemed to enjoy "Spittin" tho!
I surely do enjoy the Walnut box (Darwin said it was walnut). I keep my sewing in it. I guess it's my "Despair Barrel". "Good-night"
Very joyfully received your letter and card today. I was rather worried when I didn't get anything yesterday but I knew you'd gone to Portland so I excused you.
There were 16 at our S.S. Class Party. If you're real good maybe Santa will bring you some taffy.
No, the mirror didn't break. It came through absolutely OK & every time I write a letter or start to sew I think of you (that's the only times, of course).
I'd surely like to have seen Cyler. Did you come back from Portland Monday afternoon?
I see by the Lebanon Express that there is a vacant apartment at 1038 Grove Street. Have Dawson's left? Maybe I should have looked it over Christmas Day? What do you think? (or what does your Dad think?)
I talked to my Physics teacher this morning and he said I got a D in Physics. I was very tickled for I was afraid it would be an F. I think I'm going to like my new subjects this semester very much. But there will plenty of work ahead.
The H.S. & J.C. bought a sound outfit for the school so this morning we saw "Don Quixote" as a talkie for only 10 cents. My scotch instinct told me to go.
Don't worry about Rowland I haven't talked to him for almost a week. I guess you know who is "tops" with me anyway.
I told you that Marjorie wrote inquiring about conditions down here, didn't I? If they decide to come maybe you can't get a job bringing them & part of their baggage. You might have Leland on your neck though.
Well, dinner is almost ready so I will end this epistle.
handwritten letter postmarked January 29, 1937
9:45 PM
Dear Bet,
More rain and snow but what do we care for here am I in comfort. Yes, you guessed right I am in bed.
Our new renters moved in this evening. A young couple by the name of Underwood from Albany. He has a steady job with House, the wood man.
Dawsons have moved to Mrs. Morgans place out toward Sodaville. I haven't visited with him lately so don't know how they like it by now.
Marion was over last night. He took Eureka Powell and I took Francis Wyatt to the show, Kathern Hepburn in A Women Rebels, in Albany. We did not get there until the show was more than half over so we got to stay and see it in halves. I was not crazy about the show but your actor (Haven't I heard you mention that you like her) had dandy facial expressions or something. While at the show I visited with Eldon Gregson. Neva is working for Ward Hoseid and he is getting tired of batching so they are moving back to Lebanon Saturday. I am to hook up their stove or something. They are to move into one of Fowlers Houses -catty corner from where they live.
Our renter just started to hook up his radio and blew out a fuse, we just came back from the attic so can finish this--I was about run down but this helps fill up space.
Oh, yes Marion seemed to have a good time. We went in the Willis and I drove back. He says, "We'll have to try that again" I said "yeh, maybe". I imagine he'll be over this way again tho before many moons.
We purchased a square shears and some other sheet metal tools today. Better than a hundred sixty dollars I think. Do you suppose I'll ever have any use for this machinery when I get it paid for. The sheets about full I"ll say (write) Goodnight.
Dear Bet,
Didn't get your letter mailed today so will add a little stuffing to the envelope.
Willard Donaca was home today. I did not get to visit just said hello but he said I'd see him before he went back. I am sorta curious?
I spent the evening here at home fixing up the apartment so that we hope it will please the renters.
The Mrs. is a daughter of the Hooker that has the Electrical store in Albany. She smokes!!! I am wondering what Mom will think when she finds it out. I am quite sure she doesn't know it.
We spent better than three hours on a clogged sewer for Geo. Randle today. My, it was a mess!!! We won tho'!
The moon peeps through the clouds very nice this evening.
9:45 PM
Dear Bet,
More rain and snow but what do we care for here am I in comfort. Yes, you guessed right I am in bed.
Our new renters moved in this evening. A young couple by the name of Underwood from Albany. He has a steady job with House, the wood man.
Dawsons have moved to Mrs. Morgans place out toward Sodaville. I haven't visited with him lately so don't know how they like it by now.
Marion was over last night. He took Eureka Powell and I took Francis Wyatt to the show, Kathern Hepburn in A Women Rebels, in Albany. We did not get there until the show was more than half over so we got to stay and see it in halves. I was not crazy about the show but your actor (Haven't I heard you mention that you like her) had dandy facial expressions or something. While at the show I visited with Eldon Gregson. Neva is working for Ward Hoseid and he is getting tired of batching so they are moving back to Lebanon Saturday. I am to hook up their stove or something. They are to move into one of Fowlers Houses -catty corner from where they live.
Our renter just started to hook up his radio and blew out a fuse, we just came back from the attic so can finish this--I was about run down but this helps fill up space.
Oh, yes Marion seemed to have a good time. We went in the Willis and I drove back. He says, "We'll have to try that again" I said "yeh, maybe". I imagine he'll be over this way again tho before many moons.
We purchased a square shears and some other sheet metal tools today. Better than a hundred sixty dollars I think. Do you suppose I'll ever have any use for this machinery when I get it paid for. The sheets about full I"ll say (write) Goodnight.
Dear Bet,
Didn't get your letter mailed today so will add a little stuffing to the envelope.
Willard Donaca was home today. I did not get to visit just said hello but he said I'd see him before he went back. I am sorta curious?
I spent the evening here at home fixing up the apartment so that we hope it will please the renters.
The Mrs. is a daughter of the Hooker that has the Electrical store in Albany. She smokes!!! I am wondering what Mom will think when she finds it out. I am quite sure she doesn't know it.
We spent better than three hours on a clogged sewer for Geo. Randle today. My, it was a mess!!! We won tho'!
The moon peeps through the clouds very nice this evening.
handwritten letter postmarked January 31, 1937
Sunday afternoon
Dear Lee,
Note the mistake on the envelope. I guess my mind is wandering or something.
Nothing much has been happening here. Thursday night I wrote to Marian (Morris, of course) and "Smithie". Friday night I went over to visit Inez Kahl. Yesterday I made Rachel a smock & so she bought me two little blue glass bowls (to go with the glassware she gave me for Christmas). Something more for my Despair Barrel.
Why didn't I get a letter from you yesterday? I didn't get one from the folks either so I don't know whether to blame it onto the Postman or who.
Eighteen days from today is an important date in history or rather eighteen days from today twenty three years ago was. Can you guess what it is? And why it's important to me?
Studies have gotten started and I don't think they'll be too bad. Nothing could be bad after physics.
I've got myself a steady SS class now. Fourth grade girls. They're awfully cute and I think I'm going to enjoy teaching them.
It's certainly too bad about the flooded area isn't it? Among my blessings I count being in Sunny California where there is no danger (?) of floods.
I saw a lunar rainbow Thurs. night. Darwin had been down to school & he came in and told me about it. It was very faint but very beautiful. He said they used to see them often in Hawaii.
I didn't think I had anything to say & here I've filled a sheet. I guess it's just like my talking. I can talk forever & never say anything.
PS One month of 1937 has passed. Have you accomplished anything?
Sunday afternoon
Dear Lee,
Note the mistake on the envelope. I guess my mind is wandering or something.
Nothing much has been happening here. Thursday night I wrote to Marian (Morris, of course) and "Smithie". Friday night I went over to visit Inez Kahl. Yesterday I made Rachel a smock & so she bought me two little blue glass bowls (to go with the glassware she gave me for Christmas). Something more for my Despair Barrel.
Why didn't I get a letter from you yesterday? I didn't get one from the folks either so I don't know whether to blame it onto the Postman or who.
Eighteen days from today is an important date in history or rather eighteen days from today twenty three years ago was. Can you guess what it is? And why it's important to me?
Studies have gotten started and I don't think they'll be too bad. Nothing could be bad after physics.
I've got myself a steady SS class now. Fourth grade girls. They're awfully cute and I think I'm going to enjoy teaching them.
It's certainly too bad about the flooded area isn't it? Among my blessings I count being in Sunny California where there is no danger (?) of floods.
I saw a lunar rainbow Thurs. night. Darwin had been down to school & he came in and told me about it. It was very faint but very beautiful. He said they used to see them often in Hawaii.
I didn't think I had anything to say & here I've filled a sheet. I guess it's just like my talking. I can talk forever & never say anything.
PS One month of 1937 has passed. Have you accomplished anything?
handwritten letter postmarked February 1, 1937
10 PM
Dear Bet,
Sunday night rolls around once more. We got a lot of snow this morning, about four inches in just no time. It has been raining or snowing all day long. The snow is so wet it is very very slushy.
I wore my overalls and work boots to Endeavor. We had no Church so listened to a good Baptist sermon. Eldon was there and seemed quite happy. I didn't visit with him much.
Willard and Vera's father went to Albany yesterday and got the wedding license and Willard and Vera went to Sweet Home (their parents too) and were joined in wedlock by the Evangelical minister. They had taken Willard's parents home and were going back to Vera's to spend the night when a tire blew out. They came to town to get some one to change the tire for them (they had Mr. Donaca's Nash). I happened to be at Reeves Garage when they came in. I took them back out and helped Willard get on his way.
Albert Grugett has met a North Dakota girl and now he says he wishes he were a thousand miles from here. The boy didn't act natural. Sat. night he treated me and had a couple of bowls of chili himself and then mooned off up to bed. I hope he is in a more cheerful mood when I see him again.
Willard only ways 128 pounds so he is very thin. They plan to go back rather soon and plan to locate in Frisco. Willard has been staying with Gordon's relation in Oakland.
I looked for a letter the last of the week but suppose you were just paying me for my neglect.
10 PM
Dear Bet,
Sunday night rolls around once more. We got a lot of snow this morning, about four inches in just no time. It has been raining or snowing all day long. The snow is so wet it is very very slushy.
I wore my overalls and work boots to Endeavor. We had no Church so listened to a good Baptist sermon. Eldon was there and seemed quite happy. I didn't visit with him much.
Willard and Vera's father went to Albany yesterday and got the wedding license and Willard and Vera went to Sweet Home (their parents too) and were joined in wedlock by the Evangelical minister. They had taken Willard's parents home and were going back to Vera's to spend the night when a tire blew out. They came to town to get some one to change the tire for them (they had Mr. Donaca's Nash). I happened to be at Reeves Garage when they came in. I took them back out and helped Willard get on his way.
Albert Grugett has met a North Dakota girl and now he says he wishes he were a thousand miles from here. The boy didn't act natural. Sat. night he treated me and had a couple of bowls of chili himself and then mooned off up to bed. I hope he is in a more cheerful mood when I see him again.
Willard only ways 128 pounds so he is very thin. They plan to go back rather soon and plan to locate in Frisco. Willard has been staying with Gordon's relation in Oakland.
I looked for a letter the last of the week but suppose you were just paying me for my neglect.
handwritten letter postmarked February 3, 1937
11 PM
Dear Bet
Received your letter written Thursday this afternoon.
It continues to stay warm and rain. There is surely plenty of water on the ground now. Ernie said if it kept up he would come to work in the morning in his wash tubs.
We worked at Tuckers today. We are doing our best to get him where he can get a housewife.
He has the handiest little kitchen. There is not much room in it but it is surrounded on three sides with built ins - on one side the table pulls out from the built-ins. You just shove it in and the table is out of the way. Very classy.
They are having a shower for Willard & Vera tonight at Sodaville. I had Willard come by and I gave him a dollar bill and told him to give it to Vera to use on a rainy day. I thought that would be better than some clumsy article for them to drag around for they do not know where they will stop.
I have been doing a little book work this evening. I find I owe the State Industrial Accident Commission $2.15. The expense of driving and owning (partly) the truck cost better than sixty dollars. More fun. What do we care for Expenses they come any way!!!
According to your schedule you are surely getting your share of English. Don't worry about the morning subject. Remember who said Early to Bed, Early to rise makes one health wealthy and wise?
Almost time for me to roll in. I am going to give my boots a coat of grease first. By the way I am writing this at the office. I have a heating system here now. There is a drum on the stovepipe similar to your mothers but is hollow. I put two joints of the stove pipe in on end and bring the heat in the office. It works.
11 PM
Dear Bet
Received your letter written Thursday this afternoon.
It continues to stay warm and rain. There is surely plenty of water on the ground now. Ernie said if it kept up he would come to work in the morning in his wash tubs.
We worked at Tuckers today. We are doing our best to get him where he can get a housewife.
He has the handiest little kitchen. There is not much room in it but it is surrounded on three sides with built ins - on one side the table pulls out from the built-ins. You just shove it in and the table is out of the way. Very classy.
They are having a shower for Willard & Vera tonight at Sodaville. I had Willard come by and I gave him a dollar bill and told him to give it to Vera to use on a rainy day. I thought that would be better than some clumsy article for them to drag around for they do not know where they will stop.
I have been doing a little book work this evening. I find I owe the State Industrial Accident Commission $2.15. The expense of driving and owning (partly) the truck cost better than sixty dollars. More fun. What do we care for Expenses they come any way!!!
According to your schedule you are surely getting your share of English. Don't worry about the morning subject. Remember who said Early to Bed, Early to rise makes one health wealthy and wise?
Almost time for me to roll in. I am going to give my boots a coat of grease first. By the way I am writing this at the office. I have a heating system here now. There is a drum on the stovepipe similar to your mothers but is hollow. I put two joints of the stove pipe in on end and bring the heat in the office. It works.
handwritten letter postmarked February 4, 1937
Dear Bet,
Wednesday evening finds me in the office. We have a new arrangement which I like quite well. Dad purchased a stove "Special Oak 15" and last night I cut a hole in the chimney for the smoke pipe. Today Dad lined the corner with asbestos.
The diagram is a little out of proportions but I believe you will get the idea of the thing. The stove is a round, tall coal stove but makes plenty of heat. I have had the door partly open all evening. It is surely comfortable now. I probably won't spend much time here now since it is fixed up so snug.
Some relatives of ours from Idaho are here on a visit. They have been down in Calif. for some time since the first of Jan. They will have to spend some time here now for they can't get back home. The roads are blocked.
Willard and Vera were in and visited a few moments this evening. They are leaving Albany on the train at 12:10 tonight. They had planned on going on the stage today but the stages are not running south of Medford. Willard gave me a cigar. What shall I do with it?
Albert Gruggett has a car-no it is a Ford Coupe- Model H. It doesn't sound so hot. Just saw it in the dark this evening. Maybe he can keep his girl now?????
Well, I think it is time for me to slip off my slippers and into my shoes and head for home. It is still comfortable here but I am getting sleepy.
Roy & Curly have both been in and advised us on the roof we are to put on. They both think with there help we can make a success of it????!!! Oh! Show!
Thurs Eve
Dear Bet.
Just about time for the mail to go out! More rain and wind today. Our relatives had lunch with us today--I shall try to entertain them tonight. The machinery finally arrived too much snow in Portland to make quick delivery. I haven't had a chance to try it out yet but Dad has been trying his luck this afternoon.
Dear Bet,
Wednesday evening finds me in the office. We have a new arrangement which I like quite well. Dad purchased a stove "Special Oak 15" and last night I cut a hole in the chimney for the smoke pipe. Today Dad lined the corner with asbestos.
The diagram is a little out of proportions but I believe you will get the idea of the thing. The stove is a round, tall coal stove but makes plenty of heat. I have had the door partly open all evening. It is surely comfortable now. I probably won't spend much time here now since it is fixed up so snug.
Some relatives of ours from Idaho are here on a visit. They have been down in Calif. for some time since the first of Jan. They will have to spend some time here now for they can't get back home. The roads are blocked.
Willard and Vera were in and visited a few moments this evening. They are leaving Albany on the train at 12:10 tonight. They had planned on going on the stage today but the stages are not running south of Medford. Willard gave me a cigar. What shall I do with it?
Albert Gruggett has a car-no it is a Ford Coupe- Model H. It doesn't sound so hot. Just saw it in the dark this evening. Maybe he can keep his girl now?????
Well, I think it is time for me to slip off my slippers and into my shoes and head for home. It is still comfortable here but I am getting sleepy.
Roy & Curly have both been in and advised us on the roof we are to put on. They both think with there help we can make a success of it????!!! Oh! Show!
Thurs Eve
Dear Bet.
Just about time for the mail to go out! More rain and wind today. Our relatives had lunch with us today--I shall try to entertain them tonight. The machinery finally arrived too much snow in Portland to make quick delivery. I haven't had a chance to try it out yet but Dad has been trying his luck this afternoon.
handwritten letter postmarked February 7, 1936
Miss Betty McClain
Coalinga, California
How do you like the looks of this. Friday night here at the office and nothing much accomplished yet. Have figured up some bills-what I owe and some owed the Co. Gee the stacks are getting larger-higher and what have you. I have a plan yet to figure this evening. Roshel Groves seems to be the boss of a new building for his brother Kenneth at Sweet home. Geo Harden is the contractor and I am to figure the plumbing. It looks like I won't get it done tonight for it is now 9:30 and I am sorta sleepy. Pete, one of my cousins from Idaho and I took in a show at Albany last night entitle "After the Thin Man" I got Eloise for him and took Barbara for my self. Pete has a 1937 four door Chevrolet sedan. He also paid our ways. He brought his brother and sister into town here to the show and they had gone home when we got back. I haven't seen him today so do not know how well he fared or what he thinks of Oregon girls. We hooked up a combination wood and electric stove at Tuckers today. Poor fellow--I think he is in for it. I may be too for I haven't all my money yet. Worked a little on the marquee today. Hope to work more on it tomorrow.
Feb 7-37
Dear Bet,
Sunday afternoon-went to Albany this morning and visited with Mr. Stone. In Tuckers house the tank is downstairs in the basement and we are trying to heat it (water) from the stove up stairs. We got part of the hook up right but not enough to make it work. Lots of fun!!! I don't know whether they are married yet but they seem to be living in the new house.
Took another trip up to Sweet Home but had no luck. Missed Sunday School and Church but not my dinner. Dad had the wood range torn up so had eggs fried on the electric range!!!!
Virgil Senior and Jr. and Verna dropped into the shop a moment this afternoon. They did not stay long for it was Jr's eating time. They invited me down. Strange wasn't it???
Marion Kent was over yesterday but was a good boy and finally ended up by going to the show with Kennie Lanning. I went home took a bath and went to bed--Believe it or not. Marion wanted to see Grace but Ora is home and she and several girls were well ganged up, poor fellow!
We worked on the marquee Saturday but lack quite a bit of having it completed.
The office is certainly swell under the new arrangement. Doesn't take much fire to make it comfortable.
I looked for a letter from you the latter part of the week but maybe I didn't deserve one??
I suppose I should get this in the mail in time for it to be on its way.
handwritten letter postmarked February 9, 1937
5:15 PM
Dear Bet,
Received your letters of Tuesday & Wednesday. There is no snow here now.
No, I haven't the flu? Sorry to hear your mother and brother and Esther have it.
Do you have red roosters there?
"Keats" oh surely he was a personal friend of somebodies.
I am looking forward to that picture for the office.
I'll have to get some definite information for you on Albert's girlfriend. She is from N.D. and says she is nineteen years old. Not so bad looking a brunette with quite a good smile.
No, I didn't take Francis home. Sorry to disappoint you. I didn't because well I was afraid I might get turned down?
You weighed one thirty seven when were home didn't you? I would know as to the lapful. Mother don't weigh that much.
Now that you are in charge what will happen? Don't follow your moms example and play sick. It won't be any fun.
We worked at Tuckers again this morning till noon changing the range boiler and hook it up. I think it will work now. We surely hope so for we want it to be so we can get our money.
This afternoon we spent most of the time (Ernie did) working on Ralph's marquee. We got half done with the soldering and it rained us out. Only two more days and I should have the thing complete (need the money).
I am going to Albany tonight to measure up a house for a furnace. I am quite sure of a sale--at least I hope so. To home--supper and away.
5:15 PM
Dear Bet,
Received your letters of Tuesday & Wednesday. There is no snow here now.
No, I haven't the flu? Sorry to hear your mother and brother and Esther have it.
Do you have red roosters there?
"Keats" oh surely he was a personal friend of somebodies.
I am looking forward to that picture for the office.
I'll have to get some definite information for you on Albert's girlfriend. She is from N.D. and says she is nineteen years old. Not so bad looking a brunette with quite a good smile.
No, I didn't take Francis home. Sorry to disappoint you. I didn't because well I was afraid I might get turned down?
You weighed one thirty seven when were home didn't you? I would know as to the lapful. Mother don't weigh that much.
Now that you are in charge what will happen? Don't follow your moms example and play sick. It won't be any fun.
We worked at Tuckers again this morning till noon changing the range boiler and hook it up. I think it will work now. We surely hope so for we want it to be so we can get our money.
This afternoon we spent most of the time (Ernie did) working on Ralph's marquee. We got half done with the soldering and it rained us out. Only two more days and I should have the thing complete (need the money).
I am going to Albany tonight to measure up a house for a furnace. I am quite sure of a sale--at least I hope so. To home--supper and away.
Typed and handwritten letter postmarked February 10, 1947
Tuesday night
Dear Lee------
Well, well, and how's every little thing with you this lovely February evening? Is your hair turning gray with the thoughts of soon turning a year older? My but your getting ancient!
In case you are interested in the health of yours truly I will make it known unto you that I am much improved. In other words, I am practically over the Flu except for a slight case of the sniffles. Sunday, I spent in bed. Monday, up and down in bathrobe. Tuesday, got dressed this afternoon and walked downtown. So I guess I'll be able to go back to school by tomorrow.
Did you know that I've got another niece? her name is Clara Mina and she was born Feb. 2 and weighed 8 lbs. I surely wish I could see her. I didn't know it until yesterday. That's what comes of living 800 miles from home when the family is on the increase.
I received both of your last week's letters yesterday. I like your Oregon stickers. Are you hinting that it would be a good idea if I was to take my vacation in Oregon? I'll take it up with my financial secretary and see if it can be arranged.
That kitchen at Tucker's sounds swell. Did you say he was hunting a housewife? Tell him I'll be right there.
I like the way you have rearranged your office but one thing bothers me. There is only one chair. Does that mean that your secretary has to sit on your lap? If so I"m coming home immediately before you decide to hire a secretary there. (Incidentally, Francis is a good secretary. Maybe she'd be glad to help you)
Mom is very curious about Albert's girl. She said that the girl gave him a tie and handkerchief for his birthday. Sounds like things are coming right along. What is her name? Have you met her yet?
I'll bet you'd like to go to Idaho with the relatives when they go back, wouldn't you? Are they some of the ones you visited with when you were in C.C.C.?
I must write to the folks, to my new niece, and to Catherine yet this evening and it's almost 9 now so maybe I'd better stop this crazy raving. Say do you remember what it was that Paul said about Catherine that I said I thought she'd like? I was going to tell her and now I can't remember what it was. Did he say that he thought she was a nice girl, or lots of fun, or that he enjoyed being with her or just what did he say? I've strained my brain until it is about to break and I can't remember. Guess I'll just have to confess to her.
Valentine's Day is almost here. Will you be mine? My Valentine I mean.
PS Wednesday afternoon
Received your letters this morning. So you've been "stepping out" again your "almost" getting better than I. You should have received a letter the last of last week. I guess the storm was what held it up.
I went to school today and don't seem to be any worse tonight.
Tuesday night
Dear Lee------
Well, well, and how's every little thing with you this lovely February evening? Is your hair turning gray with the thoughts of soon turning a year older? My but your getting ancient!
In case you are interested in the health of yours truly I will make it known unto you that I am much improved. In other words, I am practically over the Flu except for a slight case of the sniffles. Sunday, I spent in bed. Monday, up and down in bathrobe. Tuesday, got dressed this afternoon and walked downtown. So I guess I'll be able to go back to school by tomorrow.
Did you know that I've got another niece? her name is Clara Mina and she was born Feb. 2 and weighed 8 lbs. I surely wish I could see her. I didn't know it until yesterday. That's what comes of living 800 miles from home when the family is on the increase.
I received both of your last week's letters yesterday. I like your Oregon stickers. Are you hinting that it would be a good idea if I was to take my vacation in Oregon? I'll take it up with my financial secretary and see if it can be arranged.
That kitchen at Tucker's sounds swell. Did you say he was hunting a housewife? Tell him I'll be right there.
I like the way you have rearranged your office but one thing bothers me. There is only one chair. Does that mean that your secretary has to sit on your lap? If so I"m coming home immediately before you decide to hire a secretary there. (Incidentally, Francis is a good secretary. Maybe she'd be glad to help you)
Mom is very curious about Albert's girl. She said that the girl gave him a tie and handkerchief for his birthday. Sounds like things are coming right along. What is her name? Have you met her yet?
I'll bet you'd like to go to Idaho with the relatives when they go back, wouldn't you? Are they some of the ones you visited with when you were in C.C.C.?
I must write to the folks, to my new niece, and to Catherine yet this evening and it's almost 9 now so maybe I'd better stop this crazy raving. Say do you remember what it was that Paul said about Catherine that I said I thought she'd like? I was going to tell her and now I can't remember what it was. Did he say that he thought she was a nice girl, or lots of fun, or that he enjoyed being with her or just what did he say? I've strained my brain until it is about to break and I can't remember. Guess I'll just have to confess to her.
Valentine's Day is almost here. Will you be mine? My Valentine I mean.
PS Wednesday afternoon
Received your letters this morning. So you've been "stepping out" again your "almost" getting better than I. You should have received a letter the last of last week. I guess the storm was what held it up.
I went to school today and don't seem to be any worse tonight.
Valentine's Card with handwritten message on the back, postmarked February 11, 1937
Dear Bet,
Received your letter yesterday but did not get back from Portland till nearly nine o'clock so did not know you were sick till too late to get it out on the mail. Take care of yourself and keep quiet. Here is wishing you the best of luck and happiness. I have to work a little late tonight but will write a letter tonight to go out tomorrow,
Dear Bet,
Received your letter yesterday but did not get back from Portland till nearly nine o'clock so did not know you were sick till too late to get it out on the mail. Take care of yourself and keep quiet. Here is wishing you the best of luck and happiness. I have to work a little late tonight but will write a letter tonight to go out tomorrow,
handwritten letter postmarked February 12, 1937
11:30 PM
Dear Bet,
Cheer up the worst is yet to come! I hope that this finds you much improved and feeling fit as a fiddle. I am sorry you didn't get a letter Saturday. Maybe I didn't get it in the mail soon enough.
I'll try and do better next time.
Yesterday morning before seven I left for Portland. I stopped in Silverton and got the prices of materials for the furnace for McPherrens in Albany. Got into Portland before noon. Went around over town and squared a few of my accounts. Got back into Albany and closed the deal for the furnace.
Lee Afford is to help us install it. We are to start in the morning. We are to be in Albany before eight in the morning and plan to work till late--Get it to the place where Ernie and I can finish it Saturday.
Ernie worked on Ralphs marquee this morning while I unclogged a sewer and did some running around. This afternoon we replaced or maybe I should say moved for the last time the Range Boiler in Tuckers house. Charles Green came over and did not like the looks of the stove pipe and after an hour of his presence we completed hooking up the water pipes and left Charlie to his hearts content or something. We finished up at seven. I am sure the hook up will work to please them now for the tank is right in back of the stove. I went to lodge this evening; made out an order for some sheet metal and stove pipe Elbows; and this, well I hope it finds you cheerful or makes you that way.
Oh yes and we now have hinges on the office window so we are right up to the minute almost.
Don't over exert till you are feeling 100% alright.
Goodnight and sweet dreams.
11:30 PM
Dear Bet,
Cheer up the worst is yet to come! I hope that this finds you much improved and feeling fit as a fiddle. I am sorry you didn't get a letter Saturday. Maybe I didn't get it in the mail soon enough.
I'll try and do better next time.
Yesterday morning before seven I left for Portland. I stopped in Silverton and got the prices of materials for the furnace for McPherrens in Albany. Got into Portland before noon. Went around over town and squared a few of my accounts. Got back into Albany and closed the deal for the furnace.
Lee Afford is to help us install it. We are to start in the morning. We are to be in Albany before eight in the morning and plan to work till late--Get it to the place where Ernie and I can finish it Saturday.
Ernie worked on Ralphs marquee this morning while I unclogged a sewer and did some running around. This afternoon we replaced or maybe I should say moved for the last time the Range Boiler in Tuckers house. Charles Green came over and did not like the looks of the stove pipe and after an hour of his presence we completed hooking up the water pipes and left Charlie to his hearts content or something. We finished up at seven. I am sure the hook up will work to please them now for the tank is right in back of the stove. I went to lodge this evening; made out an order for some sheet metal and stove pipe Elbows; and this, well I hope it finds you cheerful or makes you that way.
Oh yes and we now have hinges on the office window so we are right up to the minute almost.
Don't over exert till you are feeling 100% alright.
Goodnight and sweet dreams.
handwritten letter postmarked February 13, 1937
Dear Bet,
Received your letter yesterday. Glad to hear you are on the improve. Don't improve faster than you really do!
We worked till five thirty and the mail goes out in ten minutes so will just say am feeling fine and hope you are too. I'll try and write a few lines in near future. We did not complete the furnace job yesterday but hope to Monday.
More rain today. It surely was swell yesterday. Sunshine all day long!
Dear Bet,
Received your letter yesterday. Glad to hear you are on the improve. Don't improve faster than you really do!
We worked till five thirty and the mail goes out in ten minutes so will just say am feeling fine and hope you are too. I'll try and write a few lines in near future. We did not complete the furnace job yesterday but hope to Monday.
More rain today. It surely was swell yesterday. Sunshine all day long!
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