handwritten letter postmarked January 17, 1937

128 Pierce St.
Coalinga Calif.
Jan. 16, 1937
(two months from today I'll be 20-just in case you've forgotten)

Dear Lee----
    I was very glad to get your letter today but worried because I didn't get one from the folks.  I guess I'm even with them now (on the worrying question, I mean)
    Between committee meetings to plan our SS class party (It's to be a Taffy Pull) and BY Rally's and classes and taking car of ornery little boys my time seems to be pretty well filled.
    The weather here is just grand again.  Sunshine all day long and the hills are just beginning to turn green (sort of a cool breeze blowing though)
    Who has the apartments you are figuring on?  Hope you get the job.  Congrats! on the getting the Scroggins Markee.
    The way you go to sleep at your work makes me wonder if you really have been going to bed early nites.  Come on, 'fess up!  I'll tell you right now that I get to bed before midnight about two or three times a week.  Oh! No, I guess it's generally oftener than that & I never get up before 8 so that's not so bad, huh?
     Didn't I tell you California was a good place to get work?  Willard is another example.
     The Rally last night in Selma was grand! Rev. Pearson gave the main address on "Flaming Youth" and Boy! did he say a thing or two.  He's one of these guys that doesn't think the younger generation's going to the Bow-wow's.  One of his illustrations was that of a young lover who wrote a letter to his beloved telling her how wonderful she was.  He said, "I'd go through fire & water for you.  Yes, truly I would!" and then later "P.S I'll see you Sunday if it doesn't rain."  Rev. Pearson said that's the way we are.  We say, "I'll do whatever you want me to do, Lord, anything."  then we add a P.S. He held the audience spell-bound for 45 minutes and it only seemed like 10.  In other words, we all enjoyed him immensely and felt decidedly inspired after hearing him.  Well, my sheet is nearly gone and it is nearly 11 o'clock so I guess I"ll hop into bed and dream sweet dreams.
P.S. Have you heard the song--"Every time it rains, it rain pennies from heaven"? I wish some would fall in my direction.

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