handwritten letter postmarked January 23, 1937
Friday afternoon
Dear Lee ----
I don't know whether to laugh or cry! I'm through with my finals! In Math I got 58% which was the 4th highest in the class. I just finished Physics & I'm afraid I flunked it but if I did I believe most of the rest of the class did too. Plans are progressing for the party. The house is clean and the groceries bought. I am to make the taffy so I suppose it will be a flop but maybe it'll taste good anyway.
I had my picture taken all right but the proofs were terrible! So I'm having them retaken next week.
I wish I were there to do some collecting for you but maybe a meek little thing like I am couldn't get any money. (not enough intestinal fortitude)
Boy! was I burned up this morning. I had just vacuumed the rug when here came Paul and scattered this Easter egg greenery (do you know what I mean?) all over the rug. I tried to control myself and took the cleaner & did it all over again but I could have paddled him gladly. With so much excitement going on I'm about a nervous wreck. You can be glad you're not here for if you were I'd say something mean, I suppose. I guess I might just as well calm down tho'! Fifty years from now I'll not be able to remember there was a Physics final or a S.S. Party.
I started the pillow cases Mom gave me last night. I think they're going to be pretty. The one I started is going to be lavender, green & yellow.
I guess I won't have time to get this off tonight so I'll wait and finish it tomorrow when my thought are more collected.
Saturday PM
You old dear! What's the big idea? My birthday is two months off yet. I was very surprised and needless to say pleased to get the stationery in the beautiful box yesterday. I very proudly displayed it last night. Incidentally, our party was quit successful last night. The taffy was a success. In fact I"m sucking on a piece right now. Don't you wish you had some? I think everyone had a good time. They said they did at least. All afternoon I've been taking care of ours' & a neighbors' kids and I'm supposed to earn a quarter out of the deal. Not bad, huh?
How do you like my new stationery? My favorite kind is plain white so I'm glad you always get it. That really wasn't fair tho' giving me my birthday present so early.
I surely had a nice messy house this morning. Sticky floors! Oh Boy! I'm so tired I can hardly stand up. No, it really isn't that bad, but I'm glad the semester & the entertaining is over.
Well, it's about time for mail to go so I'll end this crazy letter. "Thanks a million" for the stationery & beautiful box.
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