handwritten letter postmarked January 28, 1937
Monday night
Dear Lee---
Have you ever had that feeling of "God's in His heaven, and all's right with the world?" or something? Well, that's the way I feel tonight. Maybe it's because first semester and its' "finals" are all over and I'm all registered for second semester. It took me three hours today to get registered but this is the results:
Monday, Wednesday & Friday - 8:45-9:40 History
Monday, Wednesday & Friday 11:30-12:22 American Institutions
Monday, Wednesday & Friday 1:15-2:10 Eng 461 (Hist. of Eng. Lit.)
Tuesday & Thursday 8:45-11:30 Geology
Monday night- Eng 33 (Drama)
Mon. & Wed. 4-5 Gym
This will give me an Associate of Arts degree in June with majors in Social Science and English. Do you note I have a class at 8:45 every morning? That means getting up at 7 or before. Oh, me! I am taking Geology rather than Physics not only because it will be easier (I hope) but it will fit into my program better. I am really very well pleased with the way things have worked out.
I went to bed with a sick headache last night and I guess that accounts for the crazy dream I had this morning. I dreamt that someone (I don't remember who) & you & I were riding in the Dodge and we went sailing out in space across a river. It was lots of fun so we tried it again and this time the Dodge fell in and went all to pieces and you were driving to get the parts. It was surely crazy. Let that be a lesson to you, young man. Never try to cross a river unless there is a bridge. You might make it the first time, but you're sure to fail the second.
I spoke "Spittin" for a Women's Club today. I intended to learn another but didn't get time. They seemed to enjoy "Spittin" tho!
I surely do enjoy the Walnut box (Darwin said it was walnut). I keep my sewing in it. I guess it's my "Despair Barrel". "Good-night"
Very joyfully received your letter and card today. I was rather worried when I didn't get anything yesterday but I knew you'd gone to Portland so I excused you.
There were 16 at our S.S. Class Party. If you're real good maybe Santa will bring you some taffy.
No, the mirror didn't break. It came through absolutely OK & every time I write a letter or start to sew I think of you (that's the only times, of course).
I'd surely like to have seen Cyler. Did you come back from Portland Monday afternoon?
I see by the Lebanon Express that there is a vacant apartment at 1038 Grove Street. Have Dawson's left? Maybe I should have looked it over Christmas Day? What do you think? (or what does your Dad think?)
I talked to my Physics teacher this morning and he said I got a D in Physics. I was very tickled for I was afraid it would be an F. I think I'm going to like my new subjects this semester very much. But there will plenty of work ahead.
The H.S. & J.C. bought a sound outfit for the school so this morning we saw "Don Quixote" as a talkie for only 10 cents. My scotch instinct told me to go.
Don't worry about Rowland I haven't talked to him for almost a week. I guess you know who is "tops" with me anyway.
I told you that Marjorie wrote inquiring about conditions down here, didn't I? If they decide to come maybe you can't get a job bringing them & part of their baggage. You might have Leland on your neck though.
Well, dinner is almost ready so I will end this epistle.
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