Miss Betty McClain
Coalinga, California
How do you like the looks of this. Friday night here at the office and nothing much accomplished yet. Have figured up some bills-what I owe and some owed the Co. Gee the stacks are getting larger-higher and what have you. I have a plan yet to figure this evening. Roshel Groves seems to be the boss of a new building for his brother Kenneth at Sweet home. Geo Harden is the contractor and I am to figure the plumbing. It looks like I won't get it done tonight for it is now 9:30 and I am sorta sleepy. Pete, one of my cousins from Idaho and I took in a show at Albany last night entitle "After the Thin Man" I got Eloise for him and took Barbara for my self. Pete has a 1937 four door Chevrolet sedan. He also paid our ways. He brought his brother and sister into town here to the show and they had gone home when we got back. I haven't seen him today so do not know how well he fared or what he thinks of Oregon girls. We hooked up a combination wood and electric stove at Tuckers today. Poor fellow--I think he is in for it. I may be too for I haven't all my money yet. Worked a little on the marquee today. Hope to work more on it tomorrow.
Feb 7-37
Dear Bet,
Sunday afternoon-went to Albany this morning and visited with Mr. Stone. In Tuckers house the tank is downstairs in the basement and we are trying to heat it (water) from the stove up stairs. We got part of the hook up right but not enough to make it work. Lots of fun!!! I don't know whether they are married yet but they seem to be living in the new house.
Took another trip up to Sweet Home but had no luck. Missed Sunday School and Church but not my dinner. Dad had the wood range torn up so had eggs fried on the electric range!!!!
Virgil Senior and Jr. and Verna dropped into the shop a moment this afternoon. They did not stay long for it was Jr's eating time. They invited me down. Strange wasn't it???
Marion Kent was over yesterday but was a good boy and finally ended up by going to the show with Kennie Lanning. I went home took a bath and went to bed--Believe it or not. Marion wanted to see Grace but Ora is home and she and several girls were well ganged up, poor fellow!
We worked on the marquee Saturday but lack quite a bit of having it completed.
The office is certainly swell under the new arrangement. Doesn't take much fire to make it comfortable.
I looked for a letter from you the latter part of the week but maybe I didn't deserve one??
I suppose I should get this in the mail in time for it to be on its way.
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