handwritten letter postmarked January 29, 1937

 9:45 PM

Dear Bet,

   More rain and snow but what do we care for here am I in comfort.  Yes, you guessed right I am in bed.
    Our new renters moved in this evening.  A young couple by the name of Underwood from Albany.  He has a steady job with House, the wood man.
    Dawsons have moved to Mrs. Morgans place out toward Sodaville.  I haven't visited with him lately so don't know how they like it by now. 
    Marion was over last night.  He took Eureka Powell and I took Francis Wyatt to the show, Kathern Hepburn in A Women Rebels, in Albany.  We did not get there until the show was more than half over so we got to stay and see it in halves.  I was not crazy about the show but your actor (Haven't I heard you mention that you like her) had dandy facial expressions or something.  While at the show I visited with Eldon Gregson.  Neva is working for Ward Hoseid and he is getting tired of batching so they are moving back to Lebanon Saturday.  I am to hook up their stove or something.  They are to move into one of Fowlers Houses -catty corner from where they live.
   Our renter just started to hook up his radio and blew out a fuse, we just came back from the attic so can finish this--I was about run down but this helps fill up space.
    Oh, yes Marion seemed to have a good time.  We went in the Willis and I drove back.  He says, "We'll have to try that again"  I said "yeh, maybe".  I imagine he'll be over this way again tho before many moons.
   We purchased a square shears and some other sheet metal tools today.  Better than a hundred sixty dollars I think.  Do you suppose I'll ever have any use for this machinery when I get it paid for.  The sheets about full I"ll say (write) Goodnight.

Dear Bet,
    Didn't get your letter mailed today so will add a little stuffing to the envelope.  
    Willard Donaca was home today.  I did not get to visit just said hello but he said I'd see him before he went back.  I am sorta curious?
    I spent the evening here at home fixing up the apartment so that we hope it will please the renters.
    The Mrs. is a daughter of the Hooker that has the Electrical store in Albany.  She smokes!!! I am wondering what Mom will think when she finds it out.  I am quite sure she doesn't know it.
   We spent better than three hours on a clogged sewer for Geo. Randle today.  My, it was a mess!!! We won tho'!
   The moon peeps through the clouds very nice this evening.

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