handwritten letter postmarked January 20, 1937
Dear Bet,
One of those pictures you were telling me about will be just the thing for up here at the office. Yes, I have been spending a little time up here this evening. It is now twenty till ten and I soon shall head for home. This cold weather has made lots of work, Bills, etc. but not much money. I surely need a collector. The weather has been so bad that Dad does not venture out and the bills are adding up. Gee, there is by far the largest number I have ever had.
I haven't asked the folks but I am sure they would be delighted with one of your pictures.
I was over and visited with Ray -Bades hired man this evening and got some pointers on how to run my business. Very interesting and of course I believe everything that he says.
Oh, yes and we laid the sewer today for the house that Bade is supposed to move into. I don't think that Bade will ever move only out of town. At present he is supposed to be very sick with a cold. He has been for better than a week. I sorta doubt whether he ever shows up around the shop much more. They have the theater pretty well along. Carl Jenkins was supposed to go to work for them today and Al Gepford is trying to buy the sheet metal part of the shop.
Geo Skinner and his helpers started the frame for the marque on Ralph Scroggins Building today.
Good night
9:06 PM
Dear Bet
Just returned from the city council meeting. After I started the marquee they notified me that I had to have a permit to do the work. Well, now I have it!!!!!
Answers to questions --Ashton or something like that is the name of the man figuring on the apartments. Just across the street from Bakers Furniture exchange. The Build is built, it used to be a blacksmith shop. No, I haven't heard that song but would like to see it at reality!!
Oh yes these are from your letter which I received today. Glad to hear you enjoyed a good talk.
Joe Mayers was in this evening and said to figure what the material for his building (the roof on the Express Building) and get it painted and ready to put on the first good spell of weather we have. Maybe we will get to the measuring of it. It will be made up of sheets of metal 14X20 or 20X26" square and each one folded on all four sides and soldered all the way around. Each sheet will receive two coats of paint on the underside before it is laid. That will be a job for Dad. We'll have something to work at during stormy weather, etc.
Saw Eldon Sunday --things seem to be quite alright with him. It takes him a long time to see the lady friend home. The folks were waiting for him. My! My! He says Kate is keeping him busy now as George is away taking treatments for his side and that leaves him all the work to do!
When did you say your birthday was? P.S. Don't tell me!!
I guess I have run down or out or something. Good night,
P.S. Visited with your father Sunday. He surely seems congenial. Told me the coils worked better since the freeze.
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