handwritten letter postmarked February 1, 1937

10 PM

Dear Bet,
     Sunday night rolls around once more.  We got a lot of snow this morning, about four inches in just no time.  It has been raining or snowing all day long.  The snow is so wet it is very very slushy.
   I wore my overalls and work boots to Endeavor.  We had no Church so listened to a good Baptist sermon.  Eldon was there and seemed quite happy.  I didn't visit with him much.
    Willard and Vera's father went to Albany yesterday and got the wedding license and Willard and Vera went to Sweet Home (their parents too) and were joined in wedlock by the Evangelical minister.  They had taken Willard's parents home and were going back to Vera's to spend the night when a tire blew out.  They came to town to get some one to change the tire for them (they had Mr. Donaca's Nash).  I happened to be at Reeves Garage when they came in.  I took them back out and helped Willard get on his way.
    Albert Grugett has met a North Dakota girl and now he says he wishes he were a thousand miles from here.  The boy didn't act natural.  Sat. night he treated me and had a couple of bowls of chili himself and then mooned off up to bed.  I hope he is in a more cheerful mood when I see him again.
  Willard only ways 128 pounds so he is very thin.  They plan to go back rather soon and plan to locate in Frisco.  Willard has been staying with Gordon's relation in Oakland.
    I looked for a letter the last of the week but suppose you were just paying me for my neglect.

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