handwritten letter postmarked February 12, 1937

11:30 PM

Dear Bet,
    Cheer up the worst is yet to come!  I hope that this finds you much improved and feeling fit as a fiddle.  I am sorry you didn't get a letter Saturday.  Maybe I didn't get it in the mail soon enough.
I'll try and do better next time.
    Yesterday morning before seven I left for Portland.  I stopped in Silverton and got the prices of materials for the furnace for McPherrens in Albany.  Got into Portland before noon.  Went around over town and squared a few of my accounts.  Got back into Albany and closed the deal for the furnace.
    Lee Afford is to help us install it.  We are to start in the morning.  We are to be in Albany before eight in the morning and plan to work till late--Get it to the place where Ernie and I can finish it Saturday.
    Ernie worked on Ralphs marquee this morning while I unclogged a sewer and did some running around.  This afternoon we replaced or maybe I should say moved for the last time the Range Boiler in Tuckers house.  Charles Green came over and did not like the looks of the stove pipe and after an hour of his presence we completed hooking up the water pipes and left Charlie to his hearts content or something.  We finished up at seven.  I am sure the hook up will work to please them now for the tank is right in back of the stove.  I went to lodge this evening; made out an order for some sheet metal and stove pipe Elbows; and this, well I hope it finds you cheerful or makes you that way.
   Oh yes and we now have hinges on the office window so we are right up to the minute almost.
    Don't over exert till you are feeling 100% alright.
    Goodnight and sweet dreams.

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