typed and handwritten letter postmarked January 20, 1937

Tuesday nite

Dearly (dear Lee)--
     Yes, I 'm still alive after taking the Math. final.  Oh, Boy! Writing problems for three hours and then not doing all of the them makes one feel as though they had done something.  The worst is yet to come though.  Friday I take my finals in physics and if I live through that I'll be going some.
     Mom was saying that there is some Scarlet Fever up your way.  Don't you go and get it I'd hate to have to come up there and take care of you.
     I was talking to Mr. Frasier today about my classes and he says he doesn't think that I can take enough things next semester to get my Associate of Arts degree and transfer to Fresno State.  If I can't I'm going to drop the subjects I'm taking this semester and take all (or as much as I can) commerce.  I don't feel like my Physics, etc. are going to do my much good when I set out to earn a living and I think Commerce might.
      Has it warmed up yet?  The weather is just about right here now.  Warm enough to keep you from freezing to death and cool enough to make you feel brisk.
     I really haven't anything to say but I had my typewriter out so I thought I'd better start that letter that I'm supposed to write tomorrow.  Incidentally, did I compliment you on the way you've been writing lately?  I appreciately it gently.  Well, the folks are trying to listen to the news so I guess I'd better stop rattling and let them listen.

Wednesday PM
    I received your descriptive letter today but it sounded like it stopped before you ended.  Did you go to sleep?  It surely made me laugh to think of your going to sleep reading my letters.  Was it that hard to figure out?
    No, I don't have appendicitis.  Just the flu or something I et, no doubt.  Mom just likes to worry I guess.  I can easily see what caused the pain in your stomach.  Your Portland trip sounded interesting.  Did you drink the beer?  I'm jealous of Marvin.  You never took me to a $1.50 per plate banquet.  I'll bet you enjoyed the beautiful dancing girls.
    Two years ago this next Saturday I went to a skating party.  Do you know who with?
    Lee, I think I'd better tell you something for if I don't someone else will and stretch it in the telling.  I have been sort of going with Rowland.  I saw him almost every day last week & went to Selma with him Friday night.  I haven't seen him this week but probably will.  Believe me when I say, I behave myself. I am too much of a lover of good times to stay at home and think only of you all the time and I know your broad-minded enough to see my point.  But don't feel badly for it is just a passing fancy.  I know you don't appreciate it for I wouldn't if I were in your shoes but ------well, I'm only 19 and I guess you can remember being young once yourself.  In fact, I believe your not too "grown up" yet.  Just don't forget that I meant all that I said while I was home.

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