Typed and handwritten letter postmarked February 10, 1947

Tuesday night

Dear Lee------
    Well, well, and how's every little thing with you this lovely February evening?  Is your hair turning gray with the thoughts of soon turning a year older?  My but your getting ancient!
    In case you are interested in the health of yours truly I will make it known unto you that I am much improved.  In other words, I am practically over the Flu except for a slight case of the sniffles.  Sunday, I spent in bed.  Monday, up and down in bathrobe.  Tuesday, got dressed this afternoon and walked downtown.  So I guess I'll be able to go back to school by tomorrow.
    Did you know that I've got another niece?  her name is Clara Mina and she was born Feb. 2 and weighed 8 lbs.  I surely wish I could see her.  I didn't know it until yesterday.  That's what comes of living 800 miles from home when the family is on the increase.
    I received both of your last week's letters yesterday.  I like your Oregon stickers.  Are you hinting that it would be a good idea if I was to take my vacation in Oregon?  I'll take it up with my financial secretary and see if it can be arranged.
   That kitchen at Tucker's sounds swell.  Did you say he was hunting a housewife?  Tell him I'll be right there.
    I like the way you have rearranged your office but one thing bothers me.  There is only one chair.  Does that mean that your secretary has to sit on your lap?  If so I"m coming home immediately before you decide to hire a secretary there. (Incidentally, Francis is a good secretary.  Maybe she'd be glad to help you)
    Mom is very curious about Albert's girl.  She said that the girl gave him a tie and handkerchief for his birthday.  Sounds like things are coming right along. What is her name?  Have you met her yet?
   I'll bet you'd like to go to Idaho with the relatives when they go back, wouldn't you?  Are they some of the ones you visited with when you were in C.C.C.?
    I must write to the folks, to my new niece, and to Catherine yet this evening and it's almost 9 now so maybe I'd better stop this crazy raving.  Say do you remember what it was that Paul said about Catherine that I said I thought she'd like? I was going to tell her and now I can't remember what it was.  Did he say that he thought she was a nice girl, or lots of fun, or that he enjoyed being with her or just what did he say?  I've strained my brain until it is about to break and I can't remember.  Guess I'll just have to confess to her.
    Valentine's Day is almost here.  Will you be mine?  My Valentine I mean.

PS Wednesday afternoon
    Received your letters this morning.  So you've been "stepping out" again your "almost" getting better than I.  You should have received a letter the last of last week.  I guess the storm was what held it up.
    I went to school today and don't seem to be any worse tonight.

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