handwritten letter postmarked February 9, 1937

5:15 PM

Dear Bet,
    Received your letters of Tuesday & Wednesday.  There is no snow here now.
    No, I haven't the flu?  Sorry to hear your mother and brother and Esther have it.
    Do you have red roosters there?
    "Keats" oh surely he was a personal friend of somebodies.
    I am looking forward to that picture for the office.
    I'll have to get some definite information for you on Albert's girlfriend.  She is from N.D. and says she is nineteen years old.  Not so bad looking a brunette with quite a good smile.
    No, I didn't take Francis home.  Sorry to disappoint you.  I didn't because well I was afraid I might get turned down?
    You weighed one thirty seven when were home didn't you?  I would know as to the lapful.  Mother don't weigh that much.
    Now that you are in charge what will happen?  Don't follow your moms example and play sick.  It won't be any fun.
    We worked at Tuckers again this morning till noon changing the range boiler and hook it up.  I think it will work now.  We surely hope so for we want it to be so we can get our money.
    This afternoon we spent most of the time (Ernie did) working on Ralph's marquee.  We got half done with the soldering and it rained us out.  Only two more days and I should have the thing complete (need the money).
    I am going to Albany tonight to measure up a house for a furnace.  I am quite sure of a sale--at least I hope so.  To home--supper and away.

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