handwritten letter postmarked January14, 1937

10 PM

Dear Bet, 
     Yours of the eighth received.  No I did not put the roof on the printing office in the first place!  I tried to sell him the metal but failed, so I am not sorry now.
    Marion Kent was over this evening.  They have finally received the radiator for the Willis.  He and Kenneth Lanning were going to the basketball game.  I would have gone too but have a plan for four apartments that was given to me this evening to get an estimate on the plumbing and gas.  There are to be four bathrooms - tub, lavatory, and toilet.  It is to be a gas heater and stove in each apartment.  Oh, yes and a skylight too! Well its just the same old story I have gotten sleepy so am going to bed and complete the figures tomorrow night.  If it should go through it would mean a months steady work that I would not have to worry about what to do next.  I have my doubts of it going through.
    I figured last night till I went to sleep about three times and finally went to bed and totaled my figures this morning.  It was not eleven o'clock when I went to bed.  I guess this cold weather must make me sleepy.  I can't figure anything else for I am getting plenty of sleep.  The above house is the one that has just recently been built on the east end of Isabell Street.  I sold the man that built it a sink but there are no waste pipes in.  The house is built right on the ground.  If we get that it will be more fun.
   Gee, I guess I have run down talking about myself.  Maybe I'm sleepy?
   It continues to stay cold - the paper says more snow booked for Portland.  Goodnight till next time.
10:30 PM

Dear Bet,
    I failed to mail the letter I wrote last night today so will add a few lines this evening.  I have just finished figuring the estimate for the four apartments.  That will be some layout if it goes through.  In the neighborhood of a thousand bucks for materials and labor.  Maybe I should be a little more exact - $800.00 or $1000.00.
    We landed Ralph Scroggins marquee job today and are supposed to start on it next week if the weather is willing.  It, the weather, warmed up today so that some pipes thawed and now people are able to find the broken pipes.  More fun!!!  We were very busy this afternoon.  This morning I made three calls to drum up business, got the marquee and the other two are to let me know soon.
    Received a letter from Willard Donaca today.  He is geting $16.00 per week and is promised a 5 cent an hour raise in three or four months.  He may get married then.  He lives in Oakland and works in San Francisco.

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