handwritten letter postmarked November 29, 1936


Dear Lee ---
     Just got home from church and so will inscribe a line or two while awaiting dinner.
     I taught a S.S. Class this morning.  Poor children!  7th grade boys and girls.
     This week has been vacation and I've surely vacationed.  I have done very little studying or anything else.  I ate Thanksgiving Dinner with Ruth Fletcher.  Friday, Inez and I borrowed bikes and went for a six-mile ride!  I can still feel the effects of it.
     I enjoyed your letter yesterday.  I'm glad your getting out and enjoying life.  Which did you rate Eloise or Barbara?  I've never been up that hill but I know you must have had fun.
     I didn't know plumbers built Markees.  Is there anything they don't do?
     Glad your dad is better.  I hope he is up and around by now.
     Last Friday I inquired into the Stage situation from here.  It seems there is a stage that leaves here at 11:15 AM every day.  If I can skip my 11:30 class, I'll leave on it and it gets into Albany at 3:08 PM the following day.  It will cost about $30.00.  I surely have a hard time not telling anyone in letters when I"m coming but I'm determined to surprise them all.  Just think-- 3 weeks from today I'll be home!  Of course, I'm not homesick or at least I try not to be.
      I'd tell you that I only had one envelope of your stationery left but I'm afraid you'd think I was hinting so I won't.
      This next week I practice three nights for one play then Friday afternoon we give it at Visalia.  Why don't you come over and see it?  Then one more Friday then the next one I leave on.  Oh, Boy!
     Have they started skating out at the new place along the highway yet?
     Have you moved to your new location?
     You should have been to Ruth's Thanksgiving-- just her parents, her boy friend, herself, & I-- and a whole turkey with all the trimmings.  Boy, did I eat?  Did you remember a year ago when we ate at the Hall with the Mc's? and went to Marian's party later? & played "murder"?
      Well, enough reminiscing ---I guess I've written my quota anyway and dinner will soon be ready ---           
                            Expectantly yours,

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