handwritten letter postmarked October 30, 1936
Friday afternoon
Dear Lee--
I was rather surprised to get your letter today but also very pleased. I have plenty of studying that I might do but instead I'm going to write to you.
I've got a new dress! Mom sent me the money last Wednesday and I went right down and got it. It's grey silk crepe with bright colored embroidery, a high neck and big puff sleeves. I like it very much but you probably won't.
Your trip to Portland sounded interesting. Am I to infer that you and Lena are going together now? It sure sounds like your getting in the money to buy a drill for $90 without blinking an eye (or did you?)
Say, listen to me you big bum! Don't you think I won't be able to leave all this! Why, never a day goes by but what I stop and count the days, weeks, or months 'till I"ll be back there. Every time anyone mentions Christmas (by the way it's exactly 8 weeks from today) my old heart starts thumping! What did you mean by it being "better to be king among dogs as dog among kings"? Do you mean I'm a dog or a king? I don't see how I could be either.
I'm really almost getting the big head down here. I'm always getting a compliment from someone. One lady said I was such a sweet, charming, wholesome girl! And Oh! I hear a lot of nice things but whooie! I know they're just blarneying so I try to forget it. and speaking of compliments I've heard from up Lebanon several times as to how nice you look in your new suit and hat. I'd surely like to pass judgement on them. How do you suppose your new suit will go with my new dress? I'm going to wear it tonight to the Preacher's reception so I'll see how it goes with some of the suits down here.
Our play (Drama Class) is going to be put on first the afternoon of Nov 19 and I don't even know all my first act real good.
Oh dear! When I think of how much I have to do --------- and to think, I'm wasting my time writing a lot of stuff you don't care to read and doing everything in general, that I shouldn't.
I wish I was going home for the weekend and had all my studying done ready to have a grand time. It won't be long tho' so I guess I'll keep plugging along.
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