handwritten letter postmarked January 3, 1937
In Bed
9:00 PM
Dear Bet,
I shall get some sleep tonight! What think you? Here's hoping you land safely in the land of frost and sunshine.
I haven't a thing to say but it seems if I remember correctly I owe you a letter.
It is clear and cold tonight.
Friday and it surely seems like Sunday. I told your folks that it seemed as though I had been having several Sundays lately. After a vacation I ought to want to work but am just lazy I guess.
Peggy was telling me there at the station that Charity got a diamond for Christmas. Boo hoo! No chance now I guess.
Gee, I'm getting sleepy. Dawsons have gone to bed so everything is quiet. I ought to sleep well.
Sun. eve
Dear Bet,
Sorry I forgot to mail this but -- oh well.
We went to Sweet Home yesterday and installed the furnace for Johnston. We thought we did a large days work. We worked till six.
I was good and stayed home. Am getting pretty well caught up on my sleep. Was out to Trueloves this evening but no luck. Vera LaForge was just in and visited a minute. Willard has a job but Gordon hasn't. I am writing this here in the post office.
Good luck,
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