handwritten letter postmarked January 13, 1937

Wednesday noon

Dear Lee --
     I have a few minutes left in my noon hour so I'll start an epistle to you.
     I'll bet your enjoying thawing out the pipes.  Br -r-r-! I surely feel sorry for you.  Wish I was there to keep you warm.  I'll bet you enjoy your heater.  The weather is warmer and rainy here.  Has been ever since Sunday.  What do you mean by snooping around in the telephone office?
    While you went to the snow Sunday so did I.  We went up Priest Valley and found quite a little snow in patches but  not deep enough to slide or anything.
     Whatever made you think I wouldn't enjoy coming to C.E.? I've never had an invitation, that I know of.  'Course, I like to go to B.Y.
     Last night and this morning I seem to have a little intestinal flu.  Enough that I missed one class this morning but I feel better now.  Tonight there is a big dinner at the church.  Wouldn't I just feel upset at such a time?  I'm going to go and eat as much as is safe anyway.
    Friday night we are going to go to Selma to a B.Y. Banquet-Rally.
    I'm sorry Mom got so worried but I just neglected to mail the letter until a day late and then for some reason it took a day longer than I expected.  Oh, well, she's heard from me now so I guess it's OK.
    Sorry I wasn't there to make out your statements for you while you slept.
    Oh, me! Finals are coming next week.  I get the jitters every time I think about it.  The last of the week I'm entertaining both the Guild and the Pilot Class so it looks like busy times ahead.

Later same day
    I just had my picture taken for the annual.  I didn't know I was going to have it taken today so probably looked like heck.  Do you want one if they're good?  Do you think your folks would like one?  I'm having some made if they're any good.
    This letter has been by comes and goes and now it's time to mail it and I don't know whether I've said what I ought to or not, but I'll call it a day, anyway.

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