handwritten letter postmarked November 17, 1936
Tuesday morning
Nov. 10, 1936
Dear Lee --
I suddenly had a desire to write to you so I'm doing it instead of studying as I should. Seems like when I wait until Sunday to write I can't think of much to say so I'm starting now and it will probably end up by being another magazine.
I have a secret to tell you. I believe I told you and I'm quite certain I did the folks, that we had classes right up until a day or two before Christmas. Just yesterday I found out that we get out Friday Dec. 18th (nearly a week before Christmas!) My plan is to let the folks keep on thinking that I"ll be home Christmas Eve but I'll take the bus from Fresno, Friday P.M. and get into Albany Sat. P.M. Then if you could meet me there we'd drive out home and surprise the folks. I know this more than a month away but I got to thinking about it and I just had to write to you. We get two full weeks and 3 weekends vacation! Course, I s'pose your getting so stuck up with your new suit and all that you wouldn't even consider coming over to Albany to meet a goofy gal like me. Am I right?
Tomorrow is Armistice Day and I can surely use a day's vacation. My clothes are all a mess and my lessons all need studying. Did I tell you I had my hair cut? It was getting down about to my shoulders and I remembered your saying my neck was too short to wear my hair long and so Rachel cut it. It surely is a mess now! It's so short I look like something the cat's drug in. It's a real shingle up the back. I hope it grows some before Christmas.
I suppose you saw Marion's pictures. He sent (through Mom) me the ones of you laying on the sand and you and I and Grace and Mr. & Mrs. Holmes on the sand, and the one of you and I and the Dodge taken at Kent's. When I showed Rachel the last one she said "my what a pretty tree!" I like it very much.
We are to put on our play at Visalia Dec. 4 and I don't know any of act III yet. Don't you think I'd better get busy.
I bet you think ("what a goofy gal") one time I write a book and the next time a short note but it all depends upon the time I have and the mood I'm in. I write the same way to the folks. By the way, don't you even hint to a soul that I'm coming home early. I had a notion to surprise you too but I was afraid I'd find you "stepping out" so -----.
Did I tell you that I may spend all of Thanksgiving week here alone? The folks are going over to Fresno to test John's eyes and I don't want to go along, but I may. If not, I'll have the whole house to myself so I can surely run things my way. I tho't some of going to Los Angeles but it costs more than I want to spend right now and I guess I can make pretty good use of my time here.
I didn't have any classes this morning but there's an AWS meeting at 11:30 and since it's getting along about that time I'll quit scribbling for the time being.
Thurs. nite
Tsk-tsk! Here I am starting to add some more to this letter and it still isn't time to mail it. I was just reading The Lebanon Distress. Is this new building really yours? or are you just going to rent it? Sounds good anyway. I surely don't like the paper so well with the new managers. It's so full of mistakes I can hardly read it.
I just came home from a Guild meeting. Chocolate cake and tea. Don't you wish you'd been there?
I got a letter from "Smithie" today. She says she's working near me and thinks I'd better look out. Should I? She sent me a hug and kiss from you. Where did she get them? She said Mom that I was getting lonesome. Does she tell you that too? You inform everyone that I"m not the least bit lonesome and I'm having the time of my life. It is grand down here. The kids are all swell. Almost as nice as the kids in Lebanon. I've been getting acquainted with a minister, Rowland Dow (20 years old). Did I tell you about him? We've been on a committee or two together and I find him very interesting. He came from Texas and preaches at Oilfields ( a small oil community). He has a girl friend in Fresno, so don't worry, but he's very interesting to talk with and he has some excellent ideas. I try to write them down so I can give some good BY meetings when I go home.
Here I've written another page so I guess I'll stop for to-nite.
(a girl called me Bet today and it surely sounded swell!)
Tuesday Morn.
Nov. 17, 1936
Well! Why haven't I received a letter from you? I don't know whether to be mad or sad or what? I know my last letter was short but I thought you'd answer it. Didn't you even get it? Or have you written and the letter is lost? or are you through with me? If it's the latter please drop me a card to that effect and ignore the first part of this letter.
Oh dear! I guess I'm very silly but you've got me worried. The last thatI've heard about you was your eating dinner with Lydia. Did you run off with her?
I'm busy all this week and this is about the only time I have to study so I won't bore you with anymore.
I'll mail this and if you haven't written before you get it, please write and tell me where I stand. Far be it from me to keep on writing if you don't care to hear from me!
Betty McClain
Editor's note: The Lebanon Distress is slang for the local paper, The Lebanon Express. Also, the first time she says Love, Bet!
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