handwritten letter postmarked November 16, 1936

In Bed

Dear Bet, 
     How is every little thing?  We surely have had a beautiful day.  It turned warmer and the sun shone nice today.  Somewhat cooler again this evening.
    I left home here Thursday morning twenty after four and arrived in Portland for my breakfast.  Gee, but it was foggy.  I brought back 200 feet of terra cotta sewer tile and was back to Lebanon soon after twelve.  We spent Thursday afternoon laying tile also parts of Friday and Saturday.  We layed the tile for Carl Whinery's new house.  Also hooked Boggie's house up to the city sewer.
     Friday and Saturday nights we pestered your parents and got all the money we could from them.  From what they said you must like California better and better all the time.  Would they give you half price for your dress?
     Eldon dined with us today.  After dinner we motored to Sweet Home and measured up the two McCreedy houses for lave trough and mapped out Harry Johnston's house for a furnace.  They are all just estimates.  We put in the afternoon measuring so nothing ventured nothing gained.
     Eldon tells me Edna sorta strung him along.  A week ago Sunday when he was down she had another boy friend there too.  I never got the details.
     Dad has been in bed since Friday with a cold but we think he is a lot better.  We will not be up tomorrow either.  The laundry people keep a key and I put a sign on the door to call there. They are very accommodating that way.
    The strike in Portland has raised the price on materials.  Most of what I sell and use is made in the east and all rail shipments are high, high!
     I greased the truck this morning under Virgil's instruction for the first time for me.

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