handwritten letter postmarked January 6, 1937
Dear Bet,
Sunday evening found me at C.E. and Church. Marvin Childers was at church so after church we went down to the shop. He put on the new typewriter ribbon for me while I sorted out a few things. Dad and Earnest made a metal box with sixteen pigeon holes in it for my office but I have something in most of them.
It stays rather clear and cool.
Marvin and I tried the new eating joint (Owl Cafe) on our way home. He had been there once before. We had Chili and Beans. Roy (Bade's hired man) was there when we went in but he soon left.
We traded for a cow today. She is supposed to be three years old and should freshen this coming week. We are keeping our old cow until she does.
Eleven o'clock and I have run down. Do you suppose I'll get this mailed this coming week?
Good night.
Tuesday 10:05
Dear Bet,
Have been carrying this around with me the last two days. Keeping all the news from you.
This evening I have finished the estimate for Ralph Scroggins Marquee and figured out the estimate for Leland Tucker. Last night I tried to study up on how to lay a sheet metal roof but got sleepy about nine o'clock and went to bed. I studied some more on it tonight. Joel Mayers is going to take off the roof on the printing office and wants us to put on on that will not leak. Do you suppose we can do it? I may go to Albany tomorrow evening.
We spent most of the day in jail. Yes, and Leland was there too. Someone last night just about tore the plumbing out of one cell. It never had been put in with all precaution so we did our best to make things substantial.
Yesterday and two hours of this morning we used in putting in the sink and gas stove for Oscar Davis. Chet Fitzwater and wife are to live in the new apartments.
How do you like this for stationary? I have been figuring on this sort of paper almost all evening.
I received your card from Fresno yesterday. Glad to hear you landed safely. We can see snow on Peterson and Ridgeway Buttes. It snowed hard for a while early last nights and then warmed up enough to rain nearly all night.
It is about time to put Skeeter out and go to bed. Yes? I can't let all this good paper go to waste so I'll say on this sheet.
Good morning!
Between 16 & 17 degrees this morning and is clear as a bell. Thawed out a few pipes this AM.
Will mail this this noon so you may get it some time.
Was looking for a letter today but I suppose you have been very busy since your arrival.
Mr Estep is Grandpa now. Rowena has a boy.
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