handwritten letter postmarked December 14, 1936

1038 Grove St

Dear Bet,
    Sunday night finds me in bed at just a little after ten.  I was expecting to hear that you had arrived home today from what your mother said Friday night.  Marion and I were out to the Tallman Community meeting for a short time and visited with your mother some.  If you should get sick I think you'll have a nurse in rather short time.
    We dashed up to Lacomb but got up there too late so then came back to town and went to a party at Prestons.  It was my Sunday School class.  All married people but Dean & LaNeve and Marion and I.  We had plenty of sandwiches and cake to eat.
    Saturday we worked on Geo. Hardens house and Saturday night I went to bed.  This morning at seven I left for Silverton.  I was supposed to be there at nine and I arrived at eight-thirty so went down and rousted Planks out of bed.  We got the furnace load about eleven and I went back down and visited with Paul a little longer.  I left before his folks & sister got back from church so I ate dinner in Salem at the "Blue Bird".  Oh, yes, I had tomatoe, lettuce and sliced chicken sandwich.  I stopped in Albany and visited with your sister and family and Dorothy Holmes and then spent some time with Mr. Stone.  I stopped at Cates and Eldon was just going to milk. I purchased a dressed turkey from Mr. Cate with the money Lloyd gave me so am broke as usual.  I got home about six.  Ate a bit and went to CE and church.
    I have promised to take a group of kids to Lewisburg tomorrow night.  Do you suppose the'll appreciate it?  It is Lebanon night over there so they tell me.  If I am as tired tomorrow night as I was to night I'll sleep while they skate.
PS Received your letter this AM.  We went to Sweet Home but came back.  I saw your mother & she was glad to hear you were out of q.  She is in town looking around.  This will probably be the last till I see you.

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