handwritten letter postmarked November 4, 1936

In Bed

Dear Bet,
    Yours received and contents noted.
     Dawsons radio has been spealing about Wolves of the wine press or something like that.  The radio has died down till I can't make out anything so will scratch just a little.
     Oh, yes from what I have heard the Sunflowers are about done for-dropping fast.
     Your dear cousin was to go to Silverton again this Sunday.  Terrible! He asked me if I wanted to go.
     Dad and I looked around for a cow in the afternoon but haven't found one yet.
     We started on Paul Chilcote's new house Monday morning.  We worked there today, too.  It was raining this evening so will probably put coils in Charles Greens new Eastman furnace in the morning.  
     They have finally started on our new building.
     The work on the new theater is progressing very rapidly.  Very few local men are working on it.
     I did not get to speak to your folks Sunday.  Hunting season is over and I never killed a thing but a couple of Mom's bantams.
     Paul Chilcote is building his house across the street east from Chet Meyers on the lot he purchased from Mrs. Turnidge.
     Don Furch and Bill Guy in Bill Guys car and Keeblers and some body else had an auto accident just south of the Power Plant Sunday night.  I do not know the particulars.
     Don Keebler was down in Portland trying to run things and someone broke his jaw,  I don't know any particulars.
    The wind is sorta blowing and I am getting scared.  Maybe I had better get to sleep.
     Oh yes, I dined with LaForges Saturday.  More fun.

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