handwritten letter postmarked November 26, 1936
In Bed
10:35 PM
Dear Bet,
Wednesday night finds me foot weary from skating. They are having skating every Wednesday evening here at the Armory. I should have been working but at eight o'clock I came home and slipped on some clean overalls and spent thirty-five cents for a change. I sorta enjoyed myself but I would rather take another trip out to the Oaks. It is very crowded here in the armory.
Sunday morning took one of your dear teachers to Portland and she had a load of stuff (puppet stages, etc) for me to bring back. Yes, it was Kee Buchanan.
They were having an anniversary dinner at the church (28th year) and I got back in time for dinner. It was sorta foggy too.
After dinner Marvin Childers and I got our guns and were going for a little drive and some shooting. We added to our party Dean and Lee Neve. Four doesn't make a load so we picked up Eloise Skinner and Barbara Horner. We went west of town, southwest of Peterson Butte out to the Hill the Beacons sits on. Done some shooting till Marvin's gun jammed a shell and then we journeyed to the top. If you have never been there we'll have to take the trip sometime. It doesn't take long to hike it. You drive to the foot of the hill.
Mr. Stone has been over the last three days helping us build the Markee in front of Bennett's Grocery. We have it about half done.
We will work at plumbing work tomorrow.
Dad sits up most of the days now.
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