handwritten letter postmarked November 30, 1936

9:30 PM

Dear Bet,
    Yours of the twenty-third received and contents noted.  I hope ("sincerely") that your cold is much better.  I am at present in bed but not with a cold.  Just my bed time.
    What do I want for Christmas?  You would be surprised!  Well, plenty to eat and a jolly good time. What do you want?
    We worked Thanksgiving Day but ate Turkey Dinner at Aunt Effies.  Sixty some pounds of turkey and all that goes with it.  We did not go to work till after two in the afternoon.  I did not eat any supper. Didn't need any!
    Oh, yes, before I forget it, Mr and Mrs Virgil Stitt are the proud parents of an eight and one half pound baby boy born to them Nov. 29 at one-thirty AM.  Mother and Son doing well, Father sorta worried.  It happened so soon he had forgotten the cigars.  It happened at Idella's.  Dr. Miller, etc.
     I did some repair work at Joel Meyers house this morning and Earnest helped me move most of the plumbing supplies down to the new shop this afternoon.  Eldon was by and visited a little.  Marian M. had a party Firday night for a select group.  Eldon says Leona is coming his way again.  She was at the party Fri night. Oh, yes and back to my troubles.  I didn't attend church or Sunday School today so it doesn't seem a bit like Sunday.
     Dad is still in bed but we think he is getting better.  
     Mr and Mrs Dawson's son William and his bride to be (wife now) won a contest in Portland and were married at a public ceremony Sat. night.  Mr & Mrs Dawson were both down to Portland and will be back Tuesday so then we will have the inside dope on things.
     We have been trying to sell the shoe repair shop to Charley Davis but he can't seem to raise the money.  Gee, I hate to move it down to the new building.  They do not have all the glass in the new building yet but are supposed to finish it tomorrow.  We will then finish moving.
     We have about a half a days work on the marquee in front of Bennett's Grocery and it will be finished.
     I have just read this over-some writing I would say with a lead pencil.  You might doubt this statement but I doubt it.
     What hour & minute did you say on the 18th?  I'll have to russell up a date for that night!
      Dawson's have a white kitten and does it and Skeeter have a time?  They surely play together!
      Well, be careful!

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