handwritten letter postmarked November 18, 1936

Wednesday morn.

Dear Lee --
     Well, it's about time I got a letter from you.  I suppose I'll have to answer it or you won't write for another week and a half.
     I want you to understand that I didn't begrudge you the work for the folks, but I don't want them to have things inconvenient just so I can go to school.  Looks like they should have waited until I was home but maybe you wouldn't have got anything done if I was there.
     So Eldon is going to let another guy get the best of him!  You better tell him a thing or two. 
     I hope your Dad is feeling better.
     Well, old dear, exactly one month from the P.M. I'm leaving Coalinga (for two weeks).  Will you meet me as planned?
     Here I am in the P.O. and it's almost time for the mail to go out.  Inez is here with me, so I must dash.
              As ever,
Betty's old stand by.  By the way Bet isn't having a good time (Like so much)
Inez Kahl, 194 Buchanan, Coalinga, Calif.           <------Betty's idea

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