a handwritten letter postmarked September 11, 1936

10:45 PM

Dear Bet,
    Received your two cards yesterday and day before and the letter today.
    Glad to hear you like the country, climate, etc.
    California has several holidays we Oregonians haven't observed yet?
    Where is this Huntington? Just a stones throw from Coalinga?
     I haven't seen your Mother yet but shall ask to read her letter when I see her.
     Sunday was a great day for me.  I made a fellow mad Saturday night by telling him I would not hook up his stove for him on Sunday.  Well Sunday rolled around and "Hughy" had not accomplished enough on Ward Hoseid's rear addition to his store. (Hugh was putting up the gutter between the buildings). So Ward and I motored to Albany and after so long a time found a sheet metal man by the name of Charles Stone.  We brought him back over and I helped ? learned how at least.  We worked till seven.  Labor (Monday) I did the same thing as we did Sunday.  Talk about melting and running down in your shoes I should have melted and run down the gutter.  More fun.  Hugh finished the soldering Tuesday and then helped me Wed and Thurs out at McWilliams. Last night he took out the tank that they wash cream cans in, in at Ralph Scroggins, and made a new one and put it in this morning.  This afternoon he overhauled a furnace for Joel Mayer, the banker.  I worked out at McWilliams and hooked up a stove here in town.  Last night dad and I and the owner (a Mr. Nichols) took out a bursted hot water tank and put in a new one in a little less than an hour.  That is the quickest I have ever done any.  We did not have a bit of bad luck.
     Tonight is the earliest except Monday night that I have quit work since you left.  The night we set the fixtures in Frank Gleasons new house it was 1:30 when we finished.  Dad was with me that night.
     I have promised Virgil that I will be at his place tomorrow (Friday) night.
     I am sorry i know no news or gossip but just haven't heard any.
     How about taking a correspondence course in Physics? or writing?

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