Typed letter postmarked October 4, 1936

Dear Lee ----
    On a calm Sunday afternoon I seat myself before my typewriter and endevour to answer your very kind and welcome letter.
    Thank you for the information.  As to the old batchelor keep track of him, I may want to meet him some day when there is nobody else in sight.  So far I've earned exactly 44 cents from the old maids.  I'm afraid I'll never get rich that way nor will you get a chance to borrow much but your welcome to all that I can scrape tougher.  What is a sheet metal brake?  Am I terribly dumb? I've never even heard of it before. More power to you in your competition with old man Bade.  I'm sure you'll win out. You see I have faith in you. I received a letter from Eldon this week. That means I have about a dozen now that need answering.
     They still keep me on the run around here. To give a brief resume of what has taken place since I last wrote: Friday- Junior-Senior guild supper (at which yours truly was on the entertainment committee so of course we had a swell time) Saturday a monopoly party at Ruth's; Sunday the usual set of services; Monday to bed with a sick headache; Tuesday an anti-saloon league play "The Prisoner at the Bar"; Wednesday--Drama class; Thursday-- guild meeting; Friday the first clouds since I have been in California even a few drops of water (rain I mean, not tears); Saturday-- a Gary Cooper show The General Died at Dawn- a Chinese production. Sunday --today seems to be just another Sunday with the usual church services. Our new minister Rev. Bottlemiller began his pastorate here this morning.  So now you see why I haven't got time to spit. In between all the other things I must study. I neglected to say that Cub has been taking me to several of the above-mentioned activities.
     Except for all this life is running along in it's usual monotonous way.  I'm getting fatter all the time. By the time you see me again you won't even want to speak to me I'll be so fat.  But the climate and the food here are too good for me.  I have learned to do the flutter kick and the backstroke (in swimming) so be prepared to see an expert next time you see me swim. Ha Ha!
     My mind is becoming unusually blank so I will close this painful (to you) epistle and leave you in peace.
                              Your lady friend from California,

P.S.  Don't forget to write !!!!

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