handwritten letter postmarked October 22, 1936
11 PM
Dear Bet,
Have just figured the fixtures for a house that I hope to figure on tomorrow. Was supposed to be about a duplicate of George Surrey's house.
If I get this house I am suppose to get another one almost like it. George Harden is the contractor so am not losing too much sleep over it.
Oh, yes, I received your letter this morning and read it this noon. Dad called it a night letter.
We (Mr Eastman and I) sold Charles Green a furnace this morning and have a good chance of selling one to Kenneth Fuller (he went to Silverton this morning and was visiting there while we were investigating his house here) and one to Mr Tucker who is building a house right across the street north from Charles Green. Not much money in it for me but I got out of work this morning by doing this.
Early this morning I went to Albany and got Mr. Charles Stone and brought him over to do some sheet metal work for us to be used at the Nut Plant. Day before yesterday Earnest and his brother-in-law hung 47' OG Gutter (on the third floor-height I mean) at the Nut Plant for us for the Nut Plant.
Oh, the building is to be built on to the East side of the new building they have built for Eichner on the same place as his old building stood. We will be just across the street from brother Bade. More Fun!!!
The contract for the new theater building has been let and the man that got it is to have Bade do the plumbing so Br. Bade is in the highest of spirits and so am I??
I was to to your parents for breakfast Sun AM. No pheasants. Read your descriptive letter.
Well, give the boy a chance.
Sorry I don't know any gossip --am glad you like the package. Any money in that sophomore job?
Glad you got it.
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