handwritten letter postmarked September 15, 1936

Dear Lee --
     Today is Mom's birthday and I'll celebrate by writing to you. I received your much waited for letter today. It sounds to me like somebody's been working hard as usual. It makes me feel sort of guilty, I go around having a good time while you work all the time. There's a plumbing shop up on the main street and every time I go past it I smell and think of you. You asked where Huntington Lake is.  It is over 100 miles from here. Sort of  northeast I think.  
     I am at last all registered and going to school. I like it better all the time. It isn't too hard and everyone is so friendly. Do you want me to speak to Mr. Johnson (physics teacher) about you taking a correspondence course? I would ask some good looking girl in our class to help you but there aren't any. I'm the only girl and a whole bunch of guys. Oh, me! Same way in my math class. Oh, my!
     Sunday I went to Sunday school and church. In the afternoon Cub (the boy I went went with to Huntington lake) came and got me and took me over to his cousins and we ate ice cream. There were 10 or 15 kids (Baptists) there so I am beginning to get acquainted. After we left there we drove around town (in Cub's uncle's car) and then stopped at a stand and had more ice cream. He brought me home and then came and took me to BY and church and a hamburger afterwards. Tomorrow night we're going to a show.  I know this sounds serious but it isn't, as you know, and if I don't tell you someone else will and stretch it a mile.  You don't mind, do you?
     I wish you were here I could talk to you for hours but I can't seem to write what I want to say.
     The weather here is much cooler. In fact the nights are very cold but the days are nice and sunny.
     Don't work too hard and too much and don't forget to write. 
                                   As ever---

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