a typewritten letter postmarked September 25, 1936
Dear Lee-------
Hi Toots!! How's tricks? Do you miss me? I'm not going to tell you whether I miss you or not because it might give you the big head and I'd hate for you to have to get a new hat.
"Your letter received and contents noted" would be putting it very mildly. You old matchmaker!! I thought you teased me about making matches. I wish you all the success in the world. I surely hope Eldon and Edna do hit it off okay. They are each worthy of each other. Glad you got to go to the Fair. Do you remember a year ago? I do. So you're trying to sell furnaces now? You certainly couldn't sell me one now. For the past week the thermometer has been hovering too near 100 to be comfortable. You and Marvin are back to your childhood tricks of stealing fruit, huh? Shame!! I hope you made your trip to Portland and back okay. Did you go to see Catherine? She wasn't home because she has gone to Linfield after all. She had to give up Smiley to get to go though. Poor kid! I don't know whether to pity or envy her. ( I mean envy her on account of Linfield, not Smiley.) What's the North Dakota fellow's name? Is he good help? Tell me did that house we went to see have an upstairs in it if so where was the stairway? I'd like to see it when it's done. Are they going to have housewarming? I'll be there.
Let's see having remarked upon the contents of your letter I think I'll reprimand you. You were to write every week. It was 10 days between letters this time. I realize you're a terribly busy and popular man though so I'll excuse you, but never let it happen again (until next time).
As you can see by now I'm in a very crazy mood. I like to have a good fight but there's no one to fight with except the typewriter and I'm doing my darndest at it.
School is still coming along. Physics has developed a decided trend towards trigonometry and as I have never had trig I'm trying to learn all about it in as short of time as possible. I went to Drama class last night and now have a part in a play. It is "Here comes the Hero." I play the part of a very rich and very talkative lady with too darling twins. The talkativeness comes easy but the being rich and mother of twins is a new experience for me. Last Saturday and tonight we entertained guests. My! What a job! I 've lived through both times however and I'm looking forward to a large number more. (I mean here at Rachel's, we entertained)
Oh! I almost forgot I have another additional job cleaning up a couple of old maid grade school teachers house once a week for $.25 per hour. I start tomorrow. I guess I'm going to get rich in sunny California. Do you want a loan? My interest rate is $.50 a week in Dutch Nickels*.
And speaking of money I guess I'm through spending the tall, dark, and handsome's money from Virginia. We went to the show a week ago Tuesday and he brought me home from WWG Thursday. Saturday night we went to a Sunday school party and played Monopoly. (It's lots of fun but I always lost) Sunday we went to SS, BY and church together. He said he'd come by Monday or Tuesday night and take me to the show. He hasn't showed up yet but who cares? There's plenty of money in the sea that's never been spent! You see I'm really turning "Golddigger".
I still like it here very much and although I get homesick every once in a while, I try to think of something else real quick. Incidentally, three months from tonight I should be home. Sounds like a long time but I "can take it."
Did you know the folks were gone all last week on a trip in eastern Oregon and Washington?I guess they enjoyed it immensely but were pretty glad to be home again. Mom is going to send for a washing machine she said and I'm surely glad.
----------------Pause while I sat and thought and was shocked find that I was almost run down. Can you imagine me ever running down ? I can't either must be the heat.
I was just looking at your letter and noticed that today is the day that Erma and Orton take the Fatal Leap. Another good couple gone to the dogs! Or is it? How should I know.
Perhaps it's time I quit rattling my typewriter or brain or something. It's 9:15 and I think part of the family anyway are trying to sleep.
This is just like saying good night. I can't seem to get around to it. After all I'm Scotch and I hate to waste a little paper.
Oh, by the way don't get so busy up there that you can't find time to at least drop me a card once a month or so. If you're broke I'll send you one of the pennies that I've been saving.
If I was of a romantic nature I'd say it with song such as "Goodnight, sweetheart," or Auf Weidersein, my dear" or "Till we meet again" or "Goodbye, my lover, Goodbye". But since I'm not I'll just say "God be with you till we meet again."
Editor's notes: *Dutch Nickels is slang for hugs! The game of Monopoly came out in late 1935.
Love it! I remember some years after Grandpa had passed that Grandma took up writing little short stories that made up a very light and sweet romance novel. You can tell from this letter particularly that she enjoyed writing and fancied herself a bit of a "writer" even as a teenager.
ReplyDeleteIt's cute and funny and has heaps of energy! Dutch nickels is a hilarious bit of old slang -- I never would have guessed what it meant without the editor's note!
I didn't know what Dutch nickels were, I had to look it up. It's supposedly because the Dutch were so cheap they would pay you in hugs instead of money. You can tell she really fancied herself a writer.