handwritten letter postmarked October 15, 1936

11:50 PM
In Bed

Dear Bet,

    Have retired for the day so will answer your letter that I received yesterday (Tuesday).
     I made a slight purchase Saturday night to be sent to you but this letter will probably bring the tiding before it arrives.
     Mother and I went to Portland today.  I purchased a suit, and a hat for Dad.  Mother didn't find a dress to suit her so came home without  The suit is brown with a red check.  I know you won't like it for that reason.  It has a double breasted coat too some thing more different for me.
     I had a nice visit with your mother and father Sunday.  Then invited me out to hunt China's but the season opens in the morning and I haven't been out yet.  I purchased a box of 22 shells Sat night and Neal Dawson gave me some 12 Ga shot gun shells this evening.  I have no license so if you hear that I am in jail don't be surprised.
     Monday I paid Dr. Gill a visit and had two teeth pulled and one filled.  Tonight was the first decent meal I have eaten.  I can't take it for I nearly passed out when he shot the stuff into my jaw to deaden the pain.  He held my head down between my knees and then afer a bit had me lie down with my feet up and my head down.  More fun.
     Tues we finished up at the dance hall but no water yet so will probably have to go out later and check over.
    We are planning on moving the shop-- maybe your mother has told you?
    We had a sign painted on the truck Sunday.  It is Black and shaded with yellow and Green (pale). I sorta like it and it only cost just $5.00  LEE SCOTT, PLUMBING, PHONE 621
     There was a party at the Baptist Church last night.  Francis Wayett asked me Sunday if I were going but I just didn't get around to go.

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