a typewritten letter postmarked September 8, 1936
Sunday PM
Dear Lee ---
I arrived here just at twilight last night and I can't begin to tell you the beauties of the trip and this little town. If you would like to know some thing about it ask my Mom to show you a sort of general letter that I wrote, next time you see her.
I like it here very much and so far neither homesickness or heat have gotten me down but this is still the first day.
Marian's package was stationery. This is a piece of it. She also sent a ducky little card with it. The train ride was very comfortable but I got very little sleep.
I am all unpacked and settled quite comfortably in spite of the heat. I have my typewriter on one end of my trunk and myself on the other, but as I am getting rather tired I think I will discontinue until another time.
Tuesday PM
As you no doubt already know I have begun having my good times by a trip to Huntington Lake yesterday. Ruth Fletcher (a girl I met at church) and her boyfriend, Monroe Matthews, and her cousin, visiting here from Virginia, Earnest Culbertson, better know as "Cub", invited me to go with them for a day at Huntington Lake. We had a grand time. The lake is 6 1/2 miles long and 300 feet deep. It was beautiful. We started about 5:30 and came back about 9 or 10 pm. We went out in row boats and motor boats, consequently I have a lovely sunburn on my nose today.
I went to register today. I am not taking what I had planned but I think it will be O.K. I surely had a time finding my way around. But if I didn't know anything I just asked someone. I think I'm going to like it everyone seems so friendly.
Connet's are swell to me. All I have to do is clean up the house in the morning and do dishes and clean up the kitchen in the evening. Take care of the boys also. I am doing that this afternoon. Rachel went to a party. I read to two of the littlest boys and let them rest 1/2 hour per schedule. Now someone has come to see them and they are playing around here. I have better studying facilities now. We hunted up an old table and a chair and so now all I need is my lamp and I think I'll send for that.
No classes tomorrow as that is California Admission Day. I have a big assignment in Physics though so I guess I can keep busy.
As soon as Rachel comes home I am going up town and buy my mother a Birthday Present. I hope I don't melt and run down in my shoes on the way. In other words it is very warm today.
Are you keeping busy and out of mischief?
Write to me some day.
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