handwritten letter dated October 19, 1936

Saturday night
10:00 PM
Oct, 17, 1936

Dear Lee -
     What? No date on Saturday night?  I guess it's sad but true.  In fact I've only been out two nights this week. Wednesday to Class and Thursday to an Associated Women Students Progressive Party - so you see I haven't seen Cub all week.  He'll probably show up tomorrow.  I guess his money is getting low so perhaps I'd better quit him and look for bigger game.  How's that for Gold-digging? I didn't intend to start right out and tell you all about my boy friends for they really don't count for a thing with me and I guess you know why.  I feel in a sentimental mood tonight so if you don't ever get this letter you'll know I censored it and decided to destroy it.
    I was very happy to get your letter this morning along with one for Mom and a "newsy" one from Marge B.  I haven't received the package from you yet.  Mom says she sent me one also and I haven't received it either.  I'll just be patient, I guess.
    I'm so anxious to see the new suit.  I can't imagine you in a double-breasted suit but I like them very much.  I guess I can put up with the brown and red.  In fact, I might even get to liking it.  Mom seemed to think you weren't interested in killing our China's since you didn't go out.  Don't get in jail 'cause I haven't any money to bail you out.
     I"m glad your getting your teeth fixed but do be careful! I don't like funerals. (That sounds sort of goofy- as though I didn't care and I really do.)  Speaking of funerals, I was surprised to hear about Wally's wife.  Remember that Sunday that we saw them at Waterloo.  They seemed so happy.  She was so young.  It seems a shame.
    You and Mom both mentioned the possible moving of the shop but neither one said where.  Please write me the particulars.  It would seem funny not to go to 63 Sherman St. for Scott's Plumbing Shop.
     I'm anxious to see the sign.  You must send me some pictures of these new improvements.  You're surely getting things done in a business way. Is it because I'm not there to take up your time and money? I'm sorry I'm not there but I'm glad you're getting things done.
    Why didn't you take Frances to the B.Y. Party? You know what I told you about taking her.  They'd have enjoyed having you there and she'd have enjoyed your company. She wrote me a letter this week (I think it was).
    Seeings as how I had so much spare time laying around waste I attacked another subject- Mechanical Drawing- Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.  I'm not so very far behind and it's easy after what I had of it last year.  I've been working on it all evening.  It's lots of fun and Darwin teaches it in High School so he helps me when I get stuck.
     You should see me swim by now.  I can go the width of the tank on the back stroke (you kick your arms and legs like a frog and lay on your back)  The water is getting a little cool but she keeps us too busy to stop and think of that.
    It has been raining off and on all day. Surely seems good after so much hot, dry weather.
    Yesterday ended the first 6-weeks and grades come out next week.  We'll see if Little Betty stands at the head of her class.
     Your picture is sitting in front of me and I'd give every cent I've got if it was you.  Just two more months and one more week and I'll be heading north as fast as the bus (or whatever I'll go in) can take me!!! I'm not homesick but just ----well, you've been away from home so you know what I mean.
    Mom and Marjorie both mentioned Eldon and Edna's affair and wondered if i would be serious this time.  What is your private and candid opinion?
    Say, I've written three sheets so I guess I'd better sign off before you wear out your eyes trying to figure this out.  It's a quarter 'till eleven anyway so "goodnight"
Monday afternoon

Lee-------------your old dear! I could just hug you! (if you were here) How sweet of you to send me stationery just when I needed it! And that darling container or holder or whatever you call it.  I have it tacked up right in front of my desk.  Maybe I'll get caught up on my correspondence with it to remind me.  If you can't understand my ravings, what I really mean is "Thanks a lot!"
    I just came home from taking a Physics test in which I believe I did very good except for the last problem and it is all wrong.  The six-weeks have just ended so grades will soon be out.  I wonder how I'll stand.
    I was elected Sec'y-Treas. of the Sophomore Class this morning.  What do you think of that?  I guess I'm sort of coming up in the world.
    I sat with Cub in church yesterday morning and then he brot' me home but I'm mad.  He didn't come to see me all week, he went to a J.C. Football game without coming by, and yesterday morning it was raining pitchforks and puppy dogs tails and he didn't even bother to come by and get me so ---when he said as I got out at noon yesterday "I'll be seeing you." I said "Oh, yeah?" and that was that! I haven't seen him since and don't care if I never do.  Maybe I get mad too easily but I've been about ready to quit him for a long time and this was the last straw!
     I must initiate my new stationery by writing to you on it.  I hope you didn't expect a letter earlier.  I didn't get around to finishing this yesterday and I sort of wanted to wait until I got your package.
    I don't think this week will be quite as busy as the last few.  I'll be mighty glad for a chance to get caught up on my sleep and studies.
    If anyone tells you it never rains in California, you tell them to go jump in the lake.  Yesterday and Saturday night it rained as hard as it ever does in Oregon. It surely seemed good.  I'd like to have gone out and stood in it but I was afraid I'd catch my death of cold and I didn't have time anyway.  Today is one of those dull dreary days.  It seems so funny here after so much sunshine.
    Well, it's ten after 3 and must write a letter to the folks before my 4 o'clock gym class so good-bye.
P.S.  I'll be expecting a letter on Saturday!  Thanks again for remembering me in all your prosperity.

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