typewritten letter postmarked October 25, 1936
Sunday afternoon
Dear Lee---
I'll bet you wish you were here. The boys and I just made a plate of Fudge and boy was it good. The folks went to see "Anthony Adverse" so it was up to me to take care of the boys for the afternoon.
This week has not been quite so busy. Friday night I sent to Selma to a BY Rally. Just as we drove into the town I saw a sign "Hear James Earl Ladd at the Christian Church" I almost ditched the BY Rally and went to hear him. Do you remember about year ago now, wasn't it? when he was in Lebanon? We went on into Fresno after the Rally and went to the New Shanghai in China town there and had Chow Mein. It was very good and lots of fun. There was only one boy in our carload and he was a little Sophomore in High School so I didn't get to do a bit of flirting. Wasn't that a shame? Last might we had a spooky Halloween Party at Ruth's. It was a Sunday School Party. We had lots of fun. At the business meeting I was elected Pres. of the Pilot Class. I guess I'm sort of getting up into the 500. Ahem, ahem!!
We got our report cards the other day. I got an A-,2Bs and a C.
So your Dad thought my letter was a long one, did he? Did he get my card? I guess I sent it a little early, or did I? So you get to be in a brand new building? That will be swell. Will it be done by Christmas? Are you building it? or is somebody else? Will it hold several shops or just the one? You see I'm terribly curious.
I guess I can't give Cub a chance as he left last Thursday for Fillmore, Calif. without even coming and bidding me farewell, so what am I to do?
My mind doesn't seem to be working right today. Maybe it's because I'm trying to get the best of a cold. Don't get too close to me or you might catch it.
I went to a football game yesterday. Coalinga JC vs. Bakersfield JC. They beat us 14-0 but that wan't so bad considering that they had about twice as many men as we did.
I can't seem to get my mind focused on anything more of importance so I"ll just stop before I put in a lot of trash.
I am enclosing a Halloween fortune that I got a hold of and made me think of you. Oh, yes, a lady told my fortune last night. She said I would be very happy and have lots of fun and take a journey across the sea but she could see no love in my life. I would live a long time and be very happy but ----no love.
Enclosed was fortune: To none but thee I will complain---
There's none I love so well;
But far from thee I grieve in pain,
To whom I've bid farewell.
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