handwritten letter postmarked September 21, 1936

In Bed

Dear Bet-
     After 12 this Sunday night or should I say Monday morning.
     Hello! How are you? Thanks for the picture. How's the weather by now. The last two days have been genuine Indian summer days. Red sunset and all.
     Last Saturday I decided to quit work at noon and go to the State Fair. 4:30 PM I got finished up and by 5:30 was leaving town. At the fair I spent time with Eldon. We took in the grandstand entertainment etc.  About midnight I left and went to Silverton. I crawled in bed with Paul. He hardly woke enough for me to kick him over for room.  About six in the morning we woke the rest of the household by our conversation. We went to Sunday school and church. Had a nice time. Sunday afternoon Paul and I took in the Eastman brothers furnace factory.  We had a heck of a  time getting hold of Mr. Eastman but we trailed him out to the golf course and made an appointment for that afternoon. We had a grand time. He showed us around and helped me out quite a bit. I or we (Scotts Plumbing Shop) are The Lebanon representatives for Eastman furnaces we have two prospects already.  I have to draw a map of the house and send in and they do all the rest. Maybe we will sell a furnace some day?
     Sunday night we-- Paul, Edna and I went to Monitor (or something) and got Paul's girlfriend, a Norwegian girl (Seventh-day Adventists, too)  We went to a show in Silverton.  I got home by 1 o'clock. Edna passed the good word along to me that she thought she could still have a good time with Eldon. He took her around at the fair the Best seats in Horseshow and all. Well before I had contacted Eldon to let him know she appreciated all this - well Saturday night She and Mr and Mrs. Plank arrived in Lebanon, I saw Mr Plank visited a few moments and then saw Eldon's folks in town and visited with them.  They said Eldon just came home as they came to town and that there was a letter there for him from Silverton.  Well I called the boy up and asked his permission to get Edna and bring her out and then we would take in the town. That is what happened.  I played chaffeur.
     This afternoon we (the C.E.) had a pot luck dinner at the church and a business meeting.  After that Marvin Childers and I with his guitar and our guns were getting into the car and here came Eldon and Edna.  We visited and then Marvin and I went east of town and shot a few shells and then I listened to him play.  We stopped at the old orchard (on the hill) west of Rose's on the River road and ate grapes and apples till dark and then I went to C.E.  After which I rode around a bit and found Edna and Eldon and took them down to the shop.  She wanted to visit with Donna so I called but she is on the day shift now.  They left and I spent the evening figuring up how much Frank Gleason owes us on the two houses.
     I am going to Portland Tuesday.  Erma and Orton are to be married the 24th so I am taking the rest of their things up and bringing back a load of plumbing materials.
     Mr Dawson slipped Tuesday and hurt his back.  He has been in bed since but thinks he'll be able to go to Portland with me and get his son's car and bring it back.
     The first of the week I worked out at Tom McWilliams.  Have a young fellow from N. Dakota helping me.  He seems to be a nice lad.  Married and has a boy 18 mos. just a farm boy but quick to learn.  
     Friday and Saturday we started the house we went out to see.  We will work here tomorrow too.  The lath is all on except where we have pipes to put in.
     I am glad you are having a good time and not too stuck up to help spend the boys money.

1 comment:

  1. Paul and Edna were, I believe, Lee's cousins (last name Canaday) that lived in Silverton. Eldon was Eldon McClain, who was Betty's cousin. C.E. is Christian Endeavor, the young people's group from the Christian Church. Betty went to B.Y., or Baptist Youth, which was a similar group from the Baptist Church.
