handwritten letter postmarked October 8, 1936

Oct. 6-36
Lebanon, Ore
At Home

Dear Bet,
     Received your letter of the fourth today.  We surely had a swell day-weather.  It is foggy of mornings but the sun came out swell today.
    We installed a copper coil for Lum Keifhaver and a range boiler for Pengra's, we'll go out to Pete's in the morning.  We were there Monday but I ran over a cat on the way out so did not have too much good luck.  Ha! A sheet metal brake is used to bend sheet metal (square or otherwise).
     Ed Kellenberger has a complete set of sheet metal tools now --three of us more fun I suppose.
     I have been planning on going to Bandon to look for work but have not definitely decided yet.  Maybe this weekend I'll go.  It's just a few miles 200 and some.
     Eldon and I took in the town Sat. Night.  I shopped for a suit but will have to wait a while yet.
     Being as how you are so busy I suppose I should take time to make my writing more readable so you wouldn't have to waste so much time if you read all of it.
     Thur. we start on the new dance hall on the highway just before you turn off to Sodaville.  Three toilets and two other fixtures.  John Macadonia (the owner) says he is going to have skating during the week and dances Sat. nights.  It is quite large so it ought to be fun, about a $4000.00 building.
     Mother is snoring so loud she makes me sleepy.
In Bed

Dear Bet, 
     The letter I wrote last night is still in my valise case so will add a few more lines this evening.
      I forgot to tell you that I had been to Virgil and Verna's last night.  The ladies of the church had a shower for Verna.  She received quite a few little things to be used in the future.
      There is a young couple staying with Mrs. Stitt (Virgil's mother) and they have a little girl. She said "There are surely lots of pretty things for a baby, but what I want to know is where is the baby."  Mrs. Stitt (V. Mother) said Santa Claus will bring it.
      We finished up out at Pete's today so will tie into the dance hall in the morning.
       Dad and I tried the brake out this evening.  The first time I have used it.  We made 44 feet of flashing that goes above windows and fifty-six feet of Roll Valley.
      The air plane is just going over.  Oh, say what sorta game is monopoly?  I am on the entertainment committee for a party Fri night at the church.  We'll have a good time.

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