A postcard
To Mr and Mrs A. B. McClain
Rural Route #2
Leaving Medford
7 pm Sept 4, 1936
Dear Mom and Pop -
Thus far the journey has been very pleasant. A bit warm this afternoon. My package from Marian was stationery and a lovely card. I am beginning to feel quite at home on the train. I'm afraid I'll hate to leave it. I had a half pint of milk for supper. It surely tasted good. I'm afraid I'll be stuffed by the time I get to Rachel's. Things taste good tho!
A postcard
To Mr Lee Scott
63 Sherman Street
Martinez, California
September 5, 1936
8:30 am
Dear Lee-
Here I am in a dandy old waiting room with a hours wait ahead. I changed my schedule so as to avoid changing trains a couple of times and now I must wait.
Last thing I saw last night was good old Oregon. First thing I saw this morning was dry old California. It isn't so bad tho. I am sure tired of riding and quite a bit of it ahead yet..
More later,
A typed letter
postmarked Sept 6, 1936
To Mr and Mrs. Arthur B McClain
128 Pierce St
Coalinga, CA
Sunday Afternoon
Dear Parents:--
I'm here and hot! It really isn't as bad as it might be though.
I had a lovely trip. I think I slept a total of five hours all together. I rented a pillow but there was too much to see to waste time sleeping I had plenty of lunch in fact I bro't some of it home for supper. I didn't change trains at Davis, the conductor told me to change at Martinez instead. I had an hours wait-over there. It wasn't so bad. I met a girl who was going to Los Angeles on the same train so we got to talking and rode together the rest of the way. She worked in Pasadena and had gone to her home in North Dakota for a visit during the summer. The train was late so we didn't get into Fresno until about 3:00. Rachel and Darwin were there to meet me. They had a friend with them, Mrs. Baxley. Her husband is also a teacher. We looked over Fresno a bit. It is a good size city. From what I saw of it I would say it was about the size of Salem. Finally we gathered up my baggage and started for home. From what I saw on the train I had about decided that I wasn't going to like California very well, but as we left Fresno I began to change my mind. We left on an Avenue lined on both sides by Palm trees and Oleander bushes. We turned off this and went through the estate of the man who had planted the trees on the Avenue. It was beautiful! All trees and alfalfa and peacocks. His home was a big grey building built something like a castle. He is dead now and the estate is open to the public. After we had driven through the estate we again entered the Avenue of Palms. We went for miles and miles and all you could was an alley between tall Palm trees. Finally we left that and went through a part of the country that was irrigated. We saw vineyards, cotton fields, olive orchards, and fig trees. We stopped and snitched a few figs. Boy! Are they good right off the tree? From this we entered the desert. You could look for miles and miles and see nothing much but sand and an occasional ranch house with a bit of green around it from the irrigation. The sun was just setting behind beautifully curved sand hills and the scenery was beginning to turn that twilight purple when I saw the first oil wells. From a distance they looked like an old burnt off forest with just the black trunks remaining. As we drew nearer they took on the appearance of a large group of windmills, each with a house at the foot of it. After we had wound through a bunch of hills covered with oil fields we rounded a hill & spread out before us was a little valley with a dark spot in the center. That was Coalinga! I knew instantly that I was going to like it. As we drew nearer I could see it was a town. The evening lights were just coming on and it made a beautiful picture. I shall never forget it. As you enter the town you suddenly leave the desert and are in the midst of a thickly populated town. Whoever said this town was dry must have not been in it very much. The surroundings are very dry but the town itself has more trees and then any other town of it's size that I know of. Almost everyone has some green lawn and a few flowers and shrubs. The Main Street of the town runs north east and southwest. It sort of mixed me up at first but I finally got it straight. We are on a straight street though so I don't feel whopper-jawed all the time. Our house faces west and has an immense eucalyptus tree in front. My room is on the southeast corner. It has two windows and three doors. This is a very poor drawing but it was the best I could do with the knowledge I have of the house after less than 24 hours. For any further information I refer you to Betty McClain, 128 Pierce Street, Coalinga, California.
I went to the Baptist church this morning. It is eight blocks (1/2 mile) from here. I enjoyed the walk because it went through the center of town. They were very nice to me at the church. They don't have a pastor now but a possibility from Arlington spoke this morning. I thought he gave a very good sermon this morning and I plan on going to hear him again this evening.
My letter is very full of mistakes I know. Maybe it's the heat. There's plenty of it alright but it is more bearable than the heat of Oregon. Though I'm sitting here sweating the air feels very breathable not so oppressive if you know what I mean. I think I'll be able to stand the heat very well but of course it's pretty early to tell yet.
I may get a study desk and table later but for the present I am sitting on one end of the trunk with my typewriter on the other.
As I am too lazy to make copies of this letter you may show it to all my friends and relatives and tell them to write to me.
I shall write again soon and tell you all about the school. For now suffice it to say I am here and safe and happy tho' hot.
PS. Does this sound like I'm getting California-itis? Well, maybe I am.
Letters sent to and from my parents, Sarah Elizabeth "Betty" McClain and Lowell Lee Scott, beginning in 1936. Lee, 22 years old, was beginning a plumbing business in Lebanon, Oregon. Betty, 19, was off to live with a family friend in California and attend community college. These are transcribed from their actual letters,
a typewritten letter postmarked September 8, 1936
Sunday PM
Dear Lee ---
I arrived here just at twilight last night and I can't begin to tell you the beauties of the trip and this little town. If you would like to know some thing about it ask my Mom to show you a sort of general letter that I wrote, next time you see her.
I like it here very much and so far neither homesickness or heat have gotten me down but this is still the first day.
Marian's package was stationery. This is a piece of it. She also sent a ducky little card with it. The train ride was very comfortable but I got very little sleep.
I am all unpacked and settled quite comfortably in spite of the heat. I have my typewriter on one end of my trunk and myself on the other, but as I am getting rather tired I think I will discontinue until another time.
Tuesday PM
As you no doubt already know I have begun having my good times by a trip to Huntington Lake yesterday. Ruth Fletcher (a girl I met at church) and her boyfriend, Monroe Matthews, and her cousin, visiting here from Virginia, Earnest Culbertson, better know as "Cub", invited me to go with them for a day at Huntington Lake. We had a grand time. The lake is 6 1/2 miles long and 300 feet deep. It was beautiful. We started about 5:30 and came back about 9 or 10 pm. We went out in row boats and motor boats, consequently I have a lovely sunburn on my nose today.
I went to register today. I am not taking what I had planned but I think it will be O.K. I surely had a time finding my way around. But if I didn't know anything I just asked someone. I think I'm going to like it everyone seems so friendly.
Connet's are swell to me. All I have to do is clean up the house in the morning and do dishes and clean up the kitchen in the evening. Take care of the boys also. I am doing that this afternoon. Rachel went to a party. I read to two of the littlest boys and let them rest 1/2 hour per schedule. Now someone has come to see them and they are playing around here. I have better studying facilities now. We hunted up an old table and a chair and so now all I need is my lamp and I think I'll send for that.
No classes tomorrow as that is California Admission Day. I have a big assignment in Physics though so I guess I can keep busy.
As soon as Rachel comes home I am going up town and buy my mother a Birthday Present. I hope I don't melt and run down in my shoes on the way. In other words it is very warm today.
Are you keeping busy and out of mischief?
Write to me some day.
Sunday PM
Dear Lee ---
I arrived here just at twilight last night and I can't begin to tell you the beauties of the trip and this little town. If you would like to know some thing about it ask my Mom to show you a sort of general letter that I wrote, next time you see her.
I like it here very much and so far neither homesickness or heat have gotten me down but this is still the first day.
Marian's package was stationery. This is a piece of it. She also sent a ducky little card with it. The train ride was very comfortable but I got very little sleep.
I am all unpacked and settled quite comfortably in spite of the heat. I have my typewriter on one end of my trunk and myself on the other, but as I am getting rather tired I think I will discontinue until another time.
Tuesday PM
As you no doubt already know I have begun having my good times by a trip to Huntington Lake yesterday. Ruth Fletcher (a girl I met at church) and her boyfriend, Monroe Matthews, and her cousin, visiting here from Virginia, Earnest Culbertson, better know as "Cub", invited me to go with them for a day at Huntington Lake. We had a grand time. The lake is 6 1/2 miles long and 300 feet deep. It was beautiful. We started about 5:30 and came back about 9 or 10 pm. We went out in row boats and motor boats, consequently I have a lovely sunburn on my nose today.
I went to register today. I am not taking what I had planned but I think it will be O.K. I surely had a time finding my way around. But if I didn't know anything I just asked someone. I think I'm going to like it everyone seems so friendly.
Connet's are swell to me. All I have to do is clean up the house in the morning and do dishes and clean up the kitchen in the evening. Take care of the boys also. I am doing that this afternoon. Rachel went to a party. I read to two of the littlest boys and let them rest 1/2 hour per schedule. Now someone has come to see them and they are playing around here. I have better studying facilities now. We hunted up an old table and a chair and so now all I need is my lamp and I think I'll send for that.
No classes tomorrow as that is California Admission Day. I have a big assignment in Physics though so I guess I can keep busy.
As soon as Rachel comes home I am going up town and buy my mother a Birthday Present. I hope I don't melt and run down in my shoes on the way. In other words it is very warm today.
Are you keeping busy and out of mischief?
Write to me some day.
a handwritten letter postmarked September 11, 1936
10:45 PM
Dear Bet,
Received your two cards yesterday and day before and the letter today.
Glad to hear you like the country, climate, etc.
California has several holidays we Oregonians haven't observed yet?
Where is this Huntington? Just a stones throw from Coalinga?
I haven't seen your Mother yet but shall ask to read her letter when I see her.
Sunday was a great day for me. I made a fellow mad Saturday night by telling him I would not hook up his stove for him on Sunday. Well Sunday rolled around and "Hughy" had not accomplished enough on Ward Hoseid's rear addition to his store. (Hugh was putting up the gutter between the buildings). So Ward and I motored to Albany and after so long a time found a sheet metal man by the name of Charles Stone. We brought him back over and I helped ? learned how at least. We worked till seven. Labor (Monday) I did the same thing as we did Sunday. Talk about melting and running down in your shoes I should have melted and run down the gutter. More fun. Hugh finished the soldering Tuesday and then helped me Wed and Thurs out at McWilliams. Last night he took out the tank that they wash cream cans in, in at Ralph Scroggins, and made a new one and put it in this morning. This afternoon he overhauled a furnace for Joel Mayer, the banker. I worked out at McWilliams and hooked up a stove here in town. Last night dad and I and the owner (a Mr. Nichols) took out a bursted hot water tank and put in a new one in a little less than an hour. That is the quickest I have ever done any. We did not have a bit of bad luck.
Tonight is the earliest except Monday night that I have quit work since you left. The night we set the fixtures in Frank Gleasons new house it was 1:30 when we finished. Dad was with me that night.
I have promised Virgil that I will be at his place tomorrow (Friday) night.
I am sorry i know no news or gossip but just haven't heard any.
How about taking a correspondence course in Physics? or writing?
10:45 PM
Dear Bet,
Received your two cards yesterday and day before and the letter today.
Glad to hear you like the country, climate, etc.
California has several holidays we Oregonians haven't observed yet?
Where is this Huntington? Just a stones throw from Coalinga?
I haven't seen your Mother yet but shall ask to read her letter when I see her.
Sunday was a great day for me. I made a fellow mad Saturday night by telling him I would not hook up his stove for him on Sunday. Well Sunday rolled around and "Hughy" had not accomplished enough on Ward Hoseid's rear addition to his store. (Hugh was putting up the gutter between the buildings). So Ward and I motored to Albany and after so long a time found a sheet metal man by the name of Charles Stone. We brought him back over and I helped ? learned how at least. We worked till seven. Labor (Monday) I did the same thing as we did Sunday. Talk about melting and running down in your shoes I should have melted and run down the gutter. More fun. Hugh finished the soldering Tuesday and then helped me Wed and Thurs out at McWilliams. Last night he took out the tank that they wash cream cans in, in at Ralph Scroggins, and made a new one and put it in this morning. This afternoon he overhauled a furnace for Joel Mayer, the banker. I worked out at McWilliams and hooked up a stove here in town. Last night dad and I and the owner (a Mr. Nichols) took out a bursted hot water tank and put in a new one in a little less than an hour. That is the quickest I have ever done any. We did not have a bit of bad luck.
Tonight is the earliest except Monday night that I have quit work since you left. The night we set the fixtures in Frank Gleasons new house it was 1:30 when we finished. Dad was with me that night.
I have promised Virgil that I will be at his place tomorrow (Friday) night.
I am sorry i know no news or gossip but just haven't heard any.
How about taking a correspondence course in Physics? or writing?
handwritten letter postmarked September 15, 1936
Dear Lee --
Today is Mom's birthday and I'll celebrate by writing to you. I received your much waited for letter today. It sounds to me like somebody's been working hard as usual. It makes me feel sort of guilty, I go around having a good time while you work all the time. There's a plumbing shop up on the main street and every time I go past it I smell and think of you. You asked where Huntington Lake is. It is over 100 miles from here. Sort of northeast I think.
I am at last all registered and going to school. I like it better all the time. It isn't too hard and everyone is so friendly. Do you want me to speak to Mr. Johnson (physics teacher) about you taking a correspondence course? I would ask some good looking girl in our class to help you but there aren't any. I'm the only girl and a whole bunch of guys. Oh, me! Same way in my math class. Oh, my!
Sunday I went to Sunday school and church. In the afternoon Cub (the boy I went went with to Huntington lake) came and got me and took me over to his cousins and we ate ice cream. There were 10 or 15 kids (Baptists) there so I am beginning to get acquainted. After we left there we drove around town (in Cub's uncle's car) and then stopped at a stand and had more ice cream. He brought me home and then came and took me to BY and church and a hamburger afterwards. Tomorrow night we're going to a show. I know this sounds serious but it isn't, as you know, and if I don't tell you someone else will and stretch it a mile. You don't mind, do you?
I wish you were here I could talk to you for hours but I can't seem to write what I want to say.
The weather here is much cooler. In fact the nights are very cold but the days are nice and sunny.
Don't work too hard and too much and don't forget to write.
As ever---
Dear Lee --
Today is Mom's birthday and I'll celebrate by writing to you. I received your much waited for letter today. It sounds to me like somebody's been working hard as usual. It makes me feel sort of guilty, I go around having a good time while you work all the time. There's a plumbing shop up on the main street and every time I go past it I smell and think of you. You asked where Huntington Lake is. It is over 100 miles from here. Sort of northeast I think.
I am at last all registered and going to school. I like it better all the time. It isn't too hard and everyone is so friendly. Do you want me to speak to Mr. Johnson (physics teacher) about you taking a correspondence course? I would ask some good looking girl in our class to help you but there aren't any. I'm the only girl and a whole bunch of guys. Oh, me! Same way in my math class. Oh, my!
Sunday I went to Sunday school and church. In the afternoon Cub (the boy I went went with to Huntington lake) came and got me and took me over to his cousins and we ate ice cream. There were 10 or 15 kids (Baptists) there so I am beginning to get acquainted. After we left there we drove around town (in Cub's uncle's car) and then stopped at a stand and had more ice cream. He brought me home and then came and took me to BY and church and a hamburger afterwards. Tomorrow night we're going to a show. I know this sounds serious but it isn't, as you know, and if I don't tell you someone else will and stretch it a mile. You don't mind, do you?
I wish you were here I could talk to you for hours but I can't seem to write what I want to say.
The weather here is much cooler. In fact the nights are very cold but the days are nice and sunny.
Don't work too hard and too much and don't forget to write.
As ever---
handwritten letter postmarked September 21, 1936
In Bed
Dear Bet-
After 12 this Sunday night or should I say Monday morning.
Hello! How are you? Thanks for the picture. How's the weather by now. The last two days have been genuine Indian summer days. Red sunset and all.
Last Saturday I decided to quit work at noon and go to the State Fair. 4:30 PM I got finished up and by 5:30 was leaving town. At the fair I spent time with Eldon. We took in the grandstand entertainment etc. About midnight I left and went to Silverton. I crawled in bed with Paul. He hardly woke enough for me to kick him over for room. About six in the morning we woke the rest of the household by our conversation. We went to Sunday school and church. Had a nice time. Sunday afternoon Paul and I took in the Eastman brothers furnace factory. We had a heck of a time getting hold of Mr. Eastman but we trailed him out to the golf course and made an appointment for that afternoon. We had a grand time. He showed us around and helped me out quite a bit. I or we (Scotts Plumbing Shop) are The Lebanon representatives for Eastman furnaces we have two prospects already. I have to draw a map of the house and send in and they do all the rest. Maybe we will sell a furnace some day?
Sunday night we-- Paul, Edna and I went to Monitor (or something) and got Paul's girlfriend, a Norwegian girl (Seventh-day Adventists, too) We went to a show in Silverton. I got home by 1 o'clock. Edna passed the good word along to me that she thought she could still have a good time with Eldon. He took her around at the fair the Best seats in Horseshow and all. Well before I had contacted Eldon to let him know she appreciated all this - well Saturday night She and Mr and Mrs. Plank arrived in Lebanon, I saw Mr Plank visited a few moments and then saw Eldon's folks in town and visited with them. They said Eldon just came home as they came to town and that there was a letter there for him from Silverton. Well I called the boy up and asked his permission to get Edna and bring her out and then we would take in the town. That is what happened. I played chaffeur.
This afternoon we (the C.E.) had a pot luck dinner at the church and a business meeting. After that Marvin Childers and I with his guitar and our guns were getting into the car and here came Eldon and Edna. We visited and then Marvin and I went east of town and shot a few shells and then I listened to him play. We stopped at the old orchard (on the hill) west of Rose's on the River road and ate grapes and apples till dark and then I went to C.E. After which I rode around a bit and found Edna and Eldon and took them down to the shop. She wanted to visit with Donna so I called but she is on the day shift now. They left and I spent the evening figuring up how much Frank Gleason owes us on the two houses.
I am going to Portland Tuesday. Erma and Orton are to be married the 24th so I am taking the rest of their things up and bringing back a load of plumbing materials.
Mr Dawson slipped Tuesday and hurt his back. He has been in bed since but thinks he'll be able to go to Portland with me and get his son's car and bring it back.
The first of the week I worked out at Tom McWilliams. Have a young fellow from N. Dakota helping me. He seems to be a nice lad. Married and has a boy 18 mos. just a farm boy but quick to learn.
Friday and Saturday we started the house we went out to see. We will work here tomorrow too. The lath is all on except where we have pipes to put in.
I am glad you are having a good time and not too stuck up to help spend the boys money.
In Bed
Dear Bet-
After 12 this Sunday night or should I say Monday morning.
Hello! How are you? Thanks for the picture. How's the weather by now. The last two days have been genuine Indian summer days. Red sunset and all.
Last Saturday I decided to quit work at noon and go to the State Fair. 4:30 PM I got finished up and by 5:30 was leaving town. At the fair I spent time with Eldon. We took in the grandstand entertainment etc. About midnight I left and went to Silverton. I crawled in bed with Paul. He hardly woke enough for me to kick him over for room. About six in the morning we woke the rest of the household by our conversation. We went to Sunday school and church. Had a nice time. Sunday afternoon Paul and I took in the Eastman brothers furnace factory. We had a heck of a time getting hold of Mr. Eastman but we trailed him out to the golf course and made an appointment for that afternoon. We had a grand time. He showed us around and helped me out quite a bit. I or we (Scotts Plumbing Shop) are The Lebanon representatives for Eastman furnaces we have two prospects already. I have to draw a map of the house and send in and they do all the rest. Maybe we will sell a furnace some day?
Sunday night we-- Paul, Edna and I went to Monitor (or something) and got Paul's girlfriend, a Norwegian girl (Seventh-day Adventists, too) We went to a show in Silverton. I got home by 1 o'clock. Edna passed the good word along to me that she thought she could still have a good time with Eldon. He took her around at the fair the Best seats in Horseshow and all. Well before I had contacted Eldon to let him know she appreciated all this - well Saturday night She and Mr and Mrs. Plank arrived in Lebanon, I saw Mr Plank visited a few moments and then saw Eldon's folks in town and visited with them. They said Eldon just came home as they came to town and that there was a letter there for him from Silverton. Well I called the boy up and asked his permission to get Edna and bring her out and then we would take in the town. That is what happened. I played chaffeur.
This afternoon we (the C.E.) had a pot luck dinner at the church and a business meeting. After that Marvin Childers and I with his guitar and our guns were getting into the car and here came Eldon and Edna. We visited and then Marvin and I went east of town and shot a few shells and then I listened to him play. We stopped at the old orchard (on the hill) west of Rose's on the River road and ate grapes and apples till dark and then I went to C.E. After which I rode around a bit and found Edna and Eldon and took them down to the shop. She wanted to visit with Donna so I called but she is on the day shift now. They left and I spent the evening figuring up how much Frank Gleason owes us on the two houses.
I am going to Portland Tuesday. Erma and Orton are to be married the 24th so I am taking the rest of their things up and bringing back a load of plumbing materials.
Mr Dawson slipped Tuesday and hurt his back. He has been in bed since but thinks he'll be able to go to Portland with me and get his son's car and bring it back.
The first of the week I worked out at Tom McWilliams. Have a young fellow from N. Dakota helping me. He seems to be a nice lad. Married and has a boy 18 mos. just a farm boy but quick to learn.
Friday and Saturday we started the house we went out to see. We will work here tomorrow too. The lath is all on except where we have pipes to put in.
I am glad you are having a good time and not too stuck up to help spend the boys money.
a typewritten letter postmarked September 25, 1936
Dear Lee-------
Hi Toots!! How's tricks? Do you miss me? I'm not going to tell you whether I miss you or not because it might give you the big head and I'd hate for you to have to get a new hat.
"Your letter received and contents noted" would be putting it very mildly. You old matchmaker!! I thought you teased me about making matches. I wish you all the success in the world. I surely hope Eldon and Edna do hit it off okay. They are each worthy of each other. Glad you got to go to the Fair. Do you remember a year ago? I do. So you're trying to sell furnaces now? You certainly couldn't sell me one now. For the past week the thermometer has been hovering too near 100 to be comfortable. You and Marvin are back to your childhood tricks of stealing fruit, huh? Shame!! I hope you made your trip to Portland and back okay. Did you go to see Catherine? She wasn't home because she has gone to Linfield after all. She had to give up Smiley to get to go though. Poor kid! I don't know whether to pity or envy her. ( I mean envy her on account of Linfield, not Smiley.) What's the North Dakota fellow's name? Is he good help? Tell me did that house we went to see have an upstairs in it if so where was the stairway? I'd like to see it when it's done. Are they going to have housewarming? I'll be there.
Let's see having remarked upon the contents of your letter I think I'll reprimand you. You were to write every week. It was 10 days between letters this time. I realize you're a terribly busy and popular man though so I'll excuse you, but never let it happen again (until next time).
As you can see by now I'm in a very crazy mood. I like to have a good fight but there's no one to fight with except the typewriter and I'm doing my darndest at it.
School is still coming along. Physics has developed a decided trend towards trigonometry and as I have never had trig I'm trying to learn all about it in as short of time as possible. I went to Drama class last night and now have a part in a play. It is "Here comes the Hero." I play the part of a very rich and very talkative lady with too darling twins. The talkativeness comes easy but the being rich and mother of twins is a new experience for me. Last Saturday and tonight we entertained guests. My! What a job! I 've lived through both times however and I'm looking forward to a large number more. (I mean here at Rachel's, we entertained)
Oh! I almost forgot I have another additional job cleaning up a couple of old maid grade school teachers house once a week for $.25 per hour. I start tomorrow. I guess I'm going to get rich in sunny California. Do you want a loan? My interest rate is $.50 a week in Dutch Nickels*.
And speaking of money I guess I'm through spending the tall, dark, and handsome's money from Virginia. We went to the show a week ago Tuesday and he brought me home from WWG Thursday. Saturday night we went to a Sunday school party and played Monopoly. (It's lots of fun but I always lost) Sunday we went to SS, BY and church together. He said he'd come by Monday or Tuesday night and take me to the show. He hasn't showed up yet but who cares? There's plenty of money in the sea that's never been spent! You see I'm really turning "Golddigger".
I still like it here very much and although I get homesick every once in a while, I try to think of something else real quick. Incidentally, three months from tonight I should be home. Sounds like a long time but I "can take it."
Did you know the folks were gone all last week on a trip in eastern Oregon and Washington?I guess they enjoyed it immensely but were pretty glad to be home again. Mom is going to send for a washing machine she said and I'm surely glad.
----------------Pause while I sat and thought and was shocked find that I was almost run down. Can you imagine me ever running down ? I can't either must be the heat.
I was just looking at your letter and noticed that today is the day that Erma and Orton take the Fatal Leap. Another good couple gone to the dogs! Or is it? How should I know.
Perhaps it's time I quit rattling my typewriter or brain or something. It's 9:15 and I think part of the family anyway are trying to sleep.
This is just like saying good night. I can't seem to get around to it. After all I'm Scotch and I hate to waste a little paper.
Oh, by the way don't get so busy up there that you can't find time to at least drop me a card once a month or so. If you're broke I'll send you one of the pennies that I've been saving.
If I was of a romantic nature I'd say it with song such as "Goodnight, sweetheart," or Auf Weidersein, my dear" or "Till we meet again" or "Goodbye, my lover, Goodbye". But since I'm not I'll just say "God be with you till we meet again."
Editor's notes: *Dutch Nickels is slang for hugs! The game of Monopoly came out in late 1935.
Dear Lee-------
Hi Toots!! How's tricks? Do you miss me? I'm not going to tell you whether I miss you or not because it might give you the big head and I'd hate for you to have to get a new hat.
"Your letter received and contents noted" would be putting it very mildly. You old matchmaker!! I thought you teased me about making matches. I wish you all the success in the world. I surely hope Eldon and Edna do hit it off okay. They are each worthy of each other. Glad you got to go to the Fair. Do you remember a year ago? I do. So you're trying to sell furnaces now? You certainly couldn't sell me one now. For the past week the thermometer has been hovering too near 100 to be comfortable. You and Marvin are back to your childhood tricks of stealing fruit, huh? Shame!! I hope you made your trip to Portland and back okay. Did you go to see Catherine? She wasn't home because she has gone to Linfield after all. She had to give up Smiley to get to go though. Poor kid! I don't know whether to pity or envy her. ( I mean envy her on account of Linfield, not Smiley.) What's the North Dakota fellow's name? Is he good help? Tell me did that house we went to see have an upstairs in it if so where was the stairway? I'd like to see it when it's done. Are they going to have housewarming? I'll be there.
Let's see having remarked upon the contents of your letter I think I'll reprimand you. You were to write every week. It was 10 days between letters this time. I realize you're a terribly busy and popular man though so I'll excuse you, but never let it happen again (until next time).
As you can see by now I'm in a very crazy mood. I like to have a good fight but there's no one to fight with except the typewriter and I'm doing my darndest at it.
School is still coming along. Physics has developed a decided trend towards trigonometry and as I have never had trig I'm trying to learn all about it in as short of time as possible. I went to Drama class last night and now have a part in a play. It is "Here comes the Hero." I play the part of a very rich and very talkative lady with too darling twins. The talkativeness comes easy but the being rich and mother of twins is a new experience for me. Last Saturday and tonight we entertained guests. My! What a job! I 've lived through both times however and I'm looking forward to a large number more. (I mean here at Rachel's, we entertained)
Oh! I almost forgot I have another additional job cleaning up a couple of old maid grade school teachers house once a week for $.25 per hour. I start tomorrow. I guess I'm going to get rich in sunny California. Do you want a loan? My interest rate is $.50 a week in Dutch Nickels*.
And speaking of money I guess I'm through spending the tall, dark, and handsome's money from Virginia. We went to the show a week ago Tuesday and he brought me home from WWG Thursday. Saturday night we went to a Sunday school party and played Monopoly. (It's lots of fun but I always lost) Sunday we went to SS, BY and church together. He said he'd come by Monday or Tuesday night and take me to the show. He hasn't showed up yet but who cares? There's plenty of money in the sea that's never been spent! You see I'm really turning "Golddigger".
I still like it here very much and although I get homesick every once in a while, I try to think of something else real quick. Incidentally, three months from tonight I should be home. Sounds like a long time but I "can take it."
Did you know the folks were gone all last week on a trip in eastern Oregon and Washington?I guess they enjoyed it immensely but were pretty glad to be home again. Mom is going to send for a washing machine she said and I'm surely glad.
----------------Pause while I sat and thought and was shocked find that I was almost run down. Can you imagine me ever running down ? I can't either must be the heat.
I was just looking at your letter and noticed that today is the day that Erma and Orton take the Fatal Leap. Another good couple gone to the dogs! Or is it? How should I know.
Perhaps it's time I quit rattling my typewriter or brain or something. It's 9:15 and I think part of the family anyway are trying to sleep.
This is just like saying good night. I can't seem to get around to it. After all I'm Scotch and I hate to waste a little paper.
Oh, by the way don't get so busy up there that you can't find time to at least drop me a card once a month or so. If you're broke I'll send you one of the pennies that I've been saving.
If I was of a romantic nature I'd say it with song such as "Goodnight, sweetheart," or Auf Weidersein, my dear" or "Till we meet again" or "Goodbye, my lover, Goodbye". But since I'm not I'll just say "God be with you till we meet again."
Editor's notes: *Dutch Nickels is slang for hugs! The game of Monopoly came out in late 1935.
handwritten letter postmarked September 30, 1936
In Bed
Dear Bet -
Please excuse the pencil but my pen is about dry - too lazy to fill it now.
Your letter of the 25th received and contents partially absorbed.
My N.D. man's name is Ernest Hamen and he's married and has a boy nearly two years old. I think he is the best man we have had yet. He has purchased a lot in the NW end of town.
The house we looked at has no upstairs. (not my idea of the way to use all that good space). Did I tell you the owner is an old bachelor, maybe a chance for you.
Keep busy working for the old maids for in about three months I'll be wanting to borrow quite a bit. Ha! Ha! That is provided the interest has not changed.
No we did not know your folks had taken the vacation they needed. We knew they were not at church.
We finished up out at McWilliams and received the money in full so today dad and I went to Portland and brought back a sheet metal brake. Only cost the little sum of $211.00. We paid cash for it and let some of our other bills go.
Dad had a little add in the shopper last week so this week he'll probably have something else. Bro. Bade dropped in the shop Saturday and visited with Dad. Maybe he'll be back to see our brake now.
On Sherman Street where Eichner had his cream station and Feed store they tore the old building down and are rebuilding. We did the plumbing. Bade went to Joe Myers (he owns the lot and is having the work done but Frank Gleason is the man in sight) to see about doing the Plumbing. Joe told him that Frank had the contract. Bade went to Frank and Frank told him (a lie) that he was furnishing the material and that I was putting it in. Bade went away just a fogging, saying "just as I thought, just as I thought."
I took the folks for a ride Sunday. First to McWilliams to inspect their house and then to the house we went to (Peter Whitakers) and home over the hill and through Sodaville - Remember the time we made the trip? Very pretty scenery.
I saw Eldon Sunday but he was tired. George had gone deer hunting and he claimed he was having two mens work to do.
Good luck to you and your social entertaining. If you can't make this out, burn it up. Glad to hear that Catherine got to go back to school.
In Bed
Dear Bet -
Please excuse the pencil but my pen is about dry - too lazy to fill it now.
Your letter of the 25th received and contents partially absorbed.
My N.D. man's name is Ernest Hamen and he's married and has a boy nearly two years old. I think he is the best man we have had yet. He has purchased a lot in the NW end of town.
The house we looked at has no upstairs. (not my idea of the way to use all that good space). Did I tell you the owner is an old bachelor, maybe a chance for you.
Keep busy working for the old maids for in about three months I'll be wanting to borrow quite a bit. Ha! Ha! That is provided the interest has not changed.
No we did not know your folks had taken the vacation they needed. We knew they were not at church.
We finished up out at McWilliams and received the money in full so today dad and I went to Portland and brought back a sheet metal brake. Only cost the little sum of $211.00. We paid cash for it and let some of our other bills go.
Dad had a little add in the shopper last week so this week he'll probably have something else. Bro. Bade dropped in the shop Saturday and visited with Dad. Maybe he'll be back to see our brake now.
On Sherman Street where Eichner had his cream station and Feed store they tore the old building down and are rebuilding. We did the plumbing. Bade went to Joe Myers (he owns the lot and is having the work done but Frank Gleason is the man in sight) to see about doing the Plumbing. Joe told him that Frank had the contract. Bade went to Frank and Frank told him (a lie) that he was furnishing the material and that I was putting it in. Bade went away just a fogging, saying "just as I thought, just as I thought."
I took the folks for a ride Sunday. First to McWilliams to inspect their house and then to the house we went to (Peter Whitakers) and home over the hill and through Sodaville - Remember the time we made the trip? Very pretty scenery.
I saw Eldon Sunday but he was tired. George had gone deer hunting and he claimed he was having two mens work to do.
Good luck to you and your social entertaining. If you can't make this out, burn it up. Glad to hear that Catherine got to go back to school.
Typed letter postmarked October 4, 1936
Dear Lee ----
On a calm Sunday afternoon I seat myself before my typewriter and endevour to answer your very kind and welcome letter.
Thank you for the information. As to the old batchelor keep track of him, I may want to meet him some day when there is nobody else in sight. So far I've earned exactly 44 cents from the old maids. I'm afraid I'll never get rich that way nor will you get a chance to borrow much but your welcome to all that I can scrape tougher. What is a sheet metal brake? Am I terribly dumb? I've never even heard of it before. More power to you in your competition with old man Bade. I'm sure you'll win out. You see I have faith in you. I received a letter from Eldon this week. That means I have about a dozen now that need answering.
They still keep me on the run around here. To give a brief resume of what has taken place since I last wrote: Friday- Junior-Senior guild supper (at which yours truly was on the entertainment committee so of course we had a swell time) Saturday a monopoly party at Ruth's; Sunday the usual set of services; Monday to bed with a sick headache; Tuesday an anti-saloon league play "The Prisoner at the Bar"; Wednesday--Drama class; Thursday-- guild meeting; Friday the first clouds since I have been in California even a few drops of water (rain I mean, not tears); Saturday-- a Gary Cooper show The General Died at Dawn- a Chinese production. Sunday --today seems to be just another Sunday with the usual church services. Our new minister Rev. Bottlemiller began his pastorate here this morning. So now you see why I haven't got time to spit. In between all the other things I must study. I neglected to say that Cub has been taking me to several of the above-mentioned activities.
Except for all this life is running along in it's usual monotonous way. I'm getting fatter all the time. By the time you see me again you won't even want to speak to me I'll be so fat. But the climate and the food here are too good for me. I have learned to do the flutter kick and the backstroke (in swimming) so be prepared to see an expert next time you see me swim. Ha Ha!
My mind is becoming unusually blank so I will close this painful (to you) epistle and leave you in peace.
Your lady friend from California,
P.S. Don't forget to write !!!!
Dear Lee ----
On a calm Sunday afternoon I seat myself before my typewriter and endevour to answer your very kind and welcome letter.
Thank you for the information. As to the old batchelor keep track of him, I may want to meet him some day when there is nobody else in sight. So far I've earned exactly 44 cents from the old maids. I'm afraid I'll never get rich that way nor will you get a chance to borrow much but your welcome to all that I can scrape tougher. What is a sheet metal brake? Am I terribly dumb? I've never even heard of it before. More power to you in your competition with old man Bade. I'm sure you'll win out. You see I have faith in you. I received a letter from Eldon this week. That means I have about a dozen now that need answering.
They still keep me on the run around here. To give a brief resume of what has taken place since I last wrote: Friday- Junior-Senior guild supper (at which yours truly was on the entertainment committee so of course we had a swell time) Saturday a monopoly party at Ruth's; Sunday the usual set of services; Monday to bed with a sick headache; Tuesday an anti-saloon league play "The Prisoner at the Bar"; Wednesday--Drama class; Thursday-- guild meeting; Friday the first clouds since I have been in California even a few drops of water (rain I mean, not tears); Saturday-- a Gary Cooper show The General Died at Dawn- a Chinese production. Sunday --today seems to be just another Sunday with the usual church services. Our new minister Rev. Bottlemiller began his pastorate here this morning. So now you see why I haven't got time to spit. In between all the other things I must study. I neglected to say that Cub has been taking me to several of the above-mentioned activities.
Except for all this life is running along in it's usual monotonous way. I'm getting fatter all the time. By the time you see me again you won't even want to speak to me I'll be so fat. But the climate and the food here are too good for me. I have learned to do the flutter kick and the backstroke (in swimming) so be prepared to see an expert next time you see me swim. Ha Ha!
My mind is becoming unusually blank so I will close this painful (to you) epistle and leave you in peace.
Your lady friend from California,
P.S. Don't forget to write !!!!
handwritten letter postmarked October 8, 1936
Oct. 6-36
Lebanon, Ore
At Home
Dear Bet,
Received your letter of the fourth today. We surely had a swell day-weather. It is foggy of mornings but the sun came out swell today.
We installed a copper coil for Lum Keifhaver and a range boiler for Pengra's, we'll go out to Pete's in the morning. We were there Monday but I ran over a cat on the way out so did not have too much good luck. Ha! A sheet metal brake is used to bend sheet metal (square or otherwise).
Ed Kellenberger has a complete set of sheet metal tools now --three of us more fun I suppose.
I have been planning on going to Bandon to look for work but have not definitely decided yet. Maybe this weekend I'll go. It's just a few miles 200 and some.
Eldon and I took in the town Sat. Night. I shopped for a suit but will have to wait a while yet.
Being as how you are so busy I suppose I should take time to make my writing more readable so you wouldn't have to waste so much time if you read all of it.
Thur. we start on the new dance hall on the highway just before you turn off to Sodaville. Three toilets and two other fixtures. John Macadonia (the owner) says he is going to have skating during the week and dances Sat. nights. It is quite large so it ought to be fun, about a $4000.00 building.
Mother is snoring so loud she makes me sleepy.
In Bed
Dear Bet,
The letter I wrote last night is still in my valise case so will add a few more lines this evening.
I forgot to tell you that I had been to Virgil and Verna's last night. The ladies of the church had a shower for Verna. She received quite a few little things to be used in the future.
There is a young couple staying with Mrs. Stitt (Virgil's mother) and they have a little girl. She said "There are surely lots of pretty things for a baby, but what I want to know is where is the baby." Mrs. Stitt (V. Mother) said Santa Claus will bring it.
We finished up out at Pete's today so will tie into the dance hall in the morning.
Dad and I tried the brake out this evening. The first time I have used it. We made 44 feet of flashing that goes above windows and fifty-six feet of Roll Valley.
The air plane is just going over. Oh, say what sorta game is monopoly? I am on the entertainment committee for a party Fri night at the church. We'll have a good time.
Oct. 6-36
Lebanon, Ore
At Home
Dear Bet,
Received your letter of the fourth today. We surely had a swell day-weather. It is foggy of mornings but the sun came out swell today.
We installed a copper coil for Lum Keifhaver and a range boiler for Pengra's, we'll go out to Pete's in the morning. We were there Monday but I ran over a cat on the way out so did not have too much good luck. Ha! A sheet metal brake is used to bend sheet metal (square or otherwise).
Ed Kellenberger has a complete set of sheet metal tools now --three of us more fun I suppose.
I have been planning on going to Bandon to look for work but have not definitely decided yet. Maybe this weekend I'll go. It's just a few miles 200 and some.
Eldon and I took in the town Sat. Night. I shopped for a suit but will have to wait a while yet.
Being as how you are so busy I suppose I should take time to make my writing more readable so you wouldn't have to waste so much time if you read all of it.
Thur. we start on the new dance hall on the highway just before you turn off to Sodaville. Three toilets and two other fixtures. John Macadonia (the owner) says he is going to have skating during the week and dances Sat. nights. It is quite large so it ought to be fun, about a $4000.00 building.
Mother is snoring so loud she makes me sleepy.
In Bed
Dear Bet,
The letter I wrote last night is still in my valise case so will add a few more lines this evening.
I forgot to tell you that I had been to Virgil and Verna's last night. The ladies of the church had a shower for Verna. She received quite a few little things to be used in the future.
There is a young couple staying with Mrs. Stitt (Virgil's mother) and they have a little girl. She said "There are surely lots of pretty things for a baby, but what I want to know is where is the baby." Mrs. Stitt (V. Mother) said Santa Claus will bring it.
We finished up out at Pete's today so will tie into the dance hall in the morning.
Dad and I tried the brake out this evening. The first time I have used it. We made 44 feet of flashing that goes above windows and fifty-six feet of Roll Valley.
The air plane is just going over. Oh, say what sorta game is monopoly? I am on the entertainment committee for a party Fri night at the church. We'll have a good time.
Typewritten letter postmarked October 11, 1936
Saturday PM
About 4:00
Dear Lee*****
I have two reasons for writing to you. One is that I received your letters this morning, and the other is something that I saw last night that reminded me very much of you. No, I guess I mean made me think of you for it didn't look like you. I went with the folk over to Avenal where they have a house rented out (It's about 17 miles from here and a little town that was just a wide place in the road six years ago and now is about the size of Lebanon and growing all the time.). Their renters are building themselves a house and I saw the beginning of it and the blue-prints. There are several things especially nice about it. The first thing--I don't know whether it is a good idea or not but it is different--that is the floor. It is made of three inches of cement then a layer of tar and some other things (I don't remember just what) then three more inches of cement. The built their plumbing first then poured the cement on it. It is fixed in such a way that the part that is in the cement will not need any attention (at least that's what they planned) When we were there they had the floor all done and were going to start on the rest as soon as they got the lumber. They planned all the house themselves. He even made the blueprints. They have been planning it for about a year and so they've thought everything out just right. The house is planned so that the kitchen and living room are both at the front of the house and separated by a court. Behind this court and separating the two rooms is a dining room and farther back is the bath and two bed rooms. The living room has a great big fireplace and all in all I thought it was a darling house. I came right home and sketched off the plans as I could remember them. Someday I"ll show them to you. I suppose in a way it's just a common house but some way it struck me as a pretty nice one.
This week has been as busy as usual. Monday night, a B.Y. business meeting at which I got myself into the job of being Bible Reading Chairman. Tuesday night Ruth Fletcher and Inez Kahl (a red-head) came here for a committee meeting at which we talked about everything but the business at hand. Wednesday--my drama class. Thursday--to a Tent Show that's in town. The Jennings Players and about as much graft as the Circus but their jokes were a little cleaner. Last night -- we went to Avenal in the evening then after supper I went and acted as a ring-bearer for a Mock Wedding at the Church at a Shower for some newly-weds that I didn't know so I sneaked out as soon as my part was over, as I wanted some sleep.
Tonight--a date with Cub and tomorrow is Sunday and then it all begins over again. I get sort of tired of going all the time but I guess I'm happier when I'm busy cause it doesn't give me time to get homesick. Mom said that Aunt Bessie was surprised that I had stuck it out this long. She said she thought I'd be home long before this. I guess I can take it, can't we?
What do you mean go to Bandon to look for work? Haven't you got enough to do in Lebanon? Are you thinking of changing your location? If you are you'd better come down here. I think this would be a good place for plumbers. Building going up everywhere, and I imagine the pay is plenty good. It is in other lines and as far as I know there is only one plumber in town who has a shop. I guess all my sales's talk is wasted for I don't think you have any idea of leaving and I don't think I want you to.
What kind of suit are you going to get? Please don't say a loud checkered one.
Say, I suppose you think I don't read all your letters if they aren't written very clearly. I read them and then re-read them a time or two until I am afraid to read them any more for fear folks would think I was too silly. Any way-- what I'm trying to say is--I like your letters no matter how they are written.
Mr and Mrs. and Johnnie went to Fresno and left me here with Bob and Paul They just arrived home so my responsibility is over.
How about us going skating on the new rink some night? Just call for me any time. I'm always home.
Oh, yes, about Monopoly--it is a game that costs $1.50. You roll dice and land on certain squares that are property. If someone else hasn't beat you there you can buy it otherwise you have to pay them rent. After you have all the property of one kind you have a Monopoly and can charge a much higher rental and build houses or hotels and charge even higher rental. Everyone is given $1500 in play money to begin with and the last one to go broke wins. It is lots of fun if you have a game but generally one can find a better place for $1.50.
This is my last sheet of your Cedar Chest stationery, and all the rest of my stationery is gone so I guess I'll have to resort to typing paper and stamped envelopes. Will you object? If you do I don't know what you can do about it for I'm afraid I'll continue to bore you with a letter every so often.
Just two more months and about 14 more days and your going to be bored even more by my presence.
P.S. I forgot to tell you that I lost my job working for the old maids so I can't loan you any money. You'll have to work on your own initiative ('er sumpin') B.M.
Saturday PM
About 4:00
Dear Lee*****
I have two reasons for writing to you. One is that I received your letters this morning, and the other is something that I saw last night that reminded me very much of you. No, I guess I mean made me think of you for it didn't look like you. I went with the folk over to Avenal where they have a house rented out (It's about 17 miles from here and a little town that was just a wide place in the road six years ago and now is about the size of Lebanon and growing all the time.). Their renters are building themselves a house and I saw the beginning of it and the blue-prints. There are several things especially nice about it. The first thing--I don't know whether it is a good idea or not but it is different--that is the floor. It is made of three inches of cement then a layer of tar and some other things (I don't remember just what) then three more inches of cement. The built their plumbing first then poured the cement on it. It is fixed in such a way that the part that is in the cement will not need any attention (at least that's what they planned) When we were there they had the floor all done and were going to start on the rest as soon as they got the lumber. They planned all the house themselves. He even made the blueprints. They have been planning it for about a year and so they've thought everything out just right. The house is planned so that the kitchen and living room are both at the front of the house and separated by a court. Behind this court and separating the two rooms is a dining room and farther back is the bath and two bed rooms. The living room has a great big fireplace and all in all I thought it was a darling house. I came right home and sketched off the plans as I could remember them. Someday I"ll show them to you. I suppose in a way it's just a common house but some way it struck me as a pretty nice one.
This week has been as busy as usual. Monday night, a B.Y. business meeting at which I got myself into the job of being Bible Reading Chairman. Tuesday night Ruth Fletcher and Inez Kahl (a red-head) came here for a committee meeting at which we talked about everything but the business at hand. Wednesday--my drama class. Thursday--to a Tent Show that's in town. The Jennings Players and about as much graft as the Circus but their jokes were a little cleaner. Last night -- we went to Avenal in the evening then after supper I went and acted as a ring-bearer for a Mock Wedding at the Church at a Shower for some newly-weds that I didn't know so I sneaked out as soon as my part was over, as I wanted some sleep.
Tonight--a date with Cub and tomorrow is Sunday and then it all begins over again. I get sort of tired of going all the time but I guess I'm happier when I'm busy cause it doesn't give me time to get homesick. Mom said that Aunt Bessie was surprised that I had stuck it out this long. She said she thought I'd be home long before this. I guess I can take it, can't we?
What do you mean go to Bandon to look for work? Haven't you got enough to do in Lebanon? Are you thinking of changing your location? If you are you'd better come down here. I think this would be a good place for plumbers. Building going up everywhere, and I imagine the pay is plenty good. It is in other lines and as far as I know there is only one plumber in town who has a shop. I guess all my sales's talk is wasted for I don't think you have any idea of leaving and I don't think I want you to.
What kind of suit are you going to get? Please don't say a loud checkered one.
Say, I suppose you think I don't read all your letters if they aren't written very clearly. I read them and then re-read them a time or two until I am afraid to read them any more for fear folks would think I was too silly. Any way-- what I'm trying to say is--I like your letters no matter how they are written.
Mr and Mrs. and Johnnie went to Fresno and left me here with Bob and Paul They just arrived home so my responsibility is over.
How about us going skating on the new rink some night? Just call for me any time. I'm always home.
Oh, yes, about Monopoly--it is a game that costs $1.50. You roll dice and land on certain squares that are property. If someone else hasn't beat you there you can buy it otherwise you have to pay them rent. After you have all the property of one kind you have a Monopoly and can charge a much higher rental and build houses or hotels and charge even higher rental. Everyone is given $1500 in play money to begin with and the last one to go broke wins. It is lots of fun if you have a game but generally one can find a better place for $1.50.
This is my last sheet of your Cedar Chest stationery, and all the rest of my stationery is gone so I guess I'll have to resort to typing paper and stamped envelopes. Will you object? If you do I don't know what you can do about it for I'm afraid I'll continue to bore you with a letter every so often.
Just two more months and about 14 more days and your going to be bored even more by my presence.
P.S. I forgot to tell you that I lost my job working for the old maids so I can't loan you any money. You'll have to work on your own initiative ('er sumpin') B.M.
handwritten letter postmarked October 15, 1936
11:50 PM
In Bed
Dear Bet,
Have retired for the day so will answer your letter that I received yesterday (Tuesday).
I made a slight purchase Saturday night to be sent to you but this letter will probably bring the tiding before it arrives.
Mother and I went to Portland today. I purchased a suit, and a hat for Dad. Mother didn't find a dress to suit her so came home without The suit is brown with a red check. I know you won't like it for that reason. It has a double breasted coat too some thing more different for me.
I had a nice visit with your mother and father Sunday. Then invited me out to hunt China's but the season opens in the morning and I haven't been out yet. I purchased a box of 22 shells Sat night and Neal Dawson gave me some 12 Ga shot gun shells this evening. I have no license so if you hear that I am in jail don't be surprised.
Monday I paid Dr. Gill a visit and had two teeth pulled and one filled. Tonight was the first decent meal I have eaten. I can't take it for I nearly passed out when he shot the stuff into my jaw to deaden the pain. He held my head down between my knees and then afer a bit had me lie down with my feet up and my head down. More fun.
Tues we finished up at the dance hall but no water yet so will probably have to go out later and check over.
We are planning on moving the shop-- maybe your mother has told you?
We had a sign painted on the truck Sunday. It is Black and shaded with yellow and Green (pale). I sorta like it and it only cost just $5.00 LEE SCOTT, PLUMBING, PHONE 621
There was a party at the Baptist Church last night. Francis Wayett asked me Sunday if I were going but I just didn't get around to go.
11:50 PM
In Bed
Dear Bet,
Have retired for the day so will answer your letter that I received yesterday (Tuesday).
I made a slight purchase Saturday night to be sent to you but this letter will probably bring the tiding before it arrives.
Mother and I went to Portland today. I purchased a suit, and a hat for Dad. Mother didn't find a dress to suit her so came home without The suit is brown with a red check. I know you won't like it for that reason. It has a double breasted coat too some thing more different for me.
I had a nice visit with your mother and father Sunday. Then invited me out to hunt China's but the season opens in the morning and I haven't been out yet. I purchased a box of 22 shells Sat night and Neal Dawson gave me some 12 Ga shot gun shells this evening. I have no license so if you hear that I am in jail don't be surprised.
Monday I paid Dr. Gill a visit and had two teeth pulled and one filled. Tonight was the first decent meal I have eaten. I can't take it for I nearly passed out when he shot the stuff into my jaw to deaden the pain. He held my head down between my knees and then afer a bit had me lie down with my feet up and my head down. More fun.
Tues we finished up at the dance hall but no water yet so will probably have to go out later and check over.
We are planning on moving the shop-- maybe your mother has told you?
We had a sign painted on the truck Sunday. It is Black and shaded with yellow and Green (pale). I sorta like it and it only cost just $5.00 LEE SCOTT, PLUMBING, PHONE 621
There was a party at the Baptist Church last night. Francis Wayett asked me Sunday if I were going but I just didn't get around to go.
handwritten letter dated October 19, 1936
Saturday night
10:00 PM
Oct, 17, 1936
Dear Lee -
What? No date on Saturday night? I guess it's sad but true. In fact I've only been out two nights this week. Wednesday to Class and Thursday to an Associated Women Students Progressive Party - so you see I haven't seen Cub all week. He'll probably show up tomorrow. I guess his money is getting low so perhaps I'd better quit him and look for bigger game. How's that for Gold-digging? I didn't intend to start right out and tell you all about my boy friends for they really don't count for a thing with me and I guess you know why. I feel in a sentimental mood tonight so if you don't ever get this letter you'll know I censored it and decided to destroy it.
I was very happy to get your letter this morning along with one for Mom and a "newsy" one from Marge B. I haven't received the package from you yet. Mom says she sent me one also and I haven't received it either. I'll just be patient, I guess.
I'm so anxious to see the new suit. I can't imagine you in a double-breasted suit but I like them very much. I guess I can put up with the brown and red. In fact, I might even get to liking it. Mom seemed to think you weren't interested in killing our China's since you didn't go out. Don't get in jail 'cause I haven't any money to bail you out.
I"m glad your getting your teeth fixed but do be careful! I don't like funerals. (That sounds sort of goofy- as though I didn't care and I really do.) Speaking of funerals, I was surprised to hear about Wally's wife. Remember that Sunday that we saw them at Waterloo. They seemed so happy. She was so young. It seems a shame.
You and Mom both mentioned the possible moving of the shop but neither one said where. Please write me the particulars. It would seem funny not to go to 63 Sherman St. for Scott's Plumbing Shop.
I'm anxious to see the sign. You must send me some pictures of these new improvements. You're surely getting things done in a business way. Is it because I'm not there to take up your time and money? I'm sorry I'm not there but I'm glad you're getting things done.
Why didn't you take Frances to the B.Y. Party? You know what I told you about taking her. They'd have enjoyed having you there and she'd have enjoyed your company. She wrote me a letter this week (I think it was).
Seeings as how I had so much spare time laying around waste I attacked another subject- Mechanical Drawing- Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. I'm not so very far behind and it's easy after what I had of it last year. I've been working on it all evening. It's lots of fun and Darwin teaches it in High School so he helps me when I get stuck.
You should see me swim by now. I can go the width of the tank on the back stroke (you kick your arms and legs like a frog and lay on your back) The water is getting a little cool but she keeps us too busy to stop and think of that.
It has been raining off and on all day. Surely seems good after so much hot, dry weather.
Yesterday ended the first 6-weeks and grades come out next week. We'll see if Little Betty stands at the head of her class.
Your picture is sitting in front of me and I'd give every cent I've got if it was you. Just two more months and one more week and I'll be heading north as fast as the bus (or whatever I'll go in) can take me!!! I'm not homesick but just ----well, you've been away from home so you know what I mean.
Mom and Marjorie both mentioned Eldon and Edna's affair and wondered if i would be serious this time. What is your private and candid opinion?
Say, I've written three sheets so I guess I'd better sign off before you wear out your eyes trying to figure this out. It's a quarter 'till eleven anyway so "goodnight"
Monday afternoon
Lee-------------your old dear! I could just hug you! (if you were here) How sweet of you to send me stationery just when I needed it! And that darling container or holder or whatever you call it. I have it tacked up right in front of my desk. Maybe I'll get caught up on my correspondence with it to remind me. If you can't understand my ravings, what I really mean is "Thanks a lot!"
I just came home from taking a Physics test in which I believe I did very good except for the last problem and it is all wrong. The six-weeks have just ended so grades will soon be out. I wonder how I'll stand.
I was elected Sec'y-Treas. of the Sophomore Class this morning. What do you think of that? I guess I'm sort of coming up in the world.
I sat with Cub in church yesterday morning and then he brot' me home but I'm mad. He didn't come to see me all week, he went to a J.C. Football game without coming by, and yesterday morning it was raining pitchforks and puppy dogs tails and he didn't even bother to come by and get me so ---when he said as I got out at noon yesterday "I'll be seeing you." I said "Oh, yeah?" and that was that! I haven't seen him since and don't care if I never do. Maybe I get mad too easily but I've been about ready to quit him for a long time and this was the last straw!
I must initiate my new stationery by writing to you on it. I hope you didn't expect a letter earlier. I didn't get around to finishing this yesterday and I sort of wanted to wait until I got your package.
I don't think this week will be quite as busy as the last few. I'll be mighty glad for a chance to get caught up on my sleep and studies.
If anyone tells you it never rains in California, you tell them to go jump in the lake. Yesterday and Saturday night it rained as hard as it ever does in Oregon. It surely seemed good. I'd like to have gone out and stood in it but I was afraid I'd catch my death of cold and I didn't have time anyway. Today is one of those dull dreary days. It seems so funny here after so much sunshine.
Well, it's ten after 3 and must write a letter to the folks before my 4 o'clock gym class so good-bye.
P.S. I'll be expecting a letter on Saturday! Thanks again for remembering me in all your prosperity.
Saturday night
10:00 PM
Oct, 17, 1936
Dear Lee -
What? No date on Saturday night? I guess it's sad but true. In fact I've only been out two nights this week. Wednesday to Class and Thursday to an Associated Women Students Progressive Party - so you see I haven't seen Cub all week. He'll probably show up tomorrow. I guess his money is getting low so perhaps I'd better quit him and look for bigger game. How's that for Gold-digging? I didn't intend to start right out and tell you all about my boy friends for they really don't count for a thing with me and I guess you know why. I feel in a sentimental mood tonight so if you don't ever get this letter you'll know I censored it and decided to destroy it.
I was very happy to get your letter this morning along with one for Mom and a "newsy" one from Marge B. I haven't received the package from you yet. Mom says she sent me one also and I haven't received it either. I'll just be patient, I guess.
I'm so anxious to see the new suit. I can't imagine you in a double-breasted suit but I like them very much. I guess I can put up with the brown and red. In fact, I might even get to liking it. Mom seemed to think you weren't interested in killing our China's since you didn't go out. Don't get in jail 'cause I haven't any money to bail you out.
I"m glad your getting your teeth fixed but do be careful! I don't like funerals. (That sounds sort of goofy- as though I didn't care and I really do.) Speaking of funerals, I was surprised to hear about Wally's wife. Remember that Sunday that we saw them at Waterloo. They seemed so happy. She was so young. It seems a shame.
You and Mom both mentioned the possible moving of the shop but neither one said where. Please write me the particulars. It would seem funny not to go to 63 Sherman St. for Scott's Plumbing Shop.
I'm anxious to see the sign. You must send me some pictures of these new improvements. You're surely getting things done in a business way. Is it because I'm not there to take up your time and money? I'm sorry I'm not there but I'm glad you're getting things done.
Why didn't you take Frances to the B.Y. Party? You know what I told you about taking her. They'd have enjoyed having you there and she'd have enjoyed your company. She wrote me a letter this week (I think it was).
Seeings as how I had so much spare time laying around waste I attacked another subject- Mechanical Drawing- Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. I'm not so very far behind and it's easy after what I had of it last year. I've been working on it all evening. It's lots of fun and Darwin teaches it in High School so he helps me when I get stuck.
You should see me swim by now. I can go the width of the tank on the back stroke (you kick your arms and legs like a frog and lay on your back) The water is getting a little cool but she keeps us too busy to stop and think of that.
It has been raining off and on all day. Surely seems good after so much hot, dry weather.
Yesterday ended the first 6-weeks and grades come out next week. We'll see if Little Betty stands at the head of her class.
Your picture is sitting in front of me and I'd give every cent I've got if it was you. Just two more months and one more week and I'll be heading north as fast as the bus (or whatever I'll go in) can take me!!! I'm not homesick but just ----well, you've been away from home so you know what I mean.
Mom and Marjorie both mentioned Eldon and Edna's affair and wondered if i would be serious this time. What is your private and candid opinion?
Say, I've written three sheets so I guess I'd better sign off before you wear out your eyes trying to figure this out. It's a quarter 'till eleven anyway so "goodnight"
Monday afternoon
Lee-------------your old dear! I could just hug you! (if you were here) How sweet of you to send me stationery just when I needed it! And that darling container or holder or whatever you call it. I have it tacked up right in front of my desk. Maybe I'll get caught up on my correspondence with it to remind me. If you can't understand my ravings, what I really mean is "Thanks a lot!"
I just came home from taking a Physics test in which I believe I did very good except for the last problem and it is all wrong. The six-weeks have just ended so grades will soon be out. I wonder how I'll stand.
I was elected Sec'y-Treas. of the Sophomore Class this morning. What do you think of that? I guess I'm sort of coming up in the world.
I sat with Cub in church yesterday morning and then he brot' me home but I'm mad. He didn't come to see me all week, he went to a J.C. Football game without coming by, and yesterday morning it was raining pitchforks and puppy dogs tails and he didn't even bother to come by and get me so ---when he said as I got out at noon yesterday "I'll be seeing you." I said "Oh, yeah?" and that was that! I haven't seen him since and don't care if I never do. Maybe I get mad too easily but I've been about ready to quit him for a long time and this was the last straw!
I must initiate my new stationery by writing to you on it. I hope you didn't expect a letter earlier. I didn't get around to finishing this yesterday and I sort of wanted to wait until I got your package.
I don't think this week will be quite as busy as the last few. I'll be mighty glad for a chance to get caught up on my sleep and studies.
If anyone tells you it never rains in California, you tell them to go jump in the lake. Yesterday and Saturday night it rained as hard as it ever does in Oregon. It surely seemed good. I'd like to have gone out and stood in it but I was afraid I'd catch my death of cold and I didn't have time anyway. Today is one of those dull dreary days. It seems so funny here after so much sunshine.
Well, it's ten after 3 and must write a letter to the folks before my 4 o'clock gym class so good-bye.
P.S. I'll be expecting a letter on Saturday! Thanks again for remembering me in all your prosperity.
handwritten letter postmarked October 22, 1936
11 PM
Dear Bet,
Have just figured the fixtures for a house that I hope to figure on tomorrow. Was supposed to be about a duplicate of George Surrey's house.
If I get this house I am suppose to get another one almost like it. George Harden is the contractor so am not losing too much sleep over it.
Oh, yes, I received your letter this morning and read it this noon. Dad called it a night letter.
We (Mr Eastman and I) sold Charles Green a furnace this morning and have a good chance of selling one to Kenneth Fuller (he went to Silverton this morning and was visiting there while we were investigating his house here) and one to Mr Tucker who is building a house right across the street north from Charles Green. Not much money in it for me but I got out of work this morning by doing this.
Early this morning I went to Albany and got Mr. Charles Stone and brought him over to do some sheet metal work for us to be used at the Nut Plant. Day before yesterday Earnest and his brother-in-law hung 47' OG Gutter (on the third floor-height I mean) at the Nut Plant for us for the Nut Plant.
Oh, the building is to be built on to the East side of the new building they have built for Eichner on the same place as his old building stood. We will be just across the street from brother Bade. More Fun!!!
The contract for the new theater building has been let and the man that got it is to have Bade do the plumbing so Br. Bade is in the highest of spirits and so am I??
I was to to your parents for breakfast Sun AM. No pheasants. Read your descriptive letter.
Well, give the boy a chance.
Sorry I don't know any gossip --am glad you like the package. Any money in that sophomore job?
Glad you got it.
11 PM
Dear Bet,
Have just figured the fixtures for a house that I hope to figure on tomorrow. Was supposed to be about a duplicate of George Surrey's house.
If I get this house I am suppose to get another one almost like it. George Harden is the contractor so am not losing too much sleep over it.
Oh, yes, I received your letter this morning and read it this noon. Dad called it a night letter.
We (Mr Eastman and I) sold Charles Green a furnace this morning and have a good chance of selling one to Kenneth Fuller (he went to Silverton this morning and was visiting there while we were investigating his house here) and one to Mr Tucker who is building a house right across the street north from Charles Green. Not much money in it for me but I got out of work this morning by doing this.
Early this morning I went to Albany and got Mr. Charles Stone and brought him over to do some sheet metal work for us to be used at the Nut Plant. Day before yesterday Earnest and his brother-in-law hung 47' OG Gutter (on the third floor-height I mean) at the Nut Plant for us for the Nut Plant.
Oh, the building is to be built on to the East side of the new building they have built for Eichner on the same place as his old building stood. We will be just across the street from brother Bade. More Fun!!!
The contract for the new theater building has been let and the man that got it is to have Bade do the plumbing so Br. Bade is in the highest of spirits and so am I??
I was to to your parents for breakfast Sun AM. No pheasants. Read your descriptive letter.
Well, give the boy a chance.
Sorry I don't know any gossip --am glad you like the package. Any money in that sophomore job?
Glad you got it.
typewritten letter postmarked October 25, 1936
Sunday afternoon
Dear Lee---
I'll bet you wish you were here. The boys and I just made a plate of Fudge and boy was it good. The folks went to see "Anthony Adverse" so it was up to me to take care of the boys for the afternoon.
This week has not been quite so busy. Friday night I sent to Selma to a BY Rally. Just as we drove into the town I saw a sign "Hear James Earl Ladd at the Christian Church" I almost ditched the BY Rally and went to hear him. Do you remember about year ago now, wasn't it? when he was in Lebanon? We went on into Fresno after the Rally and went to the New Shanghai in China town there and had Chow Mein. It was very good and lots of fun. There was only one boy in our carload and he was a little Sophomore in High School so I didn't get to do a bit of flirting. Wasn't that a shame? Last might we had a spooky Halloween Party at Ruth's. It was a Sunday School Party. We had lots of fun. At the business meeting I was elected Pres. of the Pilot Class. I guess I'm sort of getting up into the 500. Ahem, ahem!!
We got our report cards the other day. I got an A-,2Bs and a C.
So your Dad thought my letter was a long one, did he? Did he get my card? I guess I sent it a little early, or did I? So you get to be in a brand new building? That will be swell. Will it be done by Christmas? Are you building it? or is somebody else? Will it hold several shops or just the one? You see I'm terribly curious.
I guess I can't give Cub a chance as he left last Thursday for Fillmore, Calif. without even coming and bidding me farewell, so what am I to do?
My mind doesn't seem to be working right today. Maybe it's because I'm trying to get the best of a cold. Don't get too close to me or you might catch it.
I went to a football game yesterday. Coalinga JC vs. Bakersfield JC. They beat us 14-0 but that wan't so bad considering that they had about twice as many men as we did.
I can't seem to get my mind focused on anything more of importance so I"ll just stop before I put in a lot of trash.
I am enclosing a Halloween fortune that I got a hold of and made me think of you. Oh, yes, a lady told my fortune last night. She said I would be very happy and have lots of fun and take a journey across the sea but she could see no love in my life. I would live a long time and be very happy but ----no love.
Enclosed was fortune: To none but thee I will complain---
There's none I love so well;
But far from thee I grieve in pain,
To whom I've bid farewell.
Sunday afternoon
Dear Lee---
I'll bet you wish you were here. The boys and I just made a plate of Fudge and boy was it good. The folks went to see "Anthony Adverse" so it was up to me to take care of the boys for the afternoon.
This week has not been quite so busy. Friday night I sent to Selma to a BY Rally. Just as we drove into the town I saw a sign "Hear James Earl Ladd at the Christian Church" I almost ditched the BY Rally and went to hear him. Do you remember about year ago now, wasn't it? when he was in Lebanon? We went on into Fresno after the Rally and went to the New Shanghai in China town there and had Chow Mein. It was very good and lots of fun. There was only one boy in our carload and he was a little Sophomore in High School so I didn't get to do a bit of flirting. Wasn't that a shame? Last might we had a spooky Halloween Party at Ruth's. It was a Sunday School Party. We had lots of fun. At the business meeting I was elected Pres. of the Pilot Class. I guess I'm sort of getting up into the 500. Ahem, ahem!!
We got our report cards the other day. I got an A-,2Bs and a C.
So your Dad thought my letter was a long one, did he? Did he get my card? I guess I sent it a little early, or did I? So you get to be in a brand new building? That will be swell. Will it be done by Christmas? Are you building it? or is somebody else? Will it hold several shops or just the one? You see I'm terribly curious.
I guess I can't give Cub a chance as he left last Thursday for Fillmore, Calif. without even coming and bidding me farewell, so what am I to do?
My mind doesn't seem to be working right today. Maybe it's because I'm trying to get the best of a cold. Don't get too close to me or you might catch it.
I went to a football game yesterday. Coalinga JC vs. Bakersfield JC. They beat us 14-0 but that wan't so bad considering that they had about twice as many men as we did.
I can't seem to get my mind focused on anything more of importance so I"ll just stop before I put in a lot of trash.
I am enclosing a Halloween fortune that I got a hold of and made me think of you. Oh, yes, a lady told my fortune last night. She said I would be very happy and have lots of fun and take a journey across the sea but she could see no love in my life. I would live a long time and be very happy but ----no love.
Enclosed was fortune: To none but thee I will complain---
There's none I love so well;
But far from thee I grieve in pain,
To whom I've bid farewell.
handwritten letter postmarked October 28, 1936
Dear Bet
Cold, chilly evening and here I am in bed and just a little after ten. Received your lengthy letter today.
I went to Portland Sunday afternoon. Lena Musgrave went with me and we went via Silverton. We attended CE out at Freemont and Sandy. Not many there but a nice meeting. I stayed at Orin's. Had a nice visit. I finally got loaded up and headed out of Portland by noon. I purchased an electric drill. Better than ninety bucks.
We started on Mr. Tuckers house today. The drill is just the thing for drilling the holes for roughing in. It is a large heavy one 3/4" heavy duty - Black and Decker.
I spent most of my time over at Charley Green's watching the Silverton men install the furnace. They think they will have it finished by late tomorrow evening.
They said they would show me a few tricks to the trade. Today was mostly preliminaries.
Gee, it sounds like you are getting up in about the 1000 class. You will never be able to leave all that. It is better to be king among dogs as dog among kings.
I don't know much more about the new building that you do. Joe Myers is building it. But they haven't started yet.
Make up some more candy when you run out of something to do.
Dear Bet
Cold, chilly evening and here I am in bed and just a little after ten. Received your lengthy letter today.
I went to Portland Sunday afternoon. Lena Musgrave went with me and we went via Silverton. We attended CE out at Freemont and Sandy. Not many there but a nice meeting. I stayed at Orin's. Had a nice visit. I finally got loaded up and headed out of Portland by noon. I purchased an electric drill. Better than ninety bucks.
We started on Mr. Tuckers house today. The drill is just the thing for drilling the holes for roughing in. It is a large heavy one 3/4" heavy duty - Black and Decker.
I spent most of my time over at Charley Green's watching the Silverton men install the furnace. They think they will have it finished by late tomorrow evening.
They said they would show me a few tricks to the trade. Today was mostly preliminaries.
Gee, it sounds like you are getting up in about the 1000 class. You will never be able to leave all that. It is better to be king among dogs as dog among kings.
I don't know much more about the new building that you do. Joe Myers is building it. But they haven't started yet.
Make up some more candy when you run out of something to do.
handwritten letter postmarked October 30, 1936
Friday afternoon
Dear Lee--
I was rather surprised to get your letter today but also very pleased. I have plenty of studying that I might do but instead I'm going to write to you.
I've got a new dress! Mom sent me the money last Wednesday and I went right down and got it. It's grey silk crepe with bright colored embroidery, a high neck and big puff sleeves. I like it very much but you probably won't.
Your trip to Portland sounded interesting. Am I to infer that you and Lena are going together now? It sure sounds like your getting in the money to buy a drill for $90 without blinking an eye (or did you?)
Say, listen to me you big bum! Don't you think I won't be able to leave all this! Why, never a day goes by but what I stop and count the days, weeks, or months 'till I"ll be back there. Every time anyone mentions Christmas (by the way it's exactly 8 weeks from today) my old heart starts thumping! What did you mean by it being "better to be king among dogs as dog among kings"? Do you mean I'm a dog or a king? I don't see how I could be either.
I'm really almost getting the big head down here. I'm always getting a compliment from someone. One lady said I was such a sweet, charming, wholesome girl! And Oh! I hear a lot of nice things but whooie! I know they're just blarneying so I try to forget it. and speaking of compliments I've heard from up Lebanon several times as to how nice you look in your new suit and hat. I'd surely like to pass judgement on them. How do you suppose your new suit will go with my new dress? I'm going to wear it tonight to the Preacher's reception so I'll see how it goes with some of the suits down here.
Our play (Drama Class) is going to be put on first the afternoon of Nov 19 and I don't even know all my first act real good.
Oh dear! When I think of how much I have to do --------- and to think, I'm wasting my time writing a lot of stuff you don't care to read and doing everything in general, that I shouldn't.
I wish I was going home for the weekend and had all my studying done ready to have a grand time. It won't be long tho' so I guess I'll keep plugging along.
Friday afternoon
Dear Lee--
I was rather surprised to get your letter today but also very pleased. I have plenty of studying that I might do but instead I'm going to write to you.
I've got a new dress! Mom sent me the money last Wednesday and I went right down and got it. It's grey silk crepe with bright colored embroidery, a high neck and big puff sleeves. I like it very much but you probably won't.
Your trip to Portland sounded interesting. Am I to infer that you and Lena are going together now? It sure sounds like your getting in the money to buy a drill for $90 without blinking an eye (or did you?)
Say, listen to me you big bum! Don't you think I won't be able to leave all this! Why, never a day goes by but what I stop and count the days, weeks, or months 'till I"ll be back there. Every time anyone mentions Christmas (by the way it's exactly 8 weeks from today) my old heart starts thumping! What did you mean by it being "better to be king among dogs as dog among kings"? Do you mean I'm a dog or a king? I don't see how I could be either.
I'm really almost getting the big head down here. I'm always getting a compliment from someone. One lady said I was such a sweet, charming, wholesome girl! And Oh! I hear a lot of nice things but whooie! I know they're just blarneying so I try to forget it. and speaking of compliments I've heard from up Lebanon several times as to how nice you look in your new suit and hat. I'd surely like to pass judgement on them. How do you suppose your new suit will go with my new dress? I'm going to wear it tonight to the Preacher's reception so I'll see how it goes with some of the suits down here.
Our play (Drama Class) is going to be put on first the afternoon of Nov 19 and I don't even know all my first act real good.
Oh dear! When I think of how much I have to do --------- and to think, I'm wasting my time writing a lot of stuff you don't care to read and doing everything in general, that I shouldn't.
I wish I was going home for the weekend and had all my studying done ready to have a grand time. It won't be long tho' so I guess I'll keep plugging along.
handwritten letter postmarked November 4, 1936
In Bed
Dear Bet,
Yours received and contents noted.
Dawsons radio has been spealing about Wolves of the wine press or something like that. The radio has died down till I can't make out anything so will scratch just a little.
Oh, yes from what I have heard the Sunflowers are about done for-dropping fast.
Your dear cousin was to go to Silverton again this Sunday. Terrible! He asked me if I wanted to go.
Dad and I looked around for a cow in the afternoon but haven't found one yet.
We started on Paul Chilcote's new house Monday morning. We worked there today, too. It was raining this evening so will probably put coils in Charles Greens new Eastman furnace in the morning.
They have finally started on our new building.
The work on the new theater is progressing very rapidly. Very few local men are working on it.
I did not get to speak to your folks Sunday. Hunting season is over and I never killed a thing but a couple of Mom's bantams.
Paul Chilcote is building his house across the street east from Chet Meyers on the lot he purchased from Mrs. Turnidge.
Don Furch and Bill Guy in Bill Guys car and Keeblers and some body else had an auto accident just south of the Power Plant Sunday night. I do not know the particulars.
Don Keebler was down in Portland trying to run things and someone broke his jaw, I don't know any particulars.
The wind is sorta blowing and I am getting scared. Maybe I had better get to sleep.
Oh yes, I dined with LaForges Saturday. More fun.
In Bed
Dear Bet,
Yours received and contents noted.
Dawsons radio has been spealing about Wolves of the wine press or something like that. The radio has died down till I can't make out anything so will scratch just a little.
Oh, yes from what I have heard the Sunflowers are about done for-dropping fast.
Your dear cousin was to go to Silverton again this Sunday. Terrible! He asked me if I wanted to go.
Dad and I looked around for a cow in the afternoon but haven't found one yet.
We started on Paul Chilcote's new house Monday morning. We worked there today, too. It was raining this evening so will probably put coils in Charles Greens new Eastman furnace in the morning.
They have finally started on our new building.
The work on the new theater is progressing very rapidly. Very few local men are working on it.
I did not get to speak to your folks Sunday. Hunting season is over and I never killed a thing but a couple of Mom's bantams.
Paul Chilcote is building his house across the street east from Chet Meyers on the lot he purchased from Mrs. Turnidge.
Don Furch and Bill Guy in Bill Guys car and Keeblers and some body else had an auto accident just south of the Power Plant Sunday night. I do not know the particulars.
Don Keebler was down in Portland trying to run things and someone broke his jaw, I don't know any particulars.
The wind is sorta blowing and I am getting scared. Maybe I had better get to sleep.
Oh yes, I dined with LaForges Saturday. More fun.
typed letter postmarked November 8, 1936
Sunday afternoon
Dear Lee ---
Well, you old Democrat, how does it feel to still be in power? Personally I think it is a big mistake for you Demo.s to be in again but we hope for the best.
Why didn't you go to Silverton? Surely there are some good looking girls over there.
So you have been stepping out on me, huh? Going up and eating dinner with La Forges. Am I mad? Am I mad?
There's really not much new from this end of the country. Tuesday night a WWG meeting. Wednesday night Play practice. Thursday a Sophomore class Barbeque that was a flop as far as I was concerned. The meat was good but the crowd was a mess.
Friday and Saturday I stayed home and in a few minutes I have committee meeting and then tonight I lead BY on Building---the same lesson that I lead at home just before I came.
Armistice Day will soon be here, then Thanksgiving, then Christmas!
This is a poor excuse for a letter but you that I'm well and happy so I guess that will have to suffice.
P.S. Mom sent me clippings telling of Opal Garland's wedding and a shower for Vena Holst who is to be married soon. What is the younger generation coming to?
editor's note: Franklin Roosevelt won by a landslide in 1936. Bet was a lifelong Republican, Lee a Democrat. That was always a puzzle to their kids.
Sunday afternoon
Dear Lee ---
Well, you old Democrat, how does it feel to still be in power? Personally I think it is a big mistake for you Demo.s to be in again but we hope for the best.
Why didn't you go to Silverton? Surely there are some good looking girls over there.
So you have been stepping out on me, huh? Going up and eating dinner with La Forges. Am I mad? Am I mad?
There's really not much new from this end of the country. Tuesday night a WWG meeting. Wednesday night Play practice. Thursday a Sophomore class Barbeque that was a flop as far as I was concerned. The meat was good but the crowd was a mess.
Friday and Saturday I stayed home and in a few minutes I have committee meeting and then tonight I lead BY on Building---the same lesson that I lead at home just before I came.
Armistice Day will soon be here, then Thanksgiving, then Christmas!
This is a poor excuse for a letter but you that I'm well and happy so I guess that will have to suffice.
P.S. Mom sent me clippings telling of Opal Garland's wedding and a shower for Vena Holst who is to be married soon. What is the younger generation coming to?
editor's note: Franklin Roosevelt won by a landslide in 1936. Bet was a lifelong Republican, Lee a Democrat. That was always a puzzle to their kids.
handwritten letter postmarked November 17, 1936
Tuesday morning
Nov. 10, 1936
Dear Lee --
I suddenly had a desire to write to you so I'm doing it instead of studying as I should. Seems like when I wait until Sunday to write I can't think of much to say so I'm starting now and it will probably end up by being another magazine.
I have a secret to tell you. I believe I told you and I'm quite certain I did the folks, that we had classes right up until a day or two before Christmas. Just yesterday I found out that we get out Friday Dec. 18th (nearly a week before Christmas!) My plan is to let the folks keep on thinking that I"ll be home Christmas Eve but I'll take the bus from Fresno, Friday P.M. and get into Albany Sat. P.M. Then if you could meet me there we'd drive out home and surprise the folks. I know this more than a month away but I got to thinking about it and I just had to write to you. We get two full weeks and 3 weekends vacation! Course, I s'pose your getting so stuck up with your new suit and all that you wouldn't even consider coming over to Albany to meet a goofy gal like me. Am I right?
Tomorrow is Armistice Day and I can surely use a day's vacation. My clothes are all a mess and my lessons all need studying. Did I tell you I had my hair cut? It was getting down about to my shoulders and I remembered your saying my neck was too short to wear my hair long and so Rachel cut it. It surely is a mess now! It's so short I look like something the cat's drug in. It's a real shingle up the back. I hope it grows some before Christmas.
I suppose you saw Marion's pictures. He sent (through Mom) me the ones of you laying on the sand and you and I and Grace and Mr. & Mrs. Holmes on the sand, and the one of you and I and the Dodge taken at Kent's. When I showed Rachel the last one she said "my what a pretty tree!" I like it very much.
We are to put on our play at Visalia Dec. 4 and I don't know any of act III yet. Don't you think I'd better get busy.
I bet you think ("what a goofy gal") one time I write a book and the next time a short note but it all depends upon the time I have and the mood I'm in. I write the same way to the folks. By the way, don't you even hint to a soul that I'm coming home early. I had a notion to surprise you too but I was afraid I'd find you "stepping out" so -----.
Did I tell you that I may spend all of Thanksgiving week here alone? The folks are going over to Fresno to test John's eyes and I don't want to go along, but I may. If not, I'll have the whole house to myself so I can surely run things my way. I tho't some of going to Los Angeles but it costs more than I want to spend right now and I guess I can make pretty good use of my time here.
I didn't have any classes this morning but there's an AWS meeting at 11:30 and since it's getting along about that time I'll quit scribbling for the time being.
Thurs. nite
Tsk-tsk! Here I am starting to add some more to this letter and it still isn't time to mail it. I was just reading The Lebanon Distress. Is this new building really yours? or are you just going to rent it? Sounds good anyway. I surely don't like the paper so well with the new managers. It's so full of mistakes I can hardly read it.
I just came home from a Guild meeting. Chocolate cake and tea. Don't you wish you'd been there?
I got a letter from "Smithie" today. She says she's working near me and thinks I'd better look out. Should I? She sent me a hug and kiss from you. Where did she get them? She said Mom that I was getting lonesome. Does she tell you that too? You inform everyone that I"m not the least bit lonesome and I'm having the time of my life. It is grand down here. The kids are all swell. Almost as nice as the kids in Lebanon. I've been getting acquainted with a minister, Rowland Dow (20 years old). Did I tell you about him? We've been on a committee or two together and I find him very interesting. He came from Texas and preaches at Oilfields ( a small oil community). He has a girl friend in Fresno, so don't worry, but he's very interesting to talk with and he has some excellent ideas. I try to write them down so I can give some good BY meetings when I go home.
Here I've written another page so I guess I'll stop for to-nite.
(a girl called me Bet today and it surely sounded swell!)
Tuesday Morn.
Nov. 17, 1936
Well! Why haven't I received a letter from you? I don't know whether to be mad or sad or what? I know my last letter was short but I thought you'd answer it. Didn't you even get it? Or have you written and the letter is lost? or are you through with me? If it's the latter please drop me a card to that effect and ignore the first part of this letter.
Oh dear! I guess I'm very silly but you've got me worried. The last thatI've heard about you was your eating dinner with Lydia. Did you run off with her?
I'm busy all this week and this is about the only time I have to study so I won't bore you with anymore.
I'll mail this and if you haven't written before you get it, please write and tell me where I stand. Far be it from me to keep on writing if you don't care to hear from me!
Betty McClain
Editor's note: The Lebanon Distress is slang for the local paper, The Lebanon Express. Also, the first time she says Love, Bet!
Tuesday morning
Nov. 10, 1936
Dear Lee --
I suddenly had a desire to write to you so I'm doing it instead of studying as I should. Seems like when I wait until Sunday to write I can't think of much to say so I'm starting now and it will probably end up by being another magazine.
I have a secret to tell you. I believe I told you and I'm quite certain I did the folks, that we had classes right up until a day or two before Christmas. Just yesterday I found out that we get out Friday Dec. 18th (nearly a week before Christmas!) My plan is to let the folks keep on thinking that I"ll be home Christmas Eve but I'll take the bus from Fresno, Friday P.M. and get into Albany Sat. P.M. Then if you could meet me there we'd drive out home and surprise the folks. I know this more than a month away but I got to thinking about it and I just had to write to you. We get two full weeks and 3 weekends vacation! Course, I s'pose your getting so stuck up with your new suit and all that you wouldn't even consider coming over to Albany to meet a goofy gal like me. Am I right?
Tomorrow is Armistice Day and I can surely use a day's vacation. My clothes are all a mess and my lessons all need studying. Did I tell you I had my hair cut? It was getting down about to my shoulders and I remembered your saying my neck was too short to wear my hair long and so Rachel cut it. It surely is a mess now! It's so short I look like something the cat's drug in. It's a real shingle up the back. I hope it grows some before Christmas.
I suppose you saw Marion's pictures. He sent (through Mom) me the ones of you laying on the sand and you and I and Grace and Mr. & Mrs. Holmes on the sand, and the one of you and I and the Dodge taken at Kent's. When I showed Rachel the last one she said "my what a pretty tree!" I like it very much.
We are to put on our play at Visalia Dec. 4 and I don't know any of act III yet. Don't you think I'd better get busy.
I bet you think ("what a goofy gal") one time I write a book and the next time a short note but it all depends upon the time I have and the mood I'm in. I write the same way to the folks. By the way, don't you even hint to a soul that I'm coming home early. I had a notion to surprise you too but I was afraid I'd find you "stepping out" so -----.
Did I tell you that I may spend all of Thanksgiving week here alone? The folks are going over to Fresno to test John's eyes and I don't want to go along, but I may. If not, I'll have the whole house to myself so I can surely run things my way. I tho't some of going to Los Angeles but it costs more than I want to spend right now and I guess I can make pretty good use of my time here.
I didn't have any classes this morning but there's an AWS meeting at 11:30 and since it's getting along about that time I'll quit scribbling for the time being.
Thurs. nite
Tsk-tsk! Here I am starting to add some more to this letter and it still isn't time to mail it. I was just reading The Lebanon Distress. Is this new building really yours? or are you just going to rent it? Sounds good anyway. I surely don't like the paper so well with the new managers. It's so full of mistakes I can hardly read it.
I just came home from a Guild meeting. Chocolate cake and tea. Don't you wish you'd been there?
I got a letter from "Smithie" today. She says she's working near me and thinks I'd better look out. Should I? She sent me a hug and kiss from you. Where did she get them? She said Mom that I was getting lonesome. Does she tell you that too? You inform everyone that I"m not the least bit lonesome and I'm having the time of my life. It is grand down here. The kids are all swell. Almost as nice as the kids in Lebanon. I've been getting acquainted with a minister, Rowland Dow (20 years old). Did I tell you about him? We've been on a committee or two together and I find him very interesting. He came from Texas and preaches at Oilfields ( a small oil community). He has a girl friend in Fresno, so don't worry, but he's very interesting to talk with and he has some excellent ideas. I try to write them down so I can give some good BY meetings when I go home.
Here I've written another page so I guess I'll stop for to-nite.
(a girl called me Bet today and it surely sounded swell!)
Tuesday Morn.
Nov. 17, 1936
Well! Why haven't I received a letter from you? I don't know whether to be mad or sad or what? I know my last letter was short but I thought you'd answer it. Didn't you even get it? Or have you written and the letter is lost? or are you through with me? If it's the latter please drop me a card to that effect and ignore the first part of this letter.
Oh dear! I guess I'm very silly but you've got me worried. The last thatI've heard about you was your eating dinner with Lydia. Did you run off with her?
I'm busy all this week and this is about the only time I have to study so I won't bore you with anymore.
I'll mail this and if you haven't written before you get it, please write and tell me where I stand. Far be it from me to keep on writing if you don't care to hear from me!
Betty McClain
Editor's note: The Lebanon Distress is slang for the local paper, The Lebanon Express. Also, the first time she says Love, Bet!
handwritten letter postmarked November 16, 1936
In Bed
Dear Bet,
How is every little thing? We surely have had a beautiful day. It turned warmer and the sun shone nice today. Somewhat cooler again this evening.
I left home here Thursday morning twenty after four and arrived in Portland for my breakfast. Gee, but it was foggy. I brought back 200 feet of terra cotta sewer tile and was back to Lebanon soon after twelve. We spent Thursday afternoon laying tile also parts of Friday and Saturday. We layed the tile for Carl Whinery's new house. Also hooked Boggie's house up to the city sewer.
Friday and Saturday nights we pestered your parents and got all the money we could from them. From what they said you must like California better and better all the time. Would they give you half price for your dress?
Eldon dined with us today. After dinner we motored to Sweet Home and measured up the two McCreedy houses for lave trough and mapped out Harry Johnston's house for a furnace. They are all just estimates. We put in the afternoon measuring so nothing ventured nothing gained.
Eldon tells me Edna sorta strung him along. A week ago Sunday when he was down she had another boy friend there too. I never got the details.
Dad has been in bed since Friday with a cold but we think he is a lot better. We will not be up tomorrow either. The laundry people keep a key and I put a sign on the door to call there. They are very accommodating that way.
The strike in Portland has raised the price on materials. Most of what I sell and use is made in the east and all rail shipments are high, high!
I greased the truck this morning under Virgil's instruction for the first time for me.
In Bed
Dear Bet,
How is every little thing? We surely have had a beautiful day. It turned warmer and the sun shone nice today. Somewhat cooler again this evening.
I left home here Thursday morning twenty after four and arrived in Portland for my breakfast. Gee, but it was foggy. I brought back 200 feet of terra cotta sewer tile and was back to Lebanon soon after twelve. We spent Thursday afternoon laying tile also parts of Friday and Saturday. We layed the tile for Carl Whinery's new house. Also hooked Boggie's house up to the city sewer.
Friday and Saturday nights we pestered your parents and got all the money we could from them. From what they said you must like California better and better all the time. Would they give you half price for your dress?
Eldon dined with us today. After dinner we motored to Sweet Home and measured up the two McCreedy houses for lave trough and mapped out Harry Johnston's house for a furnace. They are all just estimates. We put in the afternoon measuring so nothing ventured nothing gained.
Eldon tells me Edna sorta strung him along. A week ago Sunday when he was down she had another boy friend there too. I never got the details.
Dad has been in bed since Friday with a cold but we think he is a lot better. We will not be up tomorrow either. The laundry people keep a key and I put a sign on the door to call there. They are very accommodating that way.
The strike in Portland has raised the price on materials. Most of what I sell and use is made in the east and all rail shipments are high, high!
I greased the truck this morning under Virgil's instruction for the first time for me.
handwritten letter postmarked November 18, 1936
Wednesday morn.
Dear Lee --
Well, it's about time I got a letter from you. I suppose I'll have to answer it or you won't write for another week and a half.
I want you to understand that I didn't begrudge you the work for the folks, but I don't want them to have things inconvenient just so I can go to school. Looks like they should have waited until I was home but maybe you wouldn't have got anything done if I was there.
So Eldon is going to let another guy get the best of him! You better tell him a thing or two.
I hope your Dad is feeling better.
Well, old dear, exactly one month from the P.M. I'm leaving Coalinga (for two weeks). Will you meet me as planned?
Here I am in the P.O. and it's almost time for the mail to go out. Inez is here with me, so I must dash.
As ever,
Betty's old stand by. By the way Bet isn't having a good time (Like so much)
Inez Kahl, 194 Buchanan, Coalinga, Calif. <------Betty's idea
Wednesday morn.
Dear Lee --
Well, it's about time I got a letter from you. I suppose I'll have to answer it or you won't write for another week and a half.
I want you to understand that I didn't begrudge you the work for the folks, but I don't want them to have things inconvenient just so I can go to school. Looks like they should have waited until I was home but maybe you wouldn't have got anything done if I was there.
So Eldon is going to let another guy get the best of him! You better tell him a thing or two.
I hope your Dad is feeling better.
Well, old dear, exactly one month from the P.M. I'm leaving Coalinga (for two weeks). Will you meet me as planned?
Here I am in the P.O. and it's almost time for the mail to go out. Inez is here with me, so I must dash.
As ever,
Betty's old stand by. By the way Bet isn't having a good time (Like so much)
Inez Kahl, 194 Buchanan, Coalinga, Calif. <------Betty's idea
handwritten letter postmarked November 20, 1936
At the shop
Dear Bet,
Have just had my dinner and it is not quite one. Received your second letter this A.M.
I have plenty of time--60 seconds every minute, but have not much to say right now.
Will mail this so you won't be to excited about what friends might tell you.
I'll meet you at the train if you'll say what hour.
Tell Inez that she writes well but not enough. She is the girl I have the picture of is she not?
No, the building is not ours we are just to rent it. They tell us we may move Tuesday of next week,
Dad's still at home sets up some.
At the shop
Dear Bet,
Have just had my dinner and it is not quite one. Received your second letter this A.M.
I have plenty of time--60 seconds every minute, but have not much to say right now.
Will mail this so you won't be to excited about what friends might tell you.
I'll meet you at the train if you'll say what hour.
Tell Inez that she writes well but not enough. She is the girl I have the picture of is she not?
No, the building is not ours we are just to rent it. They tell us we may move Tuesday of next week,
Dad's still at home sets up some.
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